/* This file is part of the OpenLB library
* Copyright (C) 2008 Orestis Malaspinas, Andrea Parmigiani,
* Jonas Latt, 2013 Mathias J. Krause
* E-mail contact: info@openlb.net
* The most recent release of OpenLB can be downloaded at
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "shanChenForcedPostProcessor3D.h"
#include "interactionPotential.h"
#include "core/blockLattice3D.h"
#include "core/util.h"
#include "core/finiteDifference3D.h"
namespace olb {
//////// ShanChenForcedPostProcessor3D ///////////////////////////////////
ShanChenForcedPostProcessor3D ::
ShanChenForcedPostProcessor3D(int x0_, int x1_, int y0_, int y1_, int z0_, int z1_,
T G_, std::vector rho0_, AnalyticalF1D& iP_,
std::vector partners_)
: x0(x0_), x1(x1_), y0(y0_), y1(y1_), z0(z0_), z1(z1_), G(G_), rho0(rho0_), interactionPotential(iP_), partners(partners_)
{ }
ShanChenForcedPostProcessor3D ::
ShanChenForcedPostProcessor3D(T G_, std::vector rho0_, AnalyticalF1D& iP_,
std::vector partners_)
: x0(0), x1(0), y0(0), y1(0), z0(0), z1(0), G(G_), rho0(rho0_), interactionPotential(iP_), partners(partners_)
{ }
void ShanChenForcedPostProcessor3D::
processSubDomain( BlockLattice3D& blockLattice,
int x0_, int x1_, int y0_, int y1_, int z0_, int z1_ )
BlockLattice3D *partnerLattice = dynamic_cast *>(partners[0]);
int newX0, newX1, newY0, newY1, newZ0, newZ1;
if ( util::intersect ( x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1,
x0_, x1_, y0_, y1_, z0_, z1_,
newX0, newX1, newY0, newY1, newZ0, newZ1 ) ) {
int nx = newX1-newX0+3; // include a one-cell boundary
int ny = newY1-newY0+3; // include a one-cell boundary
int nz = newZ1-newZ0+3; // include a one-cell boundary
int offsetX = newX0-1;
int offsetY = newY0-1;
int offsetZ = newZ0-1;
BlockData3D rhoField1(nx,ny,nz);
BlockData3D rhoField2(nx,ny,nz);
// Compute density and velocity on every site of first lattice, and store result
// in external scalars; envelope cells are included, because they are needed
// to compute the interaction potential in what follows.
for (int iX=newX0-1; iX<=newX1+1; ++iX) {
for (int iY=newY0-1; iY<=newY1+1; ++iY) {
for (int iZ=newZ0-1; iZ<=newZ1+1; ++iZ) {
Cell& cell = blockLattice.get(iX,iY,iZ);
rhoField1.get(iX-offsetX, iY-offsetY, iZ-offsetZ) = cell.computeRho()*rho0[0];
// Compute density and velocity on every site of second lattice, and store result
// in external scalars; envelope cells are included, because they are needed
// to compute the interaction potential in what follows.
for (int iX=newX0-1; iX<=newX1+1; ++iX) {
for (int iY=newY0-1; iY<=newY1+1; ++iY) {
for (int iZ=newZ0-1; iZ<=newZ1+1; ++iZ) {
Cell& cell = partnerLattice->get(iX,iY,iZ);
rhoField2.get(iX-offsetX, iY-offsetY, iZ-offsetZ) = cell.computeRho()*rho0[1];
for (int iX=newX0; iX<=newX1; ++iX) {
for (int iY=newY0; iY<=newY1; ++iY) {
for (int iZ=newZ0; iZ<=newZ1; ++iZ) {
Cell& blockCell = blockLattice.get(iX,iY,iZ);
Cell& partnerCell = partnerLattice->get(iX,iY,iZ);
T* j = blockCell.template getFieldPointer();
j = partnerCell.template getFieldPointer();
T blockOmega = blockCell.getDynamics()->getOmega();
T partnerOmega = partnerCell.getDynamics()->getOmega();
// Computation of the common velocity, shared among the two populations
T rhoTot = rhoField1.get(iX-offsetX, iY-offsetY, iZ-offsetZ)*blockOmega +
rhoField2.get(iX-offsetX, iY-offsetY, iZ-offsetZ)*partnerOmega;
T *blockU = blockCell.template getFieldPointer(); // contains precomputed value rho*u
T *partnerU = partnerCell.template getFieldPointer(); // contains precomputed value rho*u
for (int iD = 0; iD < DESCRIPTOR::d; ++iD) {
uTot[iD] = (blockU[iD]*rho0[0]*blockOmega + partnerU[iD]*rho0[1]*partnerOmega) / rhoTot;
// Computation of the interaction potential
T rhoBlockContribution[L::d] = {T(), T(), T()};
T rhoPartnerContribution[L::d] = {T(), T(), T()};
T psi2;
T psi1;
interactionPotential(&psi2, &rhoField2.get(iX-offsetX, iY-offsetY, iZ-offsetZ));
interactionPotential(&psi1, &rhoField1.get(iX-offsetX, iY-offsetY, iZ-offsetZ));
for (int iPop = 0; iPop < L::q; ++iPop) {
int nextX = iX + descriptors::c(iPop,0);
int nextY = iY + descriptors::c(iPop,1);
int nextZ = iZ + descriptors::c(iPop,2);
T blockRho;
T partnerRho;
interactionPotential(&blockRho, &rhoField1.get(nextX-offsetX, nextY-offsetY, nextZ-offsetZ));
interactionPotential(&partnerRho, &rhoField2.get(nextX-offsetX, nextY-offsetY, nextZ-offsetZ));
for (int iD = 0; iD < L::d; ++iD) {
rhoBlockContribution[iD] += psi2 * blockRho * descriptors::c(iPop,iD)* descriptors::t(iPop);
rhoPartnerContribution[iD] += psi1 * partnerRho * descriptors::c(iPop,iD)* descriptors::t(iPop);
// Computation and storage of the final velocity, consisting
// of u and the momentum difference due to interaction
// potential plus external force
T *blockForce = blockCell.template getFieldPointer();
T *partnerForce = partnerCell.template getFieldPointer();
T *externalBlockForce = blockCell.template getFieldPointer();
T *externalPartnerForce = partnerCell.template getFieldPointer();
for (int iD = 0; iD < L::d; ++iD) {
blockU[iD] = uTot[iD];
blockForce[iD] = externalBlockForce[iD] - G*rhoPartnerContribution[iD]/rhoField1.get(iX-offsetX, iY-offsetY, iZ-offsetZ);
partnerU[iD] = uTot[iD];
partnerForce[iD] = externalPartnerForce[iD] - G*rhoBlockContribution[iD]/rhoField2.get(iX-offsetX, iY-offsetY, iZ-offsetZ);
void ShanChenForcedPostProcessor3D::
process(BlockLattice3D& blockLattice)
processSubDomain(blockLattice, x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1);
/// LatticeCouplingGenerator for NS coupling
ShanChenForcedGenerator3D::ShanChenForcedGenerator3D (
int x0_, int x1_, int y0_, int y1_, int z0_, int z1_, T G_, std::vector rho0_, AnalyticalF1D& iP_)
: LatticeCouplingGenerator3D(x0_, x1_, y0_, y1_, z0_, z1_), G(G_), rho0(rho0_), interactionPotential(iP_)
{ }
ShanChenForcedGenerator3D::ShanChenForcedGenerator3D (
T G_, std::vector rho0_, AnalyticalF1D& iP_)
: LatticeCouplingGenerator3D(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), G(G_), rho0(rho0_), interactionPotential(iP_)
{ }
PostProcessor3D* ShanChenForcedGenerator3D::generate (
std::vector partners) const
return new ShanChenForcedPostProcessor3D(
this->x0,this->x1,this->y0,this->y1,this->z0,this->z1, G, rho0, interactionPotential, partners);
LatticeCouplingGenerator3D* ShanChenForcedGenerator3D::clone() const
return new ShanChenForcedGenerator3D(*this);
} // namespace olb