/* Lattice Boltzmann sample, written in C++, using the OpenLB * library * * Copyright (C) 2007, 2012 Jonas Latt, Mathias J. Krause * Vojtech Cvrcek, Peter Weisbrod * E-mail contact: info@openlb.net * The most recent release of OpenLB can be downloaded at * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "olb2D.h" #include "olb2D.hh" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace olb; using namespace olb::descriptors; using namespace olb::graphics; using namespace std; typedef double T; #define DESCRIPTOR D2Q9Descriptor const T lx = 2.; // length of the channel const T ly = 1.; // height of the channel int N = 20; // resolution of the model const T Re = 10.; // Reynolds number const T maxPhysT = 20.; // max. simulation time in s, SI unit const T physInterval = 0.25; // interval for the convergence check in s const T residuum = 1e-5; // residuum for the convergence check const T tuner = 0.99; // for partialSlip only: 0->bounceBack, 1->freeSlip void prepareGeometry(UnitConverter const& converter, SuperGeometry2D& superGeometry) { OstreamManager clout(std::cout,"prepareGeometry"); clout << "Prepare Geometry ..." << std::endl; superGeometry.rename(0,2); superGeometry.rename(2,1,0,1); Vector extend; Vector origin; T physSpacing = converter.getPhysDeltaX(); // Set material number for inflow extend[1] = ly; extend[0] = physSpacing / 2; origin[0] -= physSpacing / 4; IndicatorCuboid2D inflow(extend, origin); superGeometry.rename(1,3,1,inflow); // Set material number for outflow origin[0] = lx - physSpacing / 4; IndicatorCuboid2D outflow(extend, origin); superGeometry.rename(1,4,1,outflow); // Removes all not needed boundary voxels outside the surface superGeometry.clean(); // Removes all not needed boundary voxels inside the surface superGeometry.innerClean(); superGeometry.checkForErrors(); superGeometry.print(); clout << "Prepare Geometry ... OK" << std::endl; } void prepareCoarseLattice(UnitConverter const& converter, SuperLattice2D& sLattice, Dynamics& bulkDynamics, sOnLatticeBoundaryCondition2D& sBoundaryCondition, SuperGeometry2D& superGeometry) { OstreamManager clout(std::cout,"prepareLattice"); clout << "Prepare coarse lattice ..." << std::endl; const T omega = converter.getLatticeRelaxationFrequency(); sLattice.defineDynamics(superGeometry, 0, &instances::getNoDynamics()); sLattice.defineDynamics(superGeometry, 1, &bulkDynamics); // bulk sLattice.defineDynamics(superGeometry, 2, &instances::getBounceBack()); sLattice.defineDynamics(superGeometry, 3, &bulkDynamics); // inflow sBoundaryCondition.addVelocityBoundary(superGeometry, 3, omega); T Lx = converter.getLatticeLength(lx); T Ly = converter.getLatticeLength(ly); T p0 =8.*converter.getLatticeViscosity()*converter.getCharLatticeVelocity()*Lx/(Ly*Ly); AnalyticalLinear2D rho(-p0/lx*DESCRIPTOR::invCs2, 0, p0*DESCRIPTOR::invCs2+1); AnalyticalConst2D iniRho(1); AnalyticalConst2D iniU(std::vector {0.,0.}); sLattice.defineRhoU(superGeometry, 1, iniRho, iniU); sLattice.iniEquilibrium(superGeometry, 1, iniRho, iniU); sLattice.defineRhoU(superGeometry, 2, iniRho, iniU); sLattice.iniEquilibrium(superGeometry, 2, iniRho, iniU); T maxVelocity = converter.getCharLatticeVelocity(); T distance2Wall = converter.getConversionFactorLength(); Poiseuille2D u(superGeometry, 3, maxVelocity, distance2Wall); sLattice.defineRhoU(superGeometry, 3, rho, u); sLattice.iniEquilibrium(superGeometry, 3, rho, u); sLattice.initialize(); clout << "Prepare Lattice ... OK" << std::endl; } void prepareFineLattice(UnitConverter const& converter, SuperLattice2D& sLattice, Dynamics& bulkDynamics, sOnLatticeBoundaryCondition2D& sBoundaryCondition, SuperGeometry2D& superGeometry) { OstreamManager clout(std::cout,"prepareLattice"); clout << "Prepare Lattice ..." << std::endl; const T omega = converter.getLatticeRelaxationFrequency(); sLattice.defineDynamics(superGeometry, 0, &instances::getNoDynamics()); sLattice.defineDynamics(superGeometry, 1, &bulkDynamics); // bulk sLattice.defineDynamics(superGeometry, 2, &instances::getBounceBack()); sLattice.defineDynamics(superGeometry, 4, &bulkDynamics); // outflow sBoundaryCondition.addPressureBoundary(superGeometry, 4, omega); T Lx = converter.getLatticeLength(lx); T Ly = converter.getLatticeLength(ly); T p0 =8.*converter.getLatticeViscosity()*converter.getCharLatticeVelocity()*Lx/(Ly*Ly); AnalyticalLinear2D rho(-p0/lx*DESCRIPTOR::invCs2, 0, p0*DESCRIPTOR::invCs2+1); AnalyticalConst2D iniRho(1); AnalyticalConst2D iniU(std::vector {0.,0.}); sLattice.defineRhoU(superGeometry, 1, iniRho, iniU); sLattice.iniEquilibrium(superGeometry, 1, iniRho, iniU); sLattice.defineRhoU(superGeometry, 2, iniRho, iniU); sLattice.iniEquilibrium(superGeometry, 2, iniRho, iniU); sLattice.defineRhoU(superGeometry, 4, iniRho, iniU); sLattice.iniEquilibrium(superGeometry, 4, iniRho, iniU); sLattice.initialize(); clout << "Prepare Lattice ... OK" << std::endl; } void getResults(const std::string& prefix, SuperLattice2D& sLattice, UnitConverter const& converter, int iT, SuperGeometry2D& superGeometry, Timer& timer, bool hasConverged) { OstreamManager clout(std::cout,"getResults"); SuperVTMwriter2D vtmWriter(prefix + "poiseuille2d"); SuperLatticePhysVelocity2D velocity(sLattice, converter); SuperLatticePhysPressure2D pressure(sLattice, converter); SuperLatticeGeometry2D geometry( sLattice, superGeometry ); vtmWriter.addFunctor(geometry); vtmWriter.addFunctor(velocity); vtmWriter.addFunctor(pressure); const int vtmIter = converter.getLatticeTime(maxPhysT/100.); const int statIter = converter.getLatticeTime(maxPhysT/10.); if ( iT==0 ) { vtmWriter.createMasterFile(); } if (iT%vtmIter==0 || hasConverged) { vtmWriter.write(iT); } if (iT%statIter==0 || hasConverged) { timer.update(iT); timer.printStep(); sLattice.getStatistics().print(iT,converter.getPhysTime(iT)); } } template class DESCRIPTOR> class Grid { private: std::unique_ptr> _converter; std::unique_ptr> _cuboids; std::unique_ptr> _balancer; std::unique_ptr> _geometry; std::unique_ptr> _lattice; public: Grid(IndicatorF2D& domainF, int resolution, T tau, int re): _converter(new UnitConverterFromResolutionAndRelaxationTime( resolution, // resolution: number of voxels per charPhysL tau, // latticeRelaxationTime: relaxation time, have to be greater than 0.5! T{1}, // charPhysLength: reference length of simulation geometry T{1}, // charPhysVelocity: maximal/highest expected velocity during simulation in __m / s__ T{1./re}, // physViscosity: physical kinematic viscosity in __m^2 / s__ T{1})), // physDensity: physical density in __kg / m^3__ _cuboids(new CuboidGeometry2D( domainF, _converter->getConversionFactorLength(), 1)), _balancer(new HeuristicLoadBalancer( *_cuboids)), _geometry(new SuperGeometry2D( *_cuboids, *_balancer, 2)), _lattice(new SuperLattice2D( *_geometry)) { _converter->print(); } UnitConverter& getConverter() { return *_converter; } CuboidGeometry2D& getCuboidGeometry() { return *_cuboids; } LoadBalancer& getLoadBalancer() { return *_balancer; } SuperGeometry2D& getSuperGeometry() { return *_geometry; } SuperLattice2D& getSuperLattice() { return *_lattice; } }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { olbInit(&argc, &argv); singleton::directories().setOutputDir("./tmp/"); OstreamManager clout(std::cout,"main"); const T coarseDeltaX = 1./N; Vector coarseOrigin { 0.0 , 0.0 }; Vector coarseExtend { 0.5 * lx, ly }; IndicatorCuboid2D coarseCuboid(coarseExtend, coarseOrigin); Vector fineOrigin { 0.5 * lx - coarseDeltaX, 0.0 }; Vector fineExtend { 0.5 * lx + coarseDeltaX, ly }; IndicatorCuboid2D fineCuboid(fineExtend, fineOrigin); Grid coarseGrid( coarseCuboid, N, 0.8, Re); Grid fineGrid( fineCuboid, 2*coarseGrid.getConverter().getResolution(), 2.0*coarseGrid.getConverter().getLatticeRelaxationTime() - 0.5, Re); prepareGeometry(coarseGrid.getConverter(), coarseGrid.getSuperGeometry()); prepareGeometry(fineGrid.getConverter(), fineGrid.getSuperGeometry()); Dynamics* coarseBulkDynamics; coarseBulkDynamics = new BGKdynamics( coarseGrid.getConverter().getLatticeRelaxationFrequency(), instances::getBulkMomenta()); sOnLatticeBoundaryCondition2D coarseSBoundaryCondition(coarseGrid.getSuperLattice()); createLocalBoundaryCondition2D(coarseSBoundaryCondition); prepareCoarseLattice( coarseGrid.getConverter(), coarseGrid.getSuperLattice(), *coarseBulkDynamics, coarseSBoundaryCondition, coarseGrid.getSuperGeometry()); Dynamics* fineBulkDynamics; fineBulkDynamics = new BGKdynamics( fineGrid.getConverter().getLatticeRelaxationFrequency(), instances::getBulkMomenta()); sOnLatticeBoundaryCondition2D fineSBoundaryCondition(fineGrid.getSuperLattice()); createLocalBoundaryCondition2D(fineSBoundaryCondition); prepareFineLattice( fineGrid.getConverter(), fineGrid.getSuperLattice(), *fineBulkDynamics, fineSBoundaryCondition, fineGrid.getSuperGeometry()); clout << "starting simulation..." << endl; Timer timer( coarseGrid.getConverter().getLatticeTime(maxPhysT), coarseGrid.getSuperGeometry().getStatistics().getNvoxel()); util::ValueTracer converge( coarseGrid.getConverter().getLatticeTime(physInterval), residuum); timer.start(); for (int iT = 0; iT < coarseGrid.getConverter().getLatticeTime(maxPhysT); iT += 2) { if (converge.hasConverged()) { clout << "Simulation converged." << endl; getResults( "coarse_", coarseGrid.getSuperLattice(), coarseGrid.getConverter(), iT, coarseGrid.getSuperGeometry(), timer, converge.hasConverged()); break; } coarseGrid.getSuperLattice().collideAndStream(); getResults( "coarse_", coarseGrid.getSuperLattice(), coarseGrid.getConverter(), iT / 2, coarseGrid.getSuperGeometry(), timer, converge.hasConverged()); fineGrid.getSuperLattice().collideAndStream(); getResults( "fine_", fineGrid.getSuperLattice(), fineGrid.getConverter(), iT, fineGrid.getSuperGeometry(), timer, converge.hasConverged()); fineGrid.getSuperLattice().collideAndStream(); getResults( "fine_", fineGrid.getSuperLattice(), fineGrid.getConverter(), iT+1, fineGrid.getSuperGeometry(), timer, converge.hasConverged()); converge.takeValue(coarseGrid.getSuperLattice().getStatistics().getAverageEnergy(), true); } timer.stop(); timer.printSummary(); }