/* Lattice Boltzmann sample, written in C++, using the OpenLB
* library
* Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Thomas Henn, Mathias J. Krause,
* Marie-Luise Maier
* E-mail contact: info@openlb.net
* The most recent release of OpenLB can be downloaded at
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
/* bifurcation3d.cpp:
* This example examines a steady particulate flow past a bifurcation. At the inlet,
* an inflow condition with grad_n u = 0 and rho = 1 is implemented.
* At both outlets, a Poiseuille profile is imposed on the velocity.
* After a start time, particles are put into the bifurcation at the
* inlet and experience a stokes drag force.
* A publication using the same geometry can be found here:
* http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-36961-2_5
* *
#include "olb3D.h"
#ifndef OLB_PRECOMPILED // Unless precompiled version is used,
#include "olb3D.hh" // include full template code;
using namespace std;
using namespace olb;
using namespace olb::descriptors;
using namespace olb::graphics;
using namespace olb::util;
typedef double T;
#define DESCRIPTOR D3Q19<>
#define PARTICLE Particle3D
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
const T Re = 50; // Reynolds number
const int N = 19; // resolution of the model
const T radius = 1.5e-4; // particles radius
const T partRho = 998.2; //particles density
const T fluidMaxPhysT = T( 5 ); // max. fluid simulation time in s, SI unit
const T particleMaxPhysT = T( 10 ); // max. particle simulation time in s, SI unit
const int noOfParticles = 1000; // total number of inserted particles
// center of inflow and outflow regions [m]
Vector inletCenter( T(), T(), 0.0786395 );
Vector outletCenter0( -0.0235929682287551, -0.000052820468762797,
-0.021445708949909 );
Vector outletCenter1( 0.0233643529416147, 0.00000212439067050152,
-0.0211994104877918 );
// radii of inflow and outflow regions [m]
T inletRadius = 0.00999839;
T outletRadius0 = 0.007927;
T outletRadius1 = 0.00787134;
// normals of inflow and outflow regions
Vector inletNormal( T(), T(), T( -1 ) );
Vector outletNormal0( 0.505126, -0.04177, 0.862034 );
Vector outletNormal1( -0.483331, -0.0102764, 0.875377 );
void prepareGeometry( UnitConverter const& converter,
IndicatorF3D& indicator, STLreader& stlReader,
SuperGeometry3D& superGeometry )
OstreamManager clout( std::cout, "prepareGeometry" );
clout << "Prepare Geometry ..." << std::endl;
superGeometry.rename( 0, 2, indicator );
superGeometry.rename( 2, 1, stlReader );
// rename the material at the inlet
IndicatorCircle3D inletCircle( inletCenter, inletNormal,
inletRadius );
IndicatorCylinder3D inlet( inletCircle,
2 * converter.getConversionFactorLength() );
superGeometry.rename( 2, 3, 1, inlet );
// rename the material at the outlet0
IndicatorCircle3D outletCircle0( outletCenter0, outletNormal0,
0.95 * outletRadius0 );
IndicatorCylinder3D outlet0( outletCircle0,
4 * converter.getConversionFactorLength() );
superGeometry.rename( 2, 4, outlet0 );
// rename the material at the outlet1
IndicatorCircle3D outletCircle1( outletCenter1, outletNormal1,
0.95 * outletRadius1 );
IndicatorCylinder3D outlet1( outletCircle1,
4 * converter.getConversionFactorLength() );
superGeometry.rename( 2, 5, outlet1 );
superGeometry.innerClean( true );
clout << "Prepare Geometry ... OK" << std::endl;
void prepareLattice( SuperLattice3D& sLattice,
UnitConverter const& converter, Dynamics&
sOnLatticeBoundaryCondition3D& bc,
sOffLatticeBoundaryCondition3D& offBc,
STLreader& stlReader, SuperGeometry3D& superGeometry )
OstreamManager clout( std::cout, "prepareLattice" );
clout << "Prepare Lattice ..." << std::endl;
const T omega = converter.getLatticeRelaxationFrequency();
// Material=0 -->do nothing
sLattice.defineDynamics( superGeometry, 0,
&instances::getNoDynamics() );
// Material=1 -->bulk dynamics
sLattice.defineDynamics( superGeometry, 1, &bulkDynamics );
// Material=2 -->bounce back
sLattice.defineDynamics( superGeometry, 2,
&instances::getBounceBack() );
// Material=3 -->bulk dynamics (inflow)
sLattice.defineDynamics( superGeometry, 3, &bulkDynamics );
// Material=4 -->bulk dynamics (outflow)
sLattice.defineDynamics( superGeometry, 4, &bulkDynamics );
sLattice.defineDynamics( superGeometry, 5, &bulkDynamics );
// Setting of the boundary conditions
bc.addPressureBoundary( superGeometry, 3, omega );
bc.addVelocityBoundary( superGeometry, 4, omega );
bc.addVelocityBoundary( superGeometry, 5, omega );
clout << "Prepare Lattice ... OK" << std::endl;
// Generates a slowly increasing sinuidal inflow for the first iTMax timesteps
void setBoundaryValues( SuperLattice3D& sLattice,
UnitConverter const& converter, int iT, T maxPhysT,
SuperGeometry3D& superGeometry )
OstreamManager clout( std::cout, "setBoundaryValues" );
// No of time steps for smooth start-up
int iTmaxStart = converter.getLatticeTime( 0.8*maxPhysT );
int iTperiod = 100; // amount of timesteps when new boundary conditions are reset
if ( iT == 0 ) {
AnalyticalConst3D rhoF( 1 );
std::vector velocity( 3, T() );
AnalyticalConst3D uF( velocity );
sLattice.iniEquilibrium( superGeometry, 1, rhoF, uF );
sLattice.iniEquilibrium( superGeometry, 2, rhoF, uF );
sLattice.iniEquilibrium( superGeometry, 3, rhoF, uF );
sLattice.iniEquilibrium( superGeometry, 4, rhoF, uF );
sLattice.iniEquilibrium( superGeometry, 5, rhoF, uF );
sLattice.defineRhoU( superGeometry, 1, rhoF, uF );
sLattice.defineRhoU( superGeometry, 2, rhoF, uF );
sLattice.defineRhoU( superGeometry, 3, rhoF, uF );
sLattice.defineRhoU( superGeometry, 4, rhoF, uF );
sLattice.defineRhoU( superGeometry, 5, rhoF, uF );
// Make the lattice ready for simulation
else if ( iT <= iTmaxStart && iT % iTperiod == 0 ) {
SinusStartScale startScale( iTmaxStart, T( 1 ) );
int iTvec[1] = { iT };
T frac[1] = { T( 0 ) };
startScale( frac, iTvec );
T maxVelocity = frac[0] * converter.getCharLatticeVelocity() * 3. / 4.
* std::pow( inletRadius, 2 ) / std::pow( outletRadius0, 2 );
CirclePoiseuille3D poiseuilleU4( outletCenter0[0], outletCenter0[1],
outletCenter0[2], outletNormal0[0],
outletNormal0[1], outletNormal0[2],
outletRadius0 * 0.95, -maxVelocity );
CirclePoiseuille3D poiseuilleU5( outletCenter1[0], outletCenter1[1],
outletCenter1[2], outletNormal1[0],
outletNormal1[1], outletNormal1[2],
outletRadius1 * 0.95, -maxVelocity );
sLattice.defineU( superGeometry, 4, poiseuilleU4 );
sLattice.defineU( superGeometry, 5, poiseuilleU5 );
// Computes the pressure drop between voxels before and after the cylinder
bool getResults( SuperLattice3D& sLattice,
UnitConverter const& converter, int iT, int iTperiod,
SuperGeometry3D& superGeometry,
Timer& fluidTimer, STLreader& stlReader,
SuperParticleSystem3D& supParticleSystem,
T radii, T partRho, Timer& particleTimer,
SuperParticleSysVtuWriter& supParticleWriter,
bool fluidExists)
OstreamManager clout( std::cout, "getResults" );
SuperVTMwriter3D vtmWriter( "bifurcation3d" );
SuperVTMwriter3D vtmWriterStartTime( "startingTimeBifurcation3d" );
SuperLatticePhysVelocity3D velocity( sLattice, converter );
SuperLatticePhysPressure3D pressure( sLattice, converter );
vtmWriter.addFunctor( velocity );
vtmWriter.addFunctor( pressure );
vtmWriterStartTime.addFunctor( velocity );
vtmWriterStartTime.addFunctor( pressure );
int fluidMaxT = converter.getLatticeTime( fluidMaxPhysT );
if ( iT == 0 ) {
SuperLatticeGeometry3D geometry( sLattice, superGeometry );
SuperLatticeCuboid3D cuboid( sLattice );
SuperLatticeRank3D rank( sLattice );
vtmWriter.write( geometry );
vtmWriter.write( cuboid );
vtmWriter.write( rank );
// Print some output of the chosen simulation setup
clout << "N=" << N <<"; maxTimeSteps(fluid)="
<< converter.getLatticeTime( fluidMaxPhysT ) << "; noOfCuboid="
<< superGeometry.getCuboidGeometry().getNc() << "; Re=" << Re
<< "; noOfParticles=" << noOfParticles << "; maxTimeSteps(particle)="
<< converter.getLatticeTime( particleMaxPhysT )
<< "; St=" << ( 2.*partRho*radius*radius*converter.getCharPhysVelocity() ) / ( 9.*converter.getPhysViscosity()*converter.getPhysDensity()*converter.getCharPhysLength() ) << std::endl;
// Writes the vtk and gif files
if ( iT % iTperiod == 0 ) {
if ( !fluidExists && iT <= fluidMaxT ) {
SuperEuklidNorm3D normVel( velocity );
BlockReduction3D2D planeReduction( normVel, {0, -1, 0}, 600, BlockDataSyncMode::ReduceOnly );
// write output as JPEG
heatmap::write(planeReduction, iT);
if (iT > fluidMaxT) {
// only write vtk-files after the fluid calculation is finished
vtmWriter.write(iT - fluidMaxT);
// Writes output on the console for the fluid phase
if (iT < converter.getLatticeTime( fluidMaxPhysT ) && iT%iTperiod == 0 ) {
// Timer statics
fluidTimer.update( iT );
// Lattice statistics
sLattice.getStatistics().print( iT, converter.getPhysTime( iT ) );
// Flux at the inlet and outlet regions
const std::vector materials = { 1, 3, 4, 5 };
IndicatorCircle3D inlet(
inletCenter + 2. * converter.getConversionFactorLength() * inletNormal,
inletNormal, inletRadius + 2. * converter.getConversionFactorLength() );
SuperPlaneIntegralFluxVelocity3D vFluxInflow( sLattice, converter, superGeometry, inlet, materials );
vFluxInflow.print( "inflow", "ml/s" );
SuperPlaneIntegralFluxPressure3D pFluxInflow( sLattice, converter, superGeometry, inlet, materials );
pFluxInflow.print( "inflow", "N", "Pa" );
IndicatorCircle3D outlet0(
outletCenter0 + 2. * converter.getConversionFactorLength() * outletNormal0,
outletNormal0, outletRadius0 + 2. * converter.getConversionFactorLength() );
SuperPlaneIntegralFluxVelocity3D vFluxOutflow0( sLattice, converter, superGeometry, outlet0, materials );
vFluxOutflow0.print( "outflow0", "ml/s" );
SuperPlaneIntegralFluxPressure3D pFluxOutflow0( sLattice, converter, superGeometry, outlet0, materials );
pFluxOutflow0.print( "outflow0", "N", "Pa" );
IndicatorCircle3D outlet1(
outletCenter1 + 2. * converter.getConversionFactorLength() * outletNormal1,
outletNormal1, outletRadius1 + 2. * converter.getConversionFactorLength() );
SuperPlaneIntegralFluxVelocity3D vFluxOutflow1( sLattice, converter, superGeometry, outlet1, materials );
vFluxOutflow1.print( "outflow1", "ml/s" );
SuperPlaneIntegralFluxPressure3D pFluxOutflow1( sLattice, converter, superGeometry, outlet1, materials );
pFluxOutflow1.print( "outflow1", "N", "Pa" );
// Writes output on the console for the fluid phase
if ( iT >= converter.getLatticeTime( fluidMaxPhysT ) &&
(iT%iTperiod == 0 || iT == converter.getLatticeTime( fluidMaxPhysT )) ) {
particleTimer.print( iT - fluidMaxT );
// console output number of particles at different material numbers mat
supParticleSystem.print( {1,2,3,4,5} );
// console output of escape (E), capture (C) rate for material numbers mat
supParticleSystem.captureEscapeRate( {4,5} );
// only write vtk-files after the fluid calculation is finished
supParticleWriter.write( iT - fluidMaxT );
// true as long as certain amount of active particles
if ( supParticleSystem.globalNumOfActiveParticles() < 0.001 * noOfParticles
&& iT > 0.9*converter.getLatticeTime( fluidMaxPhysT + particleMaxPhysT ) ) {
return false;
return true;
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
// === 1st Step: Initialization ===
olbInit( &argc, &argv );
singleton::directories().setOutputDir( "./tmp/" );
OstreamManager clout( std::cout, "main" );
UnitConverterFromResolutionAndRelaxationTime const converter(
int {N}, // resolution: number of voxels per charPhysL
(T) 0.557646, // latticeRelaxationTime: relaxation time, have to be greater than 0.5!
(T) inletRadius*2., // charPhysLength: reference length of simulation geometry
(T) Re*1.5e-5/( inletRadius*2 ), // charPhysVelocity: maximal/highest expected velocity during simulation in __m / s__
(T) 1.5e-5, // physViscosity: physical kinematic viscosity in __m^2 / s__
(T) 1.225 // physDensity: physical density in __kg / m^3__
// Prints the converter log as console output
// Writes the converter log in a file
// === 2nd Step: Prepare Geometry ===
STLreader stlReader( "../bifurcation3d.stl", converter.getConversionFactorLength() );
IndicatorLayer3D extendedDomain( stlReader,
converter.getConversionFactorLength() );
// Instantiation of an empty cuboidGeometry
int noOfCuboids = std::max( 16, 4 * singleton::mpi().getSize() );
CuboidGeometry3D cuboidGeometry( extendedDomain, converter.getConversionFactorLength(),
noOfCuboids );
// Instantiation of an empty loadBalancer
HeuristicLoadBalancer loadBalancer( cuboidGeometry );
// Default instantiation of superGeometry
SuperGeometry3D superGeometry( cuboidGeometry, loadBalancer, 2 );
prepareGeometry( converter, extendedDomain, stlReader, superGeometry );
// === 3rd Step: Prepare Lattice ===
SuperLattice3D sLattice( superGeometry );
BGKdynamics bulkDynamics( converter.getLatticeRelaxationFrequency(),
instances::getBulkMomenta() );
sOnLatticeBoundaryCondition3D sBoundaryCondition( sLattice );
createInterpBoundaryCondition3D( sBoundaryCondition );
sOffLatticeBoundaryCondition3D sOffBoundaryCondition(
sLattice );
createBouzidiBoundaryCondition3D( sOffBoundaryCondition );
prepareLattice( sLattice, converter, bulkDynamics, sBoundaryCondition,
sOffBoundaryCondition, stlReader, superGeometry );
// === 3.1 Step: Particles ===
clout << "Prepare Particles ..." << std::endl;
// SuperParticleSystems3D
SuperParticleSystem3D supParticleSystem( superGeometry );
// define which properties are to be written in output data
SuperParticleSysVtuWriter supParticleWriter( supParticleSystem,
"particles", SuperParticleSysVtuWriter::particleProperties::
| SuperParticleSysVtuWriter::particleProperties::mass
| SuperParticleSysVtuWriter::particleProperties::radius
| SuperParticleSysVtuWriter::particleProperties::active );
SuperLatticeInterpPhysVelocity3D getVel( sLattice, converter );
auto stokesDragForce = make_shared
< StokesDragForce3D
> ( getVel, converter );
// material numbers where particles should be reflected
std::set boundMaterial = { 2, 4, 5};
auto materialBoundary = make_shared
< MaterialBoundary3D
> ( superGeometry, boundMaterial );
supParticleSystem.addForce( stokesDragForce );
supParticleSystem.addBoundary( materialBoundary );
supParticleSystem.setOverlap( 2. * converter.getConversionFactorLength() );
// particles generation at inlet3
Vector c( inletCenter );
c[2] = 0.074;
IndicatorCircle3D inflowCircle( c, inletNormal, inletRadius -
converter.getConversionFactorLength() * 2.5 );
IndicatorCylinder3D inletCylinder( inflowCircle, 0.01 *
converter.getConversionFactorLength() );
supParticleSystem.addParticle( inletCylinder, 4. / 3. * M_PI *
std::pow( radius, 3 ) * partRho, radius, noOfParticles );
clout << "Prepare Particles ... OK" << std::endl;
// === 4th Step: Main Loop with Timer ===
Timer fluidTimer( converter.getLatticeTime( fluidMaxPhysT ),
superGeometry.getStatistics().getNvoxel() );
Timer particleTimer( converter.getLatticeTime( particleMaxPhysT ),
noOfParticles );
int iT = 0;
// amount of timesteps when getResults rewrites data
int iTperiod = converter.getLatticeTime( .2 );
bool fluidExists = true;
// checks whether there is already data of the fluid from an earlier calculation
if ( !( sLattice.load( "fluidSolution" ) ) ) {
fluidExists = false;
// if there is no data available, it is generated
for ( ; iT <= converter.getLatticeTime( fluidMaxPhysT ); ++iT ) {
// during run up time boundary values are set, collide and stream step,
// results of fluid, afterwards only particles are simulated
setBoundaryValues( sLattice, converter, iT, fluidMaxPhysT, superGeometry );
getResults( sLattice, converter, iT, iTperiod, superGeometry, fluidTimer, stlReader,
supParticleSystem, radius, partRho, particleTimer,
supParticleWriter, fluidExists );
// calculated results are written in a file
sLattice.save( "fluidSolution" );
// if there exists already data of the fluid from an earlier calculation, this is used
else {
iT = converter.getLatticeTime( fluidMaxPhysT );
getResults( sLattice, converter, iT,
iTperiod, superGeometry, fluidTimer, stlReader,
supParticleSystem, radius, partRho, particleTimer,
supParticleWriter, fluidExists );
// after the fluid calculation, particle simulation starts
supParticleSystem.setVelToFluidVel( getVel );
for ( ; iT <= converter.getLatticeTime( fluidMaxPhysT + particleMaxPhysT ); ++iT ) {
// particles simulation starts after run up time is over
supParticleSystem.simulate( converter.getConversionFactorTime() );
if ( !getResults( sLattice, converter, iT,
iTperiod, superGeometry, fluidTimer,
stlReader, supParticleSystem, radius, partRho,
particleTimer, supParticleWriter, fluidExists) ) {