#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse from boltzgen import * argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = 'Generate LBM kernels in various languages using a symbolic description.') argparser.add_argument('target', help = 'Target language (currently either "cl" or "cpp")') argparser.add_argument('--lattice', required = True, help = 'Lattice type ("D2Q9", "D3Q7", "D3Q19", "D3Q27")') argparser.add_argument('--model', required = False, help = 'LBM model (currently only "BGK")') argparser.add_argument('--precision', required = True, help = 'Floating precision ("single" or "double")') argparser.add_argument('--layout', required = True, help = 'Memory layout ("AOS" or "SOA")') argparser.add_argument('--index', required = False, help = 'Cell indexing ("XYZ" or "ZYX")') argparser.add_argument('--streaming', required = True, help = 'Streaming pattern ("AB", "AA" or "SSS")') argparser.add_argument('--geometry', required = True, help = 'Size of the block geometry ("x:y(:z)")') argparser.add_argument('--tau', required = True, help = 'BGK relaxation time') argparser.add_argument('--disable-cse', action = 'store_const', const = True, help = 'Disable common subexpression elimination') argparser.add_argument('--functions', action = 'append', nargs = '+', default = [], help = 'Function templates to be generated') argparser.add_argument('--extras', action = 'append', nargs = '+', default = [], help = 'Additional generator parameters') args = argparser.parse_args() if args.model is None: args.model = "BGK" if args.index is None: args.index = 'XYZ' try: lattice = eval("lbm.lattice.%s" % args.lattice) except AttributeError: raise Exception("There is no lattice type called '%s'" % args.lattice) from None try: model = eval("lbm.model.%s" % args.model) except AttributeError: raise Exception("There is no LBM model called '%s'" % args.model) from None generator = Generator( model = model(lattice, tau = float(args.tau), optimize = not args.disable_cse), target = args.target, precision = args.precision, streaming = args.streaming, index = args.index, layout = args.layout) geometry = Geometry.parse(args.geometry) functions = sum(args.functions, []) if len(functions) == 0: functions += ['default'] if 'default' in functions: for f in ['collide', 'equilibrilize', 'collect_moments', 'momenta_boundary']: functions.insert(functions.index('default'), f) functions.remove('default') extras = sum(args.extras, []) src = generator.kernel(geometry, functions, extras) print(src)