# Contact **eMail:** adrian[at]kummerlaender[dot]eu **Public Key:** [key.kummerlaender.eu](http://key.kummerlaender.eu) **Jabber:** adrian[underscore]kummerlaender[at]jabber[dot]ccc[dot]de **Github:** [KnairdA](https://github.com/KnairdA) **GitLab:** [KnairdA](https://gitlab.com/u/KnairdA) **cgit:** [code.kummerlaender.eu](http://code.kummerlaender.eu) Further information about myself may be found on the [about page](/page/about). ## Legal Responsible for all contents: Adrian Kummerländer All contents of this website that are created by me are freely available under the terms of the Creative Commons [CC-BY-SA] license. This of course only applies in the absence of further license information. Further legal information is also available in [German]. [eurid.eu]: http://www.eurid.eu/en/whois-search [CC-BY-SA]: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ [German]: /page/impressum