/* This file is part of the OpenLB library * * Copyright (C) 2016 Robin Trunk * E-mail contact: info@openlb.net * The most recent release of OpenLB can be downloaded at * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_FORCES_HH #define ADVECTION_DIFFUSION_FORCES_HH #include "advectionDiffusionForces.h" namespace olb { template AdvDiffDragForce3D::AdvDiffDragForce3D(UnitConverter const& converter_, T St_) { initArg = 8; dragCoeff = (converter_.getCharPhysVelocity()*converter_.getConversionFactorTime()) / (St_ * converter_.getCharPhysLength()); } template AdvDiffDragForce3D::AdvDiffDragForce3D(UnitConverter const& converter_, T pRadius_, T pRho_) { initArg = 8; dragCoeff = (9.*converter_.getPhysViscosity()*converter_.getPhysDensity()*converter_.getConversionFactorTime()) / (2.*pRho_*pRadius_*pRadius_); } template void AdvDiffDragForce3D::applyForce(T force[], Cell *nsCell, Cell *adCell, T vel[], int latticeR[]) { T velF[3] = {0.,0.,0.}; nsCell->computeU(velF); for (int i=0; i < DESCRIPTOR::d; i++) { force[i] += dragCoeff*(velF[i]-vel[i]); } } template AdvDiffRotatingForce3D::AdvDiffRotatingForce3D(SuperGeometry3D& superGeometry_, const UnitConverter& converter_, std::vector axisPoint_, std::vector axisDirection_, T w_, T* frac_, bool centrifugeForceOn_, bool coriolisForceOn_) : sg(superGeometry_), axisPoint(axisPoint_), axisDirection(axisDirection_), w(w_), frac(frac_), centrifugeForceOn(centrifugeForceOn_), coriolisForceOn(coriolisForceOn_) { invMassLessForce = converter_.getConversionFactorTime() * converter_.getConversionFactorTime() / converter_.getConversionFactorLength(); } template void AdvDiffRotatingForce3D::applyForce(T force[], Cell *nsCell, Cell *adCell, T vel[], int latticeR[]) { std::vector F_centri(3,0); std::vector F_coriolis(3,0); T wf = w*(*frac); // if ( this->_sLattice.getLoadBalancer().rank(latticeR[0]) == singleton::mpi().getRank() ) { // local coords are given, fetch local cell and compute value(s) std::vector physR(3,T()); this->sg.getCuboidGeometry().getPhysR(&(physR[0]),&(latticeR[0])); T scalar = (physR[0]-axisPoint[0])*axisDirection[0] +(physR[1]-axisPoint[1])*axisDirection[1] +(physR[2]-axisPoint[2])*axisDirection[2]; if (centrifugeForceOn) { F_centri[0] = wf*wf*(physR[0]-axisPoint[0]-scalar*axisDirection[0]); F_centri[1] = wf*wf*(physR[1]-axisPoint[1]-scalar*axisDirection[1]); F_centri[2] = wf*wf*(physR[2]-axisPoint[2]-scalar*axisDirection[2]); } if (coriolisForceOn) { F_coriolis[0] = -2*wf*(axisDirection[1]*vel[2]-axisDirection[2]*vel[1]); F_coriolis[1] = -2*wf*(axisDirection[2]*vel[0]-axisDirection[0]*vel[2]); F_coriolis[2] = -2*wf*(axisDirection[0]*vel[1]-axisDirection[1]*vel[0]); } force[0] += (F_coriolis[0]+F_centri[0])*invMassLessForce; force[1] += (F_coriolis[1]+F_centri[1])*invMassLessForce; force[2] += (F_coriolis[2]+F_centri[2])*invMassLessForce; // } } template AdvDiffMagneticWireForce3D::AdvDiffMagneticWireForce3D(SuperGeometry3D& superGeometry_, UnitConverter const& converter_, T pMass, AnalyticalF3D& getMagForce) : sg(superGeometry_), _getMagForce(getMagForce) { initArg = 8; _pMass = converter_.getConversionFactorTime() / pMass; _conversionVelocity = converter_.getConversionFactorVelocity(); } template void AdvDiffMagneticWireForce3D::applyForce(T force[], Cell *nsCell, Cell *adCell, T vel[], int latticeR[]) { std::vector physR(3,T()); this->sg.getCuboidGeometry().getPhysR(&(physR[0]),&(latticeR[0])); T pos[3] = { T(), T(), T() }; pos[0] = physR[0]; pos[1] = physR[1]; pos[2] = physR[2]; T forceHelp[3] = { T(), T(), T() }; _getMagForce(forceHelp, pos); for (int i=0; i < DESCRIPTOR::d; i++) { force[i] += forceHelp[i] * _pMass / _conversionVelocity; // std::cout << "----->>>>> force " << forceHelp[i] << std::endl; } } } #endif