# kv …is a simple CLI-accessible key value store written in Chicken-Scheme and using CSV as a backend. While this sort of program may be useful for storing some commonly required data in a easily accessible fashion its primary purpose for me is to be used as a _Chicken-Scheme_ tryout _platform_. The MIT licensed source code may be found on [Github] or [cgit]. ## Usage example Command Description ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- `kv [show]` List all stores `kv [show] test` List all keys of store _test_ `kv [show] test dummy` Print value of key _dummy_ in store _test_ `kv all` List all keys and values of all stores `kv all test` List all keys and values of store _test_ `kv all test dummy` Display key and value of key _dummy_ in store _test_ `kv write test dummy example` Write value _example_ to key _dummy_ in store _test_ `kv delete test dummy` Delete key _dummy_ of store _test_ `kv rename test dummy dummy2` Rename key _dummy_ of store _test_ to _dummy2_ [Github]: https://github.com/KnairdA/kv/ [cgit]: http://code.kummerlaender.eu/kv/