# InputXSLT …is a proof-of-concept implementation of external file access functions for XSLT based on Apache xalan and xerces. It is used to generate the whole website you are currently viewing and is available via [Github] or [cgit]. ### Why? Contrary to popular opinion I actually like XSLT as a content transformation language and have built - amongst other things - my personal website on top of it. While I used the XSLT based Symphony CMS for that particular endeavour, the intention behind the experiment is to develop XSLT extensions enabling the development of static site generators using XSLT as both a template and application language. The fact that you are currently reading this page proves that this is indeed possible. [Github]: https://github.com/KnairdA/InputXSLT [cgit]: http://blog.kummerlaender.eu/InputXSLT