path: root/gui
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Diffstat (limited to 'gui')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/gui/conf/xmonad.hs b/gui/conf/xmonad.hs
index 9c5b192..76a5920 100644
--- a/gui/conf/xmonad.hs
+++ b/gui/conf/xmonad.hs
@@ -21,11 +21,13 @@ import XMonad.Actions.WindowBringer
import XMonad.Actions.GroupNavigation
import XMonad.Actions.FloatKeys
-import System.Exit
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Data.Map as M
+import System.Exit
+import System.Posix.Unistd
workspaces :: [WorkspaceId]
workspaces = map show [1 .. 9 :: Int]
@@ -73,7 +75,13 @@ scratchpads = [ NS "terminal" "kitty --class=scratchterm" (className =? "scratch
, NS "messaging" "telegram-desktop" (className =? "TelegramDesktop")
(customFloating sideBarRight) ]
-customKeybindings =
+hostSpecificKeybindings host = case host of
+ "asterix" -> [ ("M-i b" , spawn "notify-send Battery \"`acpi | cut -c 10-`\"")
+ , ("M-i c" , spawn "notify-send \"`acpi --thermal | awk '{print $4}'`°C\" \"`cat /proc/acpi/ibm/fan | awk '/speed/{print $2}'` RPM\"") ]
+ "obelix" -> [ ("M-i g" , spawn "notify-send GPU \"`nvidia-smi --query-gpu=name,temperature.gpu,utilization.gpu,utilization.memory --format=csv,noheader | awk -F',' '{print $1 \" running at\" $2 \"°C due to\" $3 \" load and\" $4 \" memory usage\"}'`\"") ]
+ _ -> [ ]
+commonKeybindings =
-- xmonad session control
[ ("C-M1-<Escape>" , io (exitWith ExitSuccess))
, ("C-M1-<Backspace>" , spawn "xmonad --restart")
@@ -124,13 +132,13 @@ customKeybindings =
, ("M-w l" , withFocused $ placeFloating sideBarRight)
-- system information
, ("M-i t" , spawn "notify-send \"`date +%T`\" \"`date +\"%Y-%m-%d\"`\"")
- , ("M-i b" , spawn "notify-send Battery \"`acpi | cut -c 10-`\"")
- , ("M-i c" , spawn "notify-send \"`acpi --thermal | awk '{print $4}'`°C\" \"`cat /proc/acpi/ibm/fan | awk '/speed/{print $2}'` RPM\"")
-- system control
, ("M-c <Up>" , spawn "amixer sset Master 10%+")
, ("M-c <Down>" , spawn "amixer sset Master 10%-")
, ("M-c m" , spawn "amixer sset Master toggle") ]
+customKeybindings host = commonKeybindings ++ (hostSpecificKeybindings host)
customMousebindings (XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modMask}) = M.fromList
[ ((modMask .|. shiftMask, button1), \w -> XMonad.focus w >> mouseMoveWindow w)
, ((modMask .|. shiftMask, button3), \w -> XMonad.focus w >> mouseResizeWindow w) ]
@@ -151,21 +159,23 @@ customLogHook = do
customizeBorderWhen (isFloat <&&> isNotFullscreen) "#aadb0f" 6
-main = xmonad $ ewmh
- $ def
- { modMask = mod4Mask -- super key as modifier
- , borderWidth = 3
- , normalBorderColor = "#161616"
- , focusedBorderColor = "#909636"
- , keys = \c -> mkKeymap c customKeybindings
- , mouseBindings = customMousebindings
- , startupHook = return () >> checkKeymap def customKeybindings
- , handleEventHook = customEventHook
- , manageHook = customManageHook
- , logHook = customLogHook
- , layoutHook = availableLayouts }
- `additionalKeys`
- [ ((noModMask, xK_Menu) , namedScratchpadAction scratchpads "terminal") ]
+main = do
+ host <- fmap nodeName getSystemID
+ xmonad $ ewmh
+ $ def
+ { modMask = mod4Mask -- super key as modifier
+ , borderWidth = 3
+ , normalBorderColor = "#161616"
+ , focusedBorderColor = "#909636"
+ , keys = \c -> mkKeymap c (customKeybindings host)
+ , mouseBindings = customMousebindings
+ , startupHook = return () >> checkKeymap def (customKeybindings host)
+ , handleEventHook = customEventHook
+ , manageHook = customManageHook
+ , logHook = customLogHook
+ , layoutHook = availableLayouts }
+ `additionalKeys`
+ [ ((noModMask, xK_Menu) , namedScratchpadAction scratchpads "terminal") ]
nonEmptyWS = WSIs $ return (\w -> nonNSP w && nonEmpty w)
where nonNSP (Workspace tag _ _) = tag /= "NSP"