# Dotfiles …is a collection of the configuration files for my essential toolset. I manage my dotfiles using git and symlink them to their appropriate directories using [GNU stow]. The repository itself is available via [Github] or [cgit]. My toolset currently consists of the following applications: * fully encrypted [ArchLinux] installation with the [grsec] kernel * [i3wm] for window management * [vim] as my text editor of choice * [pentadactyl] for turning Firefox into a fully keyboard driven browser * [fish] as my default shell * [urxvt] as terminal emulator * [conky] for displaying system information in [i3bar] [GNU stow]: https://www.gnu.org/software/stow/ [Github]: https://github.com/KnairdA/dotfiles [cgit]: http://code.kummerlaender.eu/Dotfiles/ [ArchLinux]: https://archlinux.org [grsec]: https://grsecurity.net [i3wm]: http://i3wm.org [vim]: http://vim.org [pentadactyl]: http://5digits.org/pentadactyl/ [fish]: http://fishshell.com/ [urxvt]: http://software.schmorp.de/pkg/rxvt-unicode.html [conky]: http://conky.sourceforge.net/ [i3bar]: http://i3wm.org/docs/i3bar-protocol.html