#include #include #include #include "actual.h" #include "utility/io.h" #include "utility/logger.h" #include "tracking/path_matcher.h" #include "tracking/change_tracker.h" // `true` signals the interposed functions to execute tracking logic // `false` signals the interposed functions to do plain forwarding static bool enabled = false; static std::unique_ptr fd_guard; static std::unique_ptr logger; static std::unique_ptr matcher; static std::unique_ptr tracker; void initialize() __attribute__ ((constructor)); void initialize() { if ( getenv("CHANGE_LOG_TARGET") != NULL ) { fd_guard = std::make_unique( getenv("CHANGE_LOG_TARGET") ); logger = std::make_unique(*fd_guard); } else { logger = std::make_unique(STDERR_FILENO); } if ( getenv("CHANGE_LOG_DIFF_CMD") != NULL ) { tracker = std::make_unique( logger.get(), getenv("CHANGE_LOG_DIFF_CMD") ); } else { tracker = std::make_unique(logger.get()); } if ( getenv("CHANGE_LOG_IGNORE_PATTERN_PATH") != NULL ) { matcher = std::make_unique( getenv("CHANGE_LOG_IGNORE_PATTERN_PATH") ); } else { matcher = std::make_unique(); } // tracking is only enabled when everything is initialized as both // the actual tracking and the decision if a event should be tracked // depend on `logger` and `tracker` being fully instantiated. // In most cases this library will work correctly without delayed // activation but e.g. `nvim` crashes as it performs tracked syscalls // before `init` has been called. enabled = true; } inline void track_write(const int fd) { if ( enabled && fd != *fd_guard && utility::is_regular_file(fd) ) { const auto path = utility::get_file_path(fd); if ( !matcher->is_matching(path) ) { tracker->track(path); } } } inline void track_write(const std::string& path) { if ( enabled && utility::is_regular_file(path.c_str()) ) { if ( !matcher->is_matching(path) ) { tracker->track(path); } } } inline void track_rename( const std::string& old_path, const std::string& new_path) { if ( enabled ) { if ( !matcher->is_matching(old_path) ) { tracker->track(old_path); if ( !matcher->is_matching(new_path) ) { logger->append("renamed '", old_path, "' to '", new_path, "'"); } } } } inline void track_remove(const std::string& path) { if ( enabled && utility::is_regular_file(path.c_str()) ) { if ( !matcher->is_matching(path) ) { logger->append("removed '", path, "'"); } } } extern "C" { int open(const char* path, int flags, mode_t mode) { static actual::ptr actual_open{}; if ( !actual_open ) { actual_open = actual::get_ptr("open"); } // `open` may reset the file contents when used with the `O_TRUNC` flag. // e.g. this is how _emacs_ clears the file content prior to writing the // new content. // Normally `O_TRUNC` is defined in `fcntl.h` which we can not include // as it defines the very c-function we are currently _overriding_. // if ( flags & 01000 ) { track_write(path); } return actual_open(path, flags, mode); } ssize_t write(int fd, const void* buffer, size_t count) { static actual::ptr actual_write{}; if ( !actual_write ) { actual_write = actual::get_ptr("write"); } track_write(fd); return actual_write(fd, buffer, count); } ssize_t writev(int fd, const iovec* iov, int iovcnt) { static actual::ptr actual_writev{}; if ( !actual_writev ) { actual_writev = actual::get_ptr("writev"); } track_write(fd); return actual_writev(fd, iov, iovcnt); } void* mmap(void* addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset) { static actual::ptr actual_mmap{}; if ( !actual_mmap ) { actual_mmap = actual::get_ptr("mmap"); } if ( prot & PROT_WRITE ) { track_write(fd); } return actual_mmap(addr, length, prot, flags, fd, offset); } int rename(const char* old_path, const char* new_path) { static actual::ptr actual_rename{}; if ( !actual_rename ) { actual_rename = actual::get_ptr("rename"); } track_rename(old_path, new_path); return actual_rename(old_path, new_path); } int rmdir(const char* path) { static actual::ptr actual_rmdir{}; if ( !actual_rmdir ) { actual_rmdir = actual::get_ptr("rmdir"); } track_remove(path); return actual_rmdir(path); } int unlink(const char* path) { static actual::ptr actual_unlink{}; if ( !actual_unlink ) { actual_unlink = actual::get_ptr("unlink"); } track_remove(path); return actual_unlink(path); } int unlinkat(int dirfd, const char* path, int flags) { static actual::ptr actual_unlinkat{}; if ( !actual_unlinkat ) { actual_unlinkat = actual::get_ptr("unlinkat"); } // Normally `AT_FDCWD` is defined in `fcntl.h` which we can not include // as it defines `open` which this library also aims to override. // if ( dirfd == -100 ) { track_remove(path); } else { track_remove(utility::get_file_path(dirfd) + path); } return actual_unlinkat(dirfd, path, flags); } }