@article{yuDNSDecayingIsotropic2005, title = {{{DNS}} and {{LES}} of Decaying Isotropic Turbulence with and without Frame Rotation Using Lattice {{Boltzmann}} Method}, author = {Yu, Huidan and Girimaji, Sharath S. and Luo, Li-Shi}, year = {2005}, month = nov, volume = {209}, pages = {599--616}, issn = {00219991}, doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2005.03.022}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, number = {2} } @article{bouzidiMomentumTransferBoltzmannlattice2001, title = {Momentum Transfer of a {{Boltzmann}}-Lattice Fluid with Boundaries}, author = {Bouzidi, M'hamed and Firdaouss, Mouaouia and Lallemand, Pierre}, year = {2001}, month = nov, volume = {13}, pages = {3452--3459}, issn = {1070-6631, 1089-7666}, doi = {10.1063/1.1399290}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, number = {11}, }