# SimpleParser …is a simple parser for resolving mathematical terms. The term is parsed by generating a binary expression tree using the [Shunting-Yard] algorithm. The implementation itself does not use any external libraries and relies fully on the features provided by the C++ language and the standard library. This application marks the first steps in C++ I took a couple of years back and is available on [Github] or [cgit]. ## Current features * Calculating terms with basic operators while respecting the priority of each operator * Support for parentheses * Support for alphabetic constants * Export of the expression tree as [Graphviz] `dot` for visualization ## Visualization The ability to export the internal binary expression tree resulting from the parsed term as [Graphviz] `dot` is useful for both visualization and debugging purposes. In the following image you can see the depiction of the tree resulting from the arbitrarily chosen term `2.5*(2+3-(3/2+1*(21+11+(5*2))))`: ![Visualization of the parsed tree using Graphviz](http://static.kummerlaender.eu/media/parser_tree.png) [Graphviz]: http://www.graphviz.org/ [Github]: https://github.com/KnairdA/SimpleParser/ [cgit]: http://code.kummerlaender.eu/SimpleParser/ [Shunting-Yard]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shunting-yard_algorithm