# BuildXSLT …is a simple XSLT build system for InputXSLT based applications. It aims to provide a foundation for building more complex applications such as a fully fledged [static site generator] by enabling users to define _XML Makefiles_ instead of manually calling single [InputXSLT] transformations. The source code of BuildXSLT is available on both my [Github] profile and [cgit]. ## Current features * processing tasks contained within _XML Makefiles_ * generating single transformations * generating chained transformations * using files or embedded XML-trees as transformation input ## Usage example While BuildXSLT offers enough flexibility for all kinds of different XSLT based generation tasks it was specifically built to cater for the requirements of the [static site generator] this site is built with. As such its _XML Makefile_ makes for the best demonstration of what one can do with BuildXSLT: ~~~ source target detail/list.xsl detail/plan.xsl detail/process.xsl detail/summarize.xsl ~~~ {: .language-xsl} [InputXSLT]: /page/input_xslt/ [static site generator]: https://github.com/KnairdA/blog.kummerlaender.eu/ [Github]: https://github.com/KnairdA/BuildXSLT/ [cgit]: http://code.kummerlaender.eu/BuildXSLT/