diff options
3 files changed, 375 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/gui/conf/init.el b/gui/conf/init.el
index 57b8791..b07c14e 100644
--- a/gui/conf/init.el
+++ b/gui/conf/init.el
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
(eval-when-compile (require 'use-package))
+(load-library "akr-theme")
(use-package evil
:ensure t
@@ -35,11 +37,6 @@
(global-evil-leader-mode 1)
(evil-leader/set-leader ","))
-(use-package poet-theme
- :ensure t
- :config
- (load-theme 'poet-dark t))
(use-package darkroom
:ensure t
@@ -170,3 +167,6 @@
(use-package interleave
:ensure t)
+(use-package rainbow-mode
+ :ensure t)
diff --git a/gui/conf/metakr.org b/gui/conf/metakr.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe67e2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gui/conf/metakr.org
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+#+TITLE: Metakr
+This file describes a basic Emacs version of my custom Vim color theme _akr_.
+For quick iteration all colors are stored in a table.
+* Tangle scaffold
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle ./akr-theme.el :noweb yes
+(deftheme akr "A theme of my own making.")
+<<theme-generator(palette=akr-palette, theme-name="akr")>>
+(when (and (boundp 'custom-theme-load-path)
+ load-file-name)
+ (add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path
+ (file-name-as-directory
+ (file-name-directory load-file-name))))
+(provide-theme 'akr)
+(provide 'akr-theme)
+* Colors
+#+NAME: akr-palette
+| Label | Color |
+| fg | #F2F2F2 |
+| bg | #161616 |
+| emph | #eeeeee |
+| sep | #444444 |
+| hlt | #000000 |
+| bg-hlt | #8C3346 |
+| muted | #F2F2F2 |
+| meta | #ede7dd |
+| link | #AADB0F |
+| link-underline | #AADB0F |
+| header | #AADB0F |
+| button | #aaaaaa |
+| glyph | #f7ffd1 |
+| cursor | #AADB0F |
+| paren-match-fg | #161616 |
+| paren-match-bg | #AADB0F |
+| search-fg | #161616 |
+| search-bg | #909636 |
+| search-fail-bg | #8C3346 |
+| tooltip-fg | #161616 |
+| tooltip-bg | #909636 |
+| shadow | #9E9E9E |
+| secondary-bg | #080808 |
+| trailing-bg | #8C3346 |
+| lazy-hlt-fg | #000000 |
+| lazy-hlt-bg | #ffffff |
+| evil-rep-fg | #F2F2F2 |
+| evil-rep-bg | #161616 |
+| mode-line-fg | #909636 |
+| header-line-bg | #080808 |
+| mode-line-hlt | #000000 |
+| mode-line-inactive | #9E9E9E |
+| error | #8C3346 |
+| builtin | #AADB0F |
+| string | #AADB0F |
+| function-name | #F2F2F2 |
+| keyword | #F2F2F2 |
+| constant | #F2F2F2 |
+| type | #AADB0F |
+| variable | #F2F2F2 |
+| org-meta | #E4E093 |
+| org-document-info | #E4E093 |
+| org-table | #080808 |
+| org-quote-fg | #F2F2F2 |
+| org-quote-bg | #080808 |
+| org-date | #c6b6ad |
+| org-title | #AADB0F |
+| org-title-underline | #F2F2F2 |
+| org-checkbox | #999999 |
+| org-scheduled | #dddddd |
+| org-scheduled-today | #ffffff |
+| org-done | #909636 |
+| org-todo | #8C3346 |
+| org-tag | #F2F2F2 |
+| org-block-line | #080808 |
+| org-block-bg | #080808 |
+| org-agenda-structure-fg | #aaaaaa |
+| org-agenda-structure-bg | #080808 |
+| org-agenda-today-fg | #dddddd |
+| org-agenda-today-bg | #000000 |
+| org-special-keyword | #777777 |
+| org-sched-prev | #8C3346 |
+| org-agenda-done | #909636 |
+* Structure
+#+NAME: structure
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+;; Basics
+ :background @bg
+ :foreground @fg)
+ (italic
+ :foreground @emph
+ :slant italic)
+ (highlight
+ :background @hlt
+ :overline nil)
+ (region
+ :background @bg-hlt)
+ (fringe
+ :background @bg)
+ (button
+ :inherit default
+ :foreground @button)
+ (escape-glyph
+ :foreground @glyph)
+ (link
+ :underline (:color @link-underline :style line)
+ :foreground @link)
+ (link-visited
+ :inherit link)
+ (cursor
+ :background @cursor)
+ (show-paren-match
+ :background @paren-match-fg
+ :foreground @paren-match-bg)
+ (isearch
+ :foreground @search-fg
+ :background @search-bg)
+ (isearch-fail
+ :background @search-fail-bg)
+ (query-replace
+ :inherit isearch)
+ (tooltip
+ :inherit default
+ :foreground @tooltip-fg
+ :background @tooltip-bg)
+ (shadow
+ :foreground @shadow)
+ (secondary-selection
+ :background @secondary-bg)
+ (trailing-whitespace
+ :background @trailing-bg)
+ (lazy-highlight
+ :foreground @lazy-hlt-fg
+ :background @lazy-hlt-bg)
+ (next-error
+ :inherit region)
+ (window-divider
+ :background @sep
+ :foreground @sep)
+ (vertical-border
+ :background @sep
+ :foreground @sep)
+;; Evil
+ (evil-ex-substitute-replacement
+ :foreground @evil-rep-fg
+ :background @evil-rep-bg
+ :underline nil)
+;; Minibuffer
+ (minibuffer-prompt
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :weight bold
+ :foreground @meta)
+ ;; Mode Line
+ (mode-line
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :foreground @mode-line-fg
+ :background @bg
+ :overline @sep
+ :box (:line-width 3 :color @bg))
+ (header-line
+ :overline nil
+ :background @header-line-bg
+ :box (:line-width 3 :color @header-line-bg)
+ :underline @sep
+ :inherit mode-line)
+ (mode-line-buffer-id
+ :weight bold)
+ (mode-line-emphasis
+ :weight bold)
+ (mode-line-highlight
+ :background @mode-line-hlt)
+ (mode-line-inactive
+ :inherit mode-line
+ :background @bg
+ :foreground @mode-line-inactive
+ :box (:color @bg :line-width 3))
+;; Syntax
+ (error
+ :foreground @error
+ :inherit fixed-pitch)
+ (font-lock-comment-face
+ :foreground @muted
+ :slant italic
+ :inherit fixed-pitch)
+ (font-lock-builtin-face
+ :foreground @builtin
+ :inherit fixed-pitch)
+ (font-lock-string-face
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :foreground @string)
+ (font-lock-function-name-face
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :foreground @function-name)
+ (font-lock-keyword-face
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :foreground @keyword)
+ (font-lock-comment-delimiter-face
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :inherit font-lock-comment-face)
+ (font-lock-constant-face
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :foreground @constant)
+ (font-lock-doc-face
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :inherit font-lock-string-face)
+ (font-lock-preprocessor-face
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :inherit font-lock-builtin-face)
+ (font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :inherit bold)
+ (font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :inherit bold)
+ (font-lock-type-face
+ :foreground @type
+ :inherit fixed-pitch)
+ (font-lock-variable-name-face
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :foreground @variable)
+ (font-lock-warning-face
+ :inherit error)
+;; Org
+ (org-level-1 :inherit default :foreground @header)
+ (org-level-2 :inherit default :foreground @header)
+ (org-level-3 :inherit default :foreground @header)
+ (org-meta-line
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :foreground @org-meta)
+ (org-document-info-keyword
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :foreground @org-document-info)
+ (org-document-info
+ :inherit default
+ :foreground @org-document-info)
+ (org-verbatim ; inline code
+ :inherit fixed-pitch)
+ (org-code
+ :inherit fixed-pitch)
+ (org-table
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :background @org-table)
+ (org-formula
+ :inherit org-table
+ :height 1)
+ (org-verse
+ :inherit default
+ :foreground @org-quote-fg
+ :background @org-quote-bg)
+ (org-quote
+ :inherit default
+ :foreground @org-quote-fg
+ :background @org-quote-bg)
+ (org-hide
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :foreground @bg)
+ (org-indent
+ :inherit org-hide)
+ (org-date
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :foreground @org-date
+ :underline nil)
+ (org-document-title
+ :inherit default
+ :foreground @org-title
+ :height 1.8
+ :underline (:color @org-title-underline))
+ (org-checkbox
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :weight bold
+ :foreground @org-checkbox)
+ (org-done
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :foreground @org-done)
+ (org-todo
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :foreground @org-todo)
+ (org-tag
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :height 1
+ :foreground @org-tag)
+ (org-block-begin-line
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :background @org-block-line)
+ (org-block-end-line
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :background @org-block-line)
+ (org-block
+ :background @org-block-bg
+ :inherit fixed-pitch)
+ (org-priority
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :weight normal)
+ (org-agenda-structure
+ :foreground @org-agenda-structure-fg
+ :background @bg
+ :box (:line-width 3 :color @bg)
+ :underline @org-agenda-structure-bg)
+ (org-scheduled
+ :foreground @org-scheduled)
+ (org-scheduled-today
+ :foreground @org-scheduled-today)
+ (org-agenda-date-weekend
+ :inherit org-agenda-structure)
+ (org-agenda-date-today
+ :box (:line-width 3 :color @org-agenda-today-bg)
+ :foreground @org-agenda-today-fg
+ :background @org-agenda-today-bg)
+ (org-special-keyword
+ :inherit fixed-pitch
+ :foreground @org-special-keyword)
+ (org-scheduled-previously
+ :foreground @org-sched-prev)
+ (org-agenda-done
+ :foreground @org-agenda-done)
+ (org-footnote
+ :foreground @link)
+* Instantiate structure using color palette
+This block resolves the =@=-prefixed variables of the theme structure using a given table of colors.
+#+NAME: theme-generator
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var palette='() structure=structure theme-name=""
+(defun process (x)
+ (cond
+ ((not x) '())
+ ((listp x) (cons (process (car x)) (process (cdr x))))
+ ((and (symbolp x)
+ (string-prefix-p "@" (symbol-name x))) (cadr (assoc (substring (symbol-name x) 1) (cdr palette))))
+ (t x)))
+(print `(apply
+ 'custom-theme-set-faces
+ ',(make-symbol theme-name)
+ ',(mapcar (lambda (x) `(,(car x) ((t ,(cdr x)))))
+ (process structure)))))
diff --git a/gui/emacs.nix b/gui/emacs.nix
index 6a4d10f..57fac2a 100644
--- a/gui/emacs.nix
+++ b/gui/emacs.nix
@@ -1,14 +1,27 @@
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
- programs.emacs = {
+ programs.emacs = let
+ akr-color-theme = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
+ name = "emacs-color-theme-akr";
+ src = ./conf/metakr.org;
+ phases = [ "installPhase" ];
+ installPhase = ''
+ cp $src metakr.org
+ ${pkgs.emacs}/bin/emacs --batch --eval "(require 'org)" --eval "(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)" --eval '(org-babel-tangle-file "metakr.org")'
+ rm metakr.org
+ mkdir -p $out/share/emacs/site-lisp
+ mv akr-theme.el $out/share/emacs/site-lisp/
+ '';
+ };
+ in {
enable = true;
- extraPackages = (epkgs: (with epkgs.melpaStablePackages; [
- ]) ++ (with epkgs.melpaPackages; [
+ extraPackages = epkgs: with epkgs.melpaPackages; [
- ]) ++ (with epkgs.elpaPackages; [
- ]));
+ ] ++ [
+ akr-color-theme
+ ];
home.packages = with pkgs; [