path: root/source/99_result
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2014-10-29Removed remnants of layout iteration and cleaned CSSAdrian Kummerlaender
* both the CSS and master template markup contained cruft from the previous blog version and its slightly different layout * removed unnecessary distinction between footer and its _taglist_ as the old footer element is now only a _taglist_ ** promoted previous `last_line` to `footer` as it is the actual footer * unified the different list styles as much as possible ** e.g. introduced new `topline` attribute instead of declaring the title-separator line for each style separately ** removed `taglist` class by declaring its rules directly in the `tags` id ** removed now unnecessary `archivtag` class ** introduced `sparselist` class which enables list such as the one contained the latest microblog entries to have extra padding * merged `list_tags` helper template into primary master template ** this separation was not only unnecessary but decreased the readability as it provided no real encapsulation
2014-10-28Added description meta tag to master templateAdrian Kummerlaender
* eliminated `last_item` list item class by fixing its padding
2014-10-27Added author node for each feed entryAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-28Shrunk and compressed about-page header imageAdrian Kummerlaender
* changed page source accordingly
2014-09-28Added alternate feed link and augmented entry linksAdrian Kummerlaender
* added title and type attributes to feed links in ATOM feed * alternate feed link references the actual website * added "rel=\"alternate\"" and title attribute to entry links
2014-09-28Replaced custom ATOM XHTML copy templates with the appropriate helper templateAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-12Updated feed transformation to generate valid ATOM 1.0Adrian Kummerlaender
* added base link * added namespace for whole stylesheet intead of in the feed node * added id to entry nodes * added closing slash to feed id url
2014-09-11Fixed links in ATOM feedAdrian Kummerlaender
* URL has to be defined in a "href" attribute instead of as the nodes content
2014-09-11Fixed XHTML namespace generationAdrian Kummerlaender
* all datasources are generated as namespace-less XML * the resulting documents have to define the XHTML namespace ** i.e. the article and page contents have to be copied into the XHTML namespace * implemented XHTML copy helper templates * modified page templates accordingly * defined XHTML namespace in the master template
2014-09-11Removed border from comment form headerAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-11Added gap between columns, increased browser compatibilityAdrian Kummerlaender
* gap between columns was needed because the alignment of all paragraphs was changed to justify * increased overall browser compatibility of the column layout ** firefox now keeps elements with the column class together if possible
2014-09-11Expanded formatter embellishment templatesAdrian Kummerlaender
* XHTML elements "h2" and "h3" are replaced with "h3" and "h4" respectively ** modified all existing contents accordingly ** this was done to avoid the gap between the primary heading and subheadings in the markdown depiction of the contents * fleshed out the InputXSLT project page with further information
2014-09-10Added faviconAdrian Kummerlaender
* modified master transformation accordingly * fixed small syntax and grammer error in about page content ** missing dot and missing "and"
2014-09-10Fixed comment paragraph and column stylingAdrian Kummerlaender
* comment paragraphs were neither separated nor justified * columns on archive page were incororrectly split inside their content in Chromium ** i.e. added "column-break-inside: avoid" property
2014-09-10Added footnote CSS stylingAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-09Removed unnecessary absolute linksAdrian Kummerlaender
* there is no reason for generating absolute links as the resulting pages will be served on their own domain
2014-09-09Added comment counter to article pageAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-08Improved Isso styling and fixed "pre" line-breakAdrian Kummerlaender
* Isso improvements ** textarea placeholder font-color ** comment footer font-size * lines of "pre" elements did not break correctly * minified all CSS expressions using YUI
2014-09-08Added basic isso commenting system integrationAdrian Kummerlaender
* [isso](http://posativ.org/isso/) is a Disqus like commenting system written in Python ** self-hosted i.e. no privacy implications ** lightweight and provides all the features I require for this blog * I thought about implementing a commenting system in InputXSLT but sadly I just don't have the time to think of and implement a reasonable XSLT based solution ** maybe a simple REST service for pushing XML from the client into article-dependend comment directories can be implemented in the future * added basic CSS styling for isso comments simmilar to how they currently look in the old Symphony CMS based blog
2014-09-07Changed image CSS style to apply also to unlinked imagesAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-07Added picture to contact pageAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-06Simplified access to datasource in target resolutionAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-06Removed unnecessarily complex category sorting logicAdrian Kummerlaender
* it was primarily implemented this way to complement the CSS layout of the page * after trying different approaches it turned out that plain sorting by digest size gives the best results for the contents of my personal page
2014-09-03Revamped transformation layout to remove need for the "01_files" levelAdrian Kummerlaender
* "01_files" contained a single "source" transformation which listed the contents of the "00_content" level ** this was unnecessary as the base "list" transformation already lists the contents of all levels * added new "expression" mode to datasource meta tag processing in the task processing transformation ** this expression modes allows for the evaluation of arbitrary XPath statements *** e.g. a query to the results of "list.xsl" * modified base transformation datasource structures to include the level and meta tree * modified all existing content transformations to query the level-tree instead of the deprecated "source.xml" ** i.e. XPath statements ** the main change is that directories are available as "directory" nodes instead of nodes named by the directory name * these changes where implemented to simplify the architecture and to increase flexibility
2014-09-02Moved author name into the meta treeAdrian Kummerlaender
* modified all transformations requiring the author name accordingly
2014-08-29Removed need for prefixing datasource source attributeAdrian Kummerlaender
* transformations contain one or more "datasource" meta nodes ** these nodes define the required datasources ** up until now it was required to define the whole path to the file to be loaded * the implementation of directory linkage in b942f8e removed the underlying need for providing the source / target prefix ** this commit now updates the generation transformations to match this change *** this simplifies the datasource definition process for the end-user *** additionally it makes the target / source directories easier to maintain * changed cleanage task implementation to remove the whole directory and recreate it from scratch ** otherwise directory linkage and in turn the whole generation failed when the target directory did not exist in the first place * removed task reordering in the process transformation ** tasks are now processed exactly as they were scheduled ** this was changed so that e.g. the "00_content" directory is linked before the first datasource is required
2014-08-29Updated contact page and prettylist CSSAdrian Kummerlaender
* fixed prettylist CSS to work in both WebKit and Gecko
2014-08-27Modified category sort logic to fit 7db86c6Adrian Kummerlaender
* correct sorting by size requires the "data-type" attribute to be set to "number" * pages are now first sorted as two halves ** descending / ascending respectively * the sorted set is then split into actual halves * the output loop alternates between these halves * changed test for existance to actual test for existance instead of calculating it by ourselfes
2014-08-26Implemented a more balanced category sort logicAdrian Kummerlaender
* random sort order of page-entries on category pages led to unsatisfing results * the entries are now sorted in an alternating fashion depending on their digest length * this produces a much more consistent and balanced output
2014-08-23Separated task planning and processing into separate transformationsAdrian Kummerlaender
* "plan.xsl" traverses the file-tree provided by "list.xsl" and determines the tasks to be executed * "process.xsl" executes the tasks planned by "plan.xsl" in a sensible order * this change was implemented to be able to e.g. schedule the linkage tasks for last ** performing them in tree-order caused problems when the generator tried to create symlinks inside non-existing directories ** additionally this further modularizes the processing chain
2014-08-23Revamped source tree traversionAdrian Kummerlaender
* this was done to be able to implement directory symlinking * the generation process is now split into three transformations ** the actual work is performed by "list.xsl" and "traverse.xsl" respecitively ** "make.xsl" wraps these two transformations *** i.e. generation is now launched by executing "ixslt --transformation make.xsl" * checked background images into VCS
2014-08-18Implemented basic cleaning and linking facilitiesAdrian Kummerlaender
* e.g. removing the target directory before each regeneration and symlinking CSS files ** this will be extended to include ressource directories and so on * renamed "formatter.xsl" stylesheet to "helper.xsl" as it now includes various helper templates * finally checked the main CSS into the VCS
2014-08-11Added category overview heading and randomized orderAdrian Kummerlaender
* while articles can be ordered by e.g. date there is no useful order for the pages in a given category ** this is why the order of pages on category overview pages is now random (in each generation)
2014-08-11Implemented page categorization functionalityAdrian Kummerlaender
* expanded "02_data/pages.xsl" transformation to include pages in subfolders * "03_meta/categories.xsl" transformation generates a categorized view of all pages simmilar to the one provided for tags by "03_meta/tags.xsl" * "99_result/category/category.xsl" transformation generates category overview pages * added basic project related pages inside the "projects" category
2014-08-10Minor improvements to article, stream and master transformationAdrian Kummerlaender
* wrap text in "xsl:text elements to clean up the output
2014-08-10Added microblog to archive pageAdrian Kummerlaender
* changed archive page markup two enable setting two columns in CSS
2014-08-09Restricted amount of articles generated into the atom feedAdrian Kummerlaender
* the feed should not return all articles ever posted but only e.g. the last five * disabled indentation to fix source highlighting
2014-08-08Fixed stream template article CSS classesAdrian Kummerlaender
* last article on a page has to contain the CSS classes "last" and "article" ** previously the position had to be manually increased by one because of some whitespace-only nodes ** due to the removal of indentation to enable code highlighting this manual increase is not only unneeded but prevented the correct classes from being set
2014-08-07Fixed stream navigation logicAdrian Kummerlaender
* a "previous" link was generated even if the end of the stream was reached
2014-08-06Improved automatic source code highlightingAdrian Kummerlaender
* disable indentation in both the page and datasource master stylesheets ** indentation was interfering with correct output of formatted code * simplified call to formatter helper template
2014-08-04Changed base url and url schemeAdrian Kummerlaender
* base url is now a local webserver for more realistic testing ** i.e. otherwise the atom feed is not served correctly * article, page, tag and stream pages are now generated as "index.html" inside appropriately named directories ** this is needed for pretty urls that actually work
2014-08-04Fixed namespace of atom feed XHTML summaryAdrian Kummerlaender
* all xhtml elements contained a empty xmlns attribute ** this was fixed through a custom "xhtml_copy" mode template
2014-07-28Implemented basic atom feed transformationAdrian Kummerlaender
* atom was choosen in favor of RSS mainly because it is not easily possible to generate the required RSS timestamp in xalan-c (day of the week required) * modified master template accordingly
2014-07-27Removed duplicated xsl output declarationsAdrian Kummerlaender
* the output node is defined in both the master and datasource transformation ** i.e. they do not have to be defined in transformations making use of one of these transformations
2014-07-27Improved article stream title-text templateAdrian Kummerlaender
* returns "Start" for the first page instead of "Page 0" ** this corresponds to the navigation * changed "Start" navigation link in master template * i.e. the index page is named "0", server config will have to be changed accordingly ** thought about generating it as "index" directly ** while this is possible using the XPath evaluation functionality of the target meta attribute the lack of a if-statement in XPath 1.0 would require a very ugly workaround (e.g. the answer to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/971067/is-there-an-if-then-else-statement-in-xpath)
2014-07-27Implemented article stream generationAdrian Kummerlaender
* stream transformation is iterated over the paginated article datasource implemented in 854eab6 * stream template contains navigation generation for traversing the article stream
2014-07-27Renamed "year" node to "entry" to match other datasourcesAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-07-26Implemented basic archive page templateAdrian Kummerlaender
* displays articles in descending order grouped by year ** based on the article metadata source implemented in adbe381
2014-07-26Added separate year node to article datasourceAdrian Kummerlaender
* this is needed for the implementation of a article datasource grouped by year ** this in turn is needed for the archive page template * modified tags meta transformation and article result transformation accordingly
2014-07-26Removed unnecessary namespace declarationsAdrian Kummerlaender
* xalan and/or InputXSLT namespace should only be included when they are actually required