AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2014-09-11Squashed 'source/00_content/' changes from 63d9db8..72c93aeAdrian Kummerlaender
72c93ae Added README.md to the content level c30c627 Added CC-BY-SA licence for all textual contents * this only applies for the "source/00_content" subtree ** the actual static site generation implementation is explicitly NOT licensed under the terms of the CC-BY-SA license git-subtree-dir: source/00_content git-subtree-split: 72c93ae35954ebad5e06113ada3fcd4e8b9fc4bb
2014-09-11Added README.md to the content levelAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-11Added CC-BY-SA licence for all textual contentsAdrian Kummerlaender
* this only applies for the "source/00_content" subtree ** the actual static site generation implementation is explicitly NOT licensed under the terms of the CC-BY-SA license
2014-09-11Squashed 'source/00_content/' content from commit 63d9db8Adrian Kummerlaender
git-subtree-dir: source/00_content git-subtree-split: 63d9db8438ed6b32c4a85d487c07ea31bda666e4
2014-09-11Merge commit 'dffe5e060399eea7d8a6985664786cc2a5d933ff' as 'source/00_content'Adrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-11Removed contents as they were relocated into their own repositoryAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-11Expanded formatter embellishment templatesAdrian Kummerlaender
* XHTML elements "h2" and "h3" are replaced with "h3" and "h4" respectively ** modified all existing contents accordingly ** this was done to avoid the gap between the primary heading and subheadings in the markdown depiction of the contents * fleshed out the InputXSLT project page with further information
2014-09-10Added faviconAdrian Kummerlaender
* modified master transformation accordingly * fixed small syntax and grammer error in about page content ** missing dot and missing "and"
2014-09-10Fixed comment paragraph and column stylingAdrian Kummerlaender
* comment paragraphs were neither separated nor justified * columns on archive page were incororrectly split inside their content in Chromium ** i.e. added "column-break-inside: avoid" property
2014-09-10Added footnote CSS stylingAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-10Fleshed out the about page with further informationAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-09Added legal information and extracted about me pageAdrian Kummerlaender
* basic legal information is provided in English ** further information is provided in German of a separate page
2014-09-09Removed unnecessary absolute linksAdrian Kummerlaender
* there is no reason for generating absolute links as the resulting pages will be served on their own domain
2014-09-09Added comment counter to article pageAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-09Changed footnote link to point to the sites repositoryAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-08Improved Isso styling and fixed "pre" line-breakAdrian Kummerlaender
* Isso improvements ** textarea placeholder font-color ** comment footer font-size * lines of "pre" elements did not break correctly * minified all CSS expressions using YUI
2014-09-08Added basic isso commenting system integrationAdrian Kummerlaender
* [isso](http://posativ.org/isso/) is a Disqus like commenting system written in Python ** self-hosted i.e. no privacy implications ** lightweight and provides all the features I require for this blog * I thought about implementing a commenting system in InputXSLT but sadly I just don't have the time to think of and implement a reasonable XSLT based solution ** maybe a simple REST service for pushing XML from the client into article-dependend comment directories can be implemented in the future * added basic CSS styling for isso comments simmilar to how they currently look in the old Symphony CMS based blog
2014-09-08Fixed contact page i18n and formattingAdrian Kummerlaender
* _obfuscated_ addresses used "punkt" and "ät" instead of "dot" and "at" to symbolize special characters * cgit link was missing a closing colon
2014-09-07Added basic README.mdAdrian Kummerlaender
* documenting the basic functionality and behaviour of the static site generation process
2014-09-07Changed image CSS style to apply also to unlinked imagesAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-07Added picture to contact pageAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-06Simplified access to datasource in target resolutionAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-06Removed unnecessarily complex category sorting logicAdrian Kummerlaender
* it was primarily implemented this way to complement the CSS layout of the page * after trying different approaches it turned out that plain sorting by digest size gives the best results for the contents of my personal page
2014-09-06Replaced custom build system with BuildXSLTAdrian Kummerlaender
* the bootstrapping transformation is not specific to this project and may be used as a starting point for all kinds of projects making use of InputXSLT ** this is why it was extracted into the separate BuildXSLT repository * the new "make.xml" _Makefile_ has to be passed as input to "build.xsl" ** e.g. "ixslt --input make.xml --transformation ../BuildXSLT/build.xsl" * "make.xml" defines the basic transformation chain and its input
2014-09-05Changed make and summarization output method to textAdrian Kummerlaender
* the summarization is generated as plain text and is the sole output of the make stylesheet ** i.e. the correct XSL output method is text, not xml
2014-09-04Removed square bracket syntax for includes in detail stylesheetsAdrian Kummerlaender
* a recent change to InputXSLT enables transformations passed to FunctionGenerate as DOM-trees to behave exactly as if they where located in the same directory as the calling transformation
2014-09-04Moved generation stage stylesheets into "detail" folderAdrian Kummerlaender
* they are read by FunctionReadFile to and passed to FunctionGenerate as a DOM tree to execute them as if they where located in the parent directory ** this is required so they behave as expected without requiring all paths to be absolute * this change was implemented to make it clear that "make.xsl" is the main generation stylesheet ** additionally this further separates the framework implementation from the site-specific stylesheets and contents
2014-09-04Updated source tree datasource query to be more explicitAdrian Kummerlaender
* "00_content" directory is now explicitly referenced * added "source_tree" variable to task processing transformation ** changed datasource meta-tag expressions to reference "source_tree" instead of "$root/source"
2014-09-04Extracted formatter functionality into formatter helper stylesheetAdrian Kummerlaender
* functionality for formatting markdown using kramdown and embellishing the result with e.g. syntax highlighting is required for all content types
2014-09-03Restructured main datasource mode processingAdrian Kummerlaender
* as both the "expression" and "full" mode require only a single call to the "compile" helper template they where merged ** this enabled us to completly remove the fallback call to "compile" * this outer choose statement decides between the "iterate" mode and single call modes
2014-09-03Revamped transformation layout to remove need for the "01_files" levelAdrian Kummerlaender
* "01_files" contained a single "source" transformation which listed the contents of the "00_content" level ** this was unnecessary as the base "list" transformation already lists the contents of all levels * added new "expression" mode to datasource meta tag processing in the task processing transformation ** this expression modes allows for the evaluation of arbitrary XPath statements *** e.g. a query to the results of "list.xsl" * modified base transformation datasource structures to include the level and meta tree * modified all existing content transformations to query the level-tree instead of the deprecated "source.xml" ** i.e. XPath statements ** the main change is that directories are available as "directory" nodes instead of nodes named by the directory name * these changes where implemented to simplify the architecture and to increase flexibility
2014-09-02Moved author name into the meta treeAdrian Kummerlaender
* modified all transformations requiring the author name accordingly
2014-09-02Fixed some broken content linksAdrian Kummerlaender
* the article "2014-07-11_mapping_arrays_using_tuples_in_cpp11" contained a full link to blog.kummerlaender.eu instead of an relative one * the page "input_xslt" contained a wrong cgit link
2014-08-29Removed need for prefixing datasource source attributeAdrian Kummerlaender
* transformations contain one or more "datasource" meta nodes ** these nodes define the required datasources ** up until now it was required to define the whole path to the file to be loaded * the implementation of directory linkage in b942f8e removed the underlying need for providing the source / target prefix ** this commit now updates the generation transformations to match this change *** this simplifies the datasource definition process for the end-user *** additionally it makes the target / source directories easier to maintain * changed cleanage task implementation to remove the whole directory and recreate it from scratch ** otherwise directory linkage and in turn the whole generation failed when the target directory did not exist in the first place * removed task reordering in the process transformation ** tasks are now processed exactly as they were scheduled ** this was changed so that e.g. the "00_content" directory is linked before the first datasource is required
2014-08-29Extracted task counters into variablesAdrian Kummerlaender
* counter value for total and successful tasks moved into named variables ** this improves readability of success summarization logic
2014-08-29Updated contact page and prettylist CSSAdrian Kummerlaender
* fixed prettylist CSS to work in both WebKit and Gecko
2014-08-28Added formatted error output to the summarize transformationAdrian Kummerlaender
* generation errors are returned in the "log" node of the appropriate task node * "summarize.xsl" transforms the nodes of all failed tasks into a easily readable plain-text version ** the output is specialized on the different task types
2014-08-27Modified category sort logic to fit 7db86c6Adrian Kummerlaender
* correct sorting by size requires the "data-type" attribute to be set to "number" * pages are now first sorted as two halves ** descending / ascending respectively * the sorted set is then split into actual halves * the output loop alternates between these halves * changed test for existance to actual test for existance instead of calculating it by ourselfes
2014-08-26Implemented a more balanced category sort logicAdrian Kummerlaender
* random sort order of page-entries on category pages led to unsatisfing results * the entries are now sorted in an alternating fashion depending on their digest length * this produces a much more consistent and balanced output
2014-08-24Implemented basic generation summaryAdrian Kummerlaender
* "summarize.xsl" processes the result-tree of "process.xsl" and outputs a basic plain-text summary ** the plain-text summary is returned as the sole result of calling "make.xsl" * this approach should be easily extensible into i.e. a verbose version in the future * unraveled "make.xsl" structure into separate variables
2014-08-23Expanded output of task processingAdrian Kummerlaender
* partly copy "task" nodes ** augment with result of performing the task * executions of single transformations which expand into multiple target files are now grouped into tasks and subtasks ** a total result value is determined * this change was implemented to aid the implementation of a "generation-digest" view ** such a "view" summarizes the results of task processing and may be configured in e.g. verbosity and error output
2014-08-23Separated task planning and processing into separate transformationsAdrian Kummerlaender
* "plan.xsl" traverses the file-tree provided by "list.xsl" and determines the tasks to be executed * "process.xsl" executes the tasks planned by "plan.xsl" in a sensible order * this change was implemented to be able to e.g. schedule the linkage tasks for last ** performing them in tree-order caused problems when the generator tried to create symlinks inside non-existing directories ** additionally this further modularizes the processing chain
2014-08-23Revamped source tree traversionAdrian Kummerlaender
* this was done to be able to implement directory symlinking * the generation process is now split into three transformations ** the actual work is performed by "list.xsl" and "traverse.xsl" respecitively ** "make.xsl" wraps these two transformations *** i.e. generation is now launched by executing "ixslt --transformation make.xsl" * checked background images into VCS
2014-08-18Implemented basic cleaning and linking facilitiesAdrian Kummerlaender
* e.g. removing the target directory before each regeneration and symlinking CSS files ** this will be extended to include ressource directories and so on * renamed "formatter.xsl" stylesheet to "helper.xsl" as it now includes various helper templates * finally checked the main CSS into the VCS
2014-08-17Updated formatter helper templateAdrian Kummerlaender
* recent changes in InputXSLT revamped "external-text-formatter" into a general "external-command" function * this changes were implemented to enable e.g. symlinking and copying files from the source to the target
2014-08-12Somewhat fleshed out the project pagesAdrian Kummerlaender
* e.g. linked Github and cgit repositories
2014-08-11Added further basic project pagesAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-08-11Added category overview heading and randomized orderAdrian Kummerlaender
* while articles can be ordered by e.g. date there is no useful order for the pages in a given category ** this is why the order of pages on category overview pages is now random (in each generation)
2014-08-11Implemented page categorization functionalityAdrian Kummerlaender
* expanded "02_data/pages.xsl" transformation to include pages in subfolders * "03_meta/categories.xsl" transformation generates a categorized view of all pages simmilar to the one provided for tags by "03_meta/tags.xsl" * "99_result/category/category.xsl" transformation generates category overview pages * added basic project related pages inside the "projects" category
2014-08-10Minor improvements to article, stream and master transformationAdrian Kummerlaender
* wrap text in "xsl:text elements to clean up the output