/* This file is part of the OpenLB library
* Copyright (C) 2017 Adrian Kummerlaender
* E-mail contact: info@openlb.net
* The most recent release of OpenLB can be downloaded at
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "superPlaneIntegralF3D.h"
namespace olb {
/// Mass flux plane integral
* Calculates the flux integral of a 3-dimensional velocity functor multiplied
* by a 1-dimensional density functor i.e. mass flux.
* Flux calculation is performed by SuperPlaneIntegralF3D.
* This class adds a print method and mass flux specific constructor wrappers.
* See SuperPlaneIntegralF3D for further documentation.
class SuperPlaneIntegralFluxMass3D final : public SuperPlaneIntegralF3D {
/// Velocity functor
FunctorPtr> _velocityF;
/// Density functor
FunctorPtr> _densityF;
/// Mass conversation factor
const T _conversationFactorMass;
/// Mass conversation factor
const T _conversationFactorTime;
/// Primary constructor
* \param velocityF
* (non-)owning pointer or reference to velocity functor.
* \param densityF
* (non-)owning pointer or reference to density functor.
* \param conversationFactorMass
* Mass conversation factor
* \param conversationFactorTime
* Time conversation factor e.g. `converter.getConversionFactorTime()`
* \param hyperplaneLattice
* Parametrization of the hyperplane lattice to be interpolated.
* \param integrationIndicator
* (non-)owning pointer or reference to SuperIndicatorF3D.
* Describes the set of lattice points relevant for integration.
* \param subplaneIndicator
* (non-)owning pointer or reference to IndicatorF2D.
* Describes the relevant subplane of the interpolated hyperplane.
* \param mode
* Defines how the values of the discrete hyperplane are determined.
* i.e. if they are interpolated or read directly from lattice points.
* Note: BlockDataReductionMode::Analytical imposes restrictions on
* hyperplane definition and discretization. If you are not sure
* consider providing only a hyperplane defintion instead of both a
* definition and a discretization.
SuperPlaneIntegralFluxMass3D(FunctorPtr>&& velocityF,
FunctorPtr>&& densityF,
SuperGeometry3D& geometry,
T conversationFactorMass,
T conversationFactorTime,
const HyperplaneLattice3D& hyperplaneLattice,
FunctorPtr>&& integrationIndicator,
FunctorPtr>&& subplaneIndicator,
BlockDataReductionMode mode=BlockDataReductionMode::Analytical);
/// Constructor providing automatic lattice generation
* \param velocityF
* (non-)owning pointer or reference to velocity functor.
* \param densityF
* (non-)owning pointer or reference to density functor.
* \param conversationFactorMass
* Mass conversation factor
* \param conversationFactorTime
* Time conversation factor e.g. `converter.getConversionFactorTime()`
* \param hyperplane
* Parametrization of the hyperplane to be integrated.
* The lattice resolution is set to CuboidGeometry3D::getMinDeltaR.
* \param integrationIndicator
* (non-)owning pointer or reference to SuperIndicatorF3D.
* Describes the set of lattice points relevant for integration.
* \param subplaneIndicator
* (non-)owning pointer or reference to IndicatorF2D.
* Describes the relevant subplane of the interpolated hyperplane.
* \param mode
* Defines how the values of the discrete hyperplane are determined.
* i.e. if they are interpolated or read directly from lattice points.
SuperPlaneIntegralFluxMass3D(FunctorPtr>&& velocityF,
FunctorPtr>&& densityF,
SuperGeometry3D& geometry,
T conversationFactorMass,
T conversationFactorTime,
const Hyperplane3D& hyperplane,
FunctorPtr>&& integrationIndicator,
FunctorPtr>&& subplaneIndicator,
BlockDataReductionMode mode=BlockDataReductionMode::Analytical);
/// Constructor providing automatic lattice generation and omitting subplane restriction
* i.e. the intersection between geometry and hyperplane is integrated wherever _integrationIndicatorF allows.
* \param velocityF
* (non-)owning pointer or reference to velocity functor.
* \param densityF
* (non-)owning pointer or reference to density functor.
* \param conversationFactorMass
* Mass conversation factor
* \param conversationFactorTime
* Time conversation factor e.g. `converter.getConversionFactorTime()`
* \param hyperplane
* Parametrization of the hyperplane to be integrated.
* The lattice resolution is set to the cuboid geometry's minDeltaR.
* \param integrationIndicator
* (non-)owning pointer or reference to SuperIndicatorF3D.
* Describes the set of lattice points relevant for integration.
* \param mode
* Defines how the values of the discrete hyperplane are determined.
* i.e. if they are interpolated or read directly from lattice points.
SuperPlaneIntegralFluxMass3D(FunctorPtr>&& velocityF,
FunctorPtr>&& densityF,
SuperGeometry3D& geometry,
T conversationFactorMass,
T conversationFactorTime,
const Hyperplane3D& hyperplane,
FunctorPtr>&& integrationIndicator,
BlockDataReductionMode mode=BlockDataReductionMode::Analytical);
/// Constructor providing automatic lattice and material indicator instantiation
* \param velocityF (non-)owning pointer or reference to velocity functor.
* \param densityF (non-)owning pointer or reference to density functor.
* \param conversationFactorMass Mass conversation factor
* \param conversationFactorTime Time conversation factor
* \param origin hyperplane origin
* \param u hyperplane span vector
* \param v hyperplane span vector
* \param materials material numbers relevant for hyperplane integration
* \param mode defines how the values of the discrete hyperplane are determined
SuperPlaneIntegralFluxMass3D(FunctorPtr>&& velocityF,
FunctorPtr>&& densityF,
SuperGeometry3D& geometry,
T conversationFactorMass,
T conversationFactorTime,
const Vector& origin,
const Vector& u, const Vector& v,
std::vector materials,
BlockDataReductionMode mode=BlockDataReductionMode::Analytical);
/// Constructor providing automatic lattice parametrization, only interpolating material 1
* \param velocityF (non-)owning pointer or reference to velocity functor.
* \param densityF (non-)owning pointer or reference to density functor.
* \param conversationFactorMass Mass conversation factor
* \param conversationFactorTime Time conversation factor
* \param origin hyperplane origin
* \param u hyperplane span vector
* \param v hyperplane span vector
* \param mode defines how the values of the discrete hyperplane are determined
SuperPlaneIntegralFluxMass3D(FunctorPtr>&& velocityF,
FunctorPtr>&& densityF,
SuperGeometry3D& geometry,
T conversationFactorMass,
T conversationFactorTime,
const Vector& origin,
const Vector& u, const Vector& v,
BlockDataReductionMode mode=BlockDataReductionMode::Analytical);
/// Constructor providing automatic lattice parametrization to fit a given circle
* \param velocityF (non-)owning pointer or reference to velocity functor.
* \param densityF (non-)owning pointer or reference to density functor.
* \param conversationFactorMass Mass conversation factor
* \param conversationFactorTime Time conversation factor
* \param circle circle indicator to be used for hyperplane subset parametrization
* \param materials material numbers relevant for hyperplane interpolation
* \param mode defines how the values of the discrete hyperplane are determined
SuperPlaneIntegralFluxMass3D(FunctorPtr>&& velocityF,
FunctorPtr>&& densityF,
SuperGeometry3D& geometry,
T conversationFactorMass,
T conversationFactorTime,
IndicatorCircle3D& circle,
std::vector materials,
BlockDataReductionMode mode=BlockDataReductionMode::Analytical);
/// Constructor providing automatic lattice parametrization to fit a given circle and only interpolating material 1
* \param velocityF (non-)owning pointer or reference to velocity functor.
* \param densityF (non-)owning pointer or reference to density functor.
* \param conversationFactorMass Mass conversation factor
* \param conversationFactorTime Time conversation factor
* \param circle circle indicator to be used for hyperplane subset parametrization
* \param materials material numbers relevant for hyperplane interpolation
* \param mode defines how the values of the discrete hyperplane are determined
SuperPlaneIntegralFluxMass3D(FunctorPtr>&& velocityF,
FunctorPtr>&& densityF,
SuperGeometry3D& geometry,
T conversationFactorMass,
T conversationFactorTime,
IndicatorCircle3D& circle,
BlockDataReductionMode mode=BlockDataReductionMode::Analytical);
bool operator() (T output[], const int input[]) override;
void print(std::string regionName, std::string massFluxSiScaleName);