# About me ![picture of me in Scotland](/media/me_header.jpg){: .full .clear} Hi, my name is Adrian Kummerländer. I am a twenty-year-old Software Developer located in southern Germany. I taught myself programming at the age of 10 and spent the first few years developing software in _Delphi_ and _C#_. After switching from the _Windows_ ecosystem to _Linux_ as my primary operating system I started developing primarily in _JavaScript_, _XSLT_ and _C++_ altough I enjoy it a lot to experiment with other languages such as _Scala_, _Haskell_ and _Python_. My professional education in software development started with my apprenticeship as a _"computer science expert with subject area software development"_[^1] at [_Sybit_](http://sybit.de) in 2010 which I concluded with distinction in 2013. While my primary activity nowadays is studying for my A levels at the _Technische Oberschule_ I still work as a part-time developer at _Sybit_ in the _SAP CRM_ area where I mainly develop business printout processes using _ABAP_, _JavaScript_ and _XSLT_ in addition to _SAP WebUI_ development. Although software development and tickering with my computer systems definitely is a primary occupation of mine both professionally and recreationally, I also enjoy reading _hard science fiction_ books and attending concerts and festivals of _orchestral_ and _Metal_ music. If you are interested, a overview of my musical interests is available as a [blog article](/article/musikalischer_jahresruekblick_2013/) in German. I use this website to document some of my [thoughts and experiences](/archive) concerning software development and various other topics in addition to summarizing some of my [projects](/category/projects). [^1]: This really is the official translation of my recognized trade but I for one prefer referring to myself simply as Software Developer