# MetaTerm …is a _prompt like_ user interface enabling running multiple terminal applications at the same time while preserving the sequence of execution. This functionality is controllable in a _vim like_ way in respect of both keybindings and a mode based paradigm. _MetaTerm_ is implemented in _QML_ and uses [QMLTermWidget](https://github.com/Swordfish90/qmltermwidget) as its embedded terminal emulator. ## Screenshot ![MetaTerm in action](http://static.kummerlaender.eu/media/metaterm_1.png) ## Building If all requirements are satisfied _MetaTerm_ may be built using a simple chain of _qmake_ and _make_. Alternatively one can also open the provided project file in _QtCreator_. ## Requirements * [Qt 5](http://qt.io) * [QMLTermWidget](https://github.com/Swordfish90/qmltermwidget)