/* This file is part of the OpenLB library * * Copyright (C) 2016 Thomas Henn * E-mail contact: info@openlb.net * The most recent release of OpenLB can be downloaded at * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef SUPERPARTICLESYSVTUOUT_HH #define SUPERPARTICLESYSVTUOUT_HH #include "superParticleSysVTUout.h" namespace olb { template class PARTICLETYPE> int SuperParticleSysVtuWriter::numofpsys() { return _psys._pSystems.size(); } template class PARTICLETYPE> void SuperParticleSysVtuWriter::set(unsigned short pref) { _properties |= pref; } template class PARTICLETYPE> SuperParticleSysVtuWriter::SuperParticleSysVtuWriter(const SuperParticleSysVtuWriter& rhs) : _psys(rhs._psys), _name(rhs._name), _properties(rhs._properties), _binary(rhs._binary), _haveMaster(rhs._haveMaster), clout(std::cout, "SuperParticleSysVtuWriter") { } template class PARTICLETYPE> SuperParticleSysVtuWriter::SuperParticleSysVtuWriter(const SuperParticleSysVtuWriter&& rhs) : _psys(rhs._psys), _name(rhs._name), _properties(rhs._properties), _binary(rhs._binary), _haveMaster(rhs._haveMaster), clout(std::cout, "SuperParticleSysVtuWriter") { } template class PARTICLETYPE> SuperParticleSysVtuWriter::SuperParticleSysVtuWriter( SuperParticleSystem3D& psys, std::string const filename, unsigned short properties, bool binary) : _psys(psys), _name(filename), _properties(properties), _binary(binary), _haveMaster(false), clout(std::cout, "SuperParticleSysVtuWriter") { } template class PARTICLETYPE> void SuperParticleSysVtuWriter::write(int iT) { //std::cout << "Write base" << std::endl; int rank = 0; int size = 1; #ifdef PARALLEL_MODE_MPI rank = singleton::mpi().getRank(); size = singleton::mpi().getSize(); #endif if (rank == 0) { // master only if (!_haveMaster) { createMasterFile(); } std::string fullNamePVDmaster = singleton::directories().getVtkOutDir() + createFileName(_name) + "_master.pvd"; std::string fullNamePVD = singleton::directories().getVtkOutDir() + "data/" + createFileName(_name, iT) + ".pvd"; preamblePVD(fullNamePVD); // timestep for (int iR = 0; iR < size; iR++) { // cuboid std::string namePiece = "data/" + createFileName(_name, iT, iR) + ".vtu"; // puts name of .vti piece to a .pvd file [fullNamePVD] dataPVD(iT, iR, fullNamePVD, namePiece); // adds a namePiece to master.pvd file. // To do so we overwrite closePVD() and add new entry. dataPVDmaster(iT, iR, fullNamePVDmaster, namePiece); } // cuboid closePVD(fullNamePVD); // timestep } // master only std::string fullNameVTU = singleton::directories().getVtkOutDir() + "data/" + createFileName(_name, iT, rank) + ".vtu"; preambleVTU(fullNameVTU); if (_binary) { this->dataArrayBinary(fullNameVTU); } else { this->dataArray(fullNameVTU); } closeVTU(fullNameVTU); } template class PARTICLETYPE> void SuperParticleSysVtuWriter::createMasterFile() { int rank = 0; #ifdef PARALLEL_MODE_MPI rank = singleton::mpi().getRank(); #endif if (rank == 0) { std::string fullNamePVDmaster = singleton::directories().getVtkOutDir() + createFileName(_name) + "_master.pvd"; preamblePVD(fullNamePVDmaster); closePVD(fullNamePVDmaster); _haveMaster = true; } } template class PARTICLETYPE> void SuperParticleSysVtuWriter::preambleVTU( const std::string& fullName) { std::ofstream fout(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::trunc); if (!fout) { clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } fout << "" << std::endl << std::flush; fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); } template class PARTICLETYPE> void SuperParticleSysVtuWriter::closeVTU( const std::string& fullNamePiece) { std::ofstream fout(fullNamePiece.c_str(), std::ios::app); if (!fout) { clout << "Error: could not open " << fullNamePiece << std::endl; } fout << "\n"; fout << "\n"; fout.close(); } template class PARTICLETYPE> void SuperParticleSysVtuWriter::preamblePVD( const std::string& fullNamePVD) { std::ofstream fout(fullNamePVD.c_str(), std::ios::trunc); if (!fout) { clout << "Error: could not open " << fullNamePVD << std::endl; } fout << "\n"; fout << "\n" << "\n"; fout.close(); } template class PARTICLETYPE> void SuperParticleSysVtuWriter::closePVD( const std::string& fullNamePVD) { std::ofstream fout(fullNamePVD.c_str(), std::ios::app); if (!fout) { clout << "Error: could not open " << fullNamePVD << std::endl; } fout << "\n"; fout << "\n"; fout.close(); } template class PARTICLETYPE> void SuperParticleSysVtuWriter::dataPVD(int iT, int iC, const std::string& fullNamePVD, const std::string& namePiece) { std::ofstream fout(fullNamePVD.c_str(), std::ios::app); if (!fout) { clout << "Error: could not open " << fullNamePVD << std::endl; } fout << "\n"; fout.close(); } template class PARTICLETYPE> void SuperParticleSysVtuWriter::dataPVDmaster(int iT, int iC, const std::string& fullNamePVDMaster, const std::string& namePiece) { std::ofstream fout(fullNamePVDMaster.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::ate); if (fout) { fout.seekp(-25, std::ios::end); // jump -25 form the end of file to overwrite closePVD fout << "\n"; fout.close(); closePVD(fullNamePVDMaster); } else { clout << "Error: could not open " << fullNamePVDMaster << std::endl; } } template class PARTICLETYPE> void SuperParticleSysVtuWriter::dataArray( const std::string& fullName) { //std::cout<< "Base member accessed" << std::endl; std::ofstream fout(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::app); if (!fout) { clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } if (_properties & particleProperties::radius) { fout << "" << std::endl; for (auto pS : _psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { fout << p.getRad() << " "; } } fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties & particleProperties::mass) { fout << "" << std::endl; for (auto pS : _psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { fout << p.getMass() << " "; } } fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties & particleProperties::cuboid) { fout << "" << std::endl; for (auto pS : _psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { fout << p.getCuboid() << " "; } } fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties & particleProperties::active) { fout << "" << std::endl; for (auto pS : _psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { if (p.getActive()) { fout << "1 "; } else { fout << "0 "; } } } fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties & particleProperties::velocity) { fout << "" << std::endl; for (auto pS : _psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { fout << p.getVel()[0] << " " << p.getVel()[1] << " " << p.getVel()[2] << " "; } } fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties & particleProperties::force) { fout << "" << std::endl; for (auto pS : _psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { fout << p.getForce()[0] << " " << p.getForce()[1] << " " << p.getForce()[2] << " "; } } fout << "" << std::endl; } fout << "" << std::endl; fout << " " << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; int32_t i = 0; for (auto pS : _psys._pSystems) { for (unsigned int p=0; p_particles.size(); p++) { fout << i++ << " "; } } fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; i = 1; for (auto pS : _psys._pSystems) { for (unsigned int p=0; p_particles.size(); p++) { fout << i++ << " "; } } fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; for (auto pS : _psys._pSystems) { for (unsigned int p=0; p_particles.size(); p++) { fout << 1 << " "; } } fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; for (auto pS : _psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { fout << p.getPos()[0] << " " << p.getPos()[1] << " " << p.getPos()[2] << " "; } } fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); } template class PARTICLETYPE> void SuperParticleSysVtuWriter::dataArrayBinary( const std::string& fullName) { //std::cout<< "Base member accessed - binary" << std::endl; std::ofstream fout(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::app); if (!fout) { clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } if (_properties & particleProperties::radius) { fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); // only used for binary output // passed to Base64Encoder if (!ofstr) { clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = _psys.rankNumOfParticles(); // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(float)); // writes first number, which have to be the size(byte) of the following data Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); // write numbers from functor Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); for (auto pS : _psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { const float tmp = float(p.getRad()); dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } ofstr.close(); fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties & particleProperties::mass) { fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); // only used for binary output // passed to Base64Encoder if (!ofstr) { clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = _psys.rankNumOfParticles(); // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(float)); // writes first number, which have to be the size(byte) of the following data Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); // write numbers from functor Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); for (auto pS : _psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { const float tmp = float(p.getMass()); dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } ofstr.close(); fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties & particleProperties::cuboid) { fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); // only used for binary output // passed to Base64Encoder if (!ofstr) { clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = _psys.rankNumOfParticles(); // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(int)); // writes first number, which have to be the size(byte) of the following data Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); // write numbers from functor Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); for (auto pS : _psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { const int tmp = int(p.getCuboid()); dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } ofstr.close(); fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties & particleProperties::active) { fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); // only used for binary output // passed to Base64Encoder if (!ofstr) { clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = _psys.rankNumOfParticles(); // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(int)); // writes first number, which have to be the size(byte) of the following data Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); // write numbers from functor Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); for (auto pS : _psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { int tmp = 0; if (p.getActive()) { tmp = 1; } dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } ofstr.close(); fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties & particleProperties::velocity) { fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); // only used for binary output // passed to Base64Encoder if (!ofstr) { clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = _psys.rankNumOfParticles() * 3; // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(float)); // writes first number, which have to be the size(byte) of the following data Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); // write numbers from functor Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); for (auto pS : _psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { for (int iDim = 0; iDim < 3; ++iDim) { const float tmp = float(p.getVel()[iDim]); dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } } ofstr.close(); fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties & particleProperties::force) { fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); // only used for binary output // passed to Base64Encoder if (!ofstr) { clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = _psys.rankNumOfParticles() * 3; // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(float)); // writes first number, which have to be the size(byte) of the following data Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); // write numbers from functor Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); for (auto pS : _psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { for (int iDim = 0; iDim < 3; ++iDim) { const float tmp = float(p.getForce()[iDim]); dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } } ofstr.close(); fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; } fout << "" << std::endl; fout << " " << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); { std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); // only used for binary output // passed to Base64Encoder if (!ofstr) { clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = _psys.rankNumOfParticles(); // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(int)); Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); int i = 0; for (auto pS : _psys._pSystems) { for (unsigned int p=0; p_particles.size(); p++) { const int32_t tmp = i++; dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } ofstr.close(); } fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); { std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); // only used for binary output // passed to Base64Encoder if (!ofstr) { clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = _psys.rankNumOfParticles(); // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(int)); Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); int i = 1; for (auto pS : _psys._pSystems) { for (unsigned int p=0; p_particles.size(); p++) { const int32_t tmp = i++; dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } ofstr.close(); } fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); { std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); // only used for binary output // passed to Base64Encoder if (!ofstr) { clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = _psys.rankNumOfParticles(); // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(int)); Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); for (auto pS : _psys._pSystems) { for (unsigned int p=0; p_particles.size(); p++) { const uint8_t tmp = 1; dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } ofstr.close(); } fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); // only used for binary output // passed to Base64Encoder if (!ofstr) { clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = _psys.rankNumOfParticles() * 3; // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(float)); // writes first number, which have to be the size(byte) of the following data Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); // write numbers from functor Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); for (auto pS : _psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { for (int iDim = 0; iDim < 3; ++iDim) { const float tmp = float(p.getPos()[iDim]); dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } } ofstr.close(); fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); } // specialization for magnetic particle template SuperParticleSysVtuWriterMag::SuperParticleSysVtuWriterMag(const SuperParticleSysVtuWriterMag& rhs) : SuperParticleSysVtuWriter(rhs), _properties(rhs._properties) {} template SuperParticleSysVtuWriterMag::SuperParticleSysVtuWriterMag(const SuperParticleSysVtuWriterMag&& rhs) : SuperParticleSysVtuWriter(rhs), _properties(rhs._properties) {} template SuperParticleSysVtuWriterMag::SuperParticleSysVtuWriterMag( SuperParticleSystem3D& psys, std::string const filename, const std::bitset<9>& properties, bool binary) : SuperParticleSysVtuWriter(psys, filename, 0, binary), _properties(properties) {} template void SuperParticleSysVtuWriterMag::dataArrayBinary( const std::string& fullName) { //std::cout<< "Special member accessed - binary" << std::endl; std::ofstream fout(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::app); if (!fout) { this->clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } if (_properties.test(pPropRadius)) { fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); // only used for binary output // passed to Base64Encoder if (!ofstr) { this->clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = this->_psys.rankNumOfParticles(); // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(float)); // writes first number, which have to be the size(byte) of the following data Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); // write numbers from functor Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { const float tmp = float(p.getRad()); dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } ofstr.close(); fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties.test(pPropMass)) { fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); // only used for binary output // passed to Base64Encoder if (!ofstr) { this->clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = this->_psys.rankNumOfParticles(); // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(float)); // writes first number, which have to be the size(byte) of the following data Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); // write numbers from functor Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { const float tmp = float(p.getMass()); dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } ofstr.close(); fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties.test(pPropCuboid)) { fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); // only used for binary output // passed to Base64Encoder if (!ofstr) { this->clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = this->_psys.rankNumOfParticles(); // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(int)); // writes first number, which have to be the size(byte) of the following data Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); // write numbers from functor Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { const int tmp = int(p.getCuboid()); dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } ofstr.close(); fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties.test(pPropActive)) { fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); // only used for binary output // passed to Base64Encoder if (!ofstr) { this->clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = this->_psys.rankNumOfParticles(); // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(int)); // writes first number, which have to be the size(byte) of the following data Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); // write numbers from functor Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { int tmp = 0; if (p.getActive()) { tmp = 1; } dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } ofstr.close(); fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties.test(pPropVelocity)) { fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); // only used for binary output // passed to Base64Encoder if (!ofstr) { this->clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = this->_psys.rankNumOfParticles() * 3; // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(float)); // writes first number, which have to be the size(byte) of the following data Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); // write numbers from functor Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { for (int iDim = 0; iDim < 3; ++iDim) { const float tmp = float(p.getVel()[iDim]); dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } } ofstr.close(); fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties.test(pPropForce)) { fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); // only used for binary output // passed to Base64Encoder if (!ofstr) { this->clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = this->_psys.rankNumOfParticles() * 3; // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(float)); // writes first number, which have to be the size(byte) of the following data Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); // write numbers from functor Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { for (int iDim = 0; iDim < 3; ++iDim) { const float tmp = float(p.getForce()[iDim]); dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } } ofstr.close(); fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties.test(pPropMoment)) { fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); // only used for binary output // passed to Base64Encoder if (!ofstr) { this->clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = this->_psys.rankNumOfParticles() * 3; // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(float)); // writes first number, which have to be the size(byte) of the following data Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); // write numbers from functor Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { for (int iDim = 0; iDim < 3; ++iDim) { const float tmp = float(p.getMoment()[iDim]); dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } } ofstr.close(); fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties.test(pPropAVel)) { fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); if (!ofstr) { this->clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = this->_psys.rankNumOfParticles() * 3; // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(float)); // writes first number, which have to be the size(byte) of the following data Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); // write numbers from functor Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (auto p : pS->_particles) { for (int iDim = 0; iDim < 3; ++iDim) { const float tmp = float(p.getAVel()[iDim]); dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } } ofstr.close(); fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties.test(pPropTorque)) { fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); if (!ofstr) { this->clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = this->_psys.rankNumOfParticles() * 3; // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(float)); // writes first number, which have to be the size(byte) of the following data Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); // write numbers from functor Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (auto p : pS->_particles) { for (int iDim = 0; iDim < 3; ++iDim) { const float tmp = float(p.getTorque()[iDim]); dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } } ofstr.close(); fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; } fout << "" << std::endl; fout << " " << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); { std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); // only used for binary output // passed to Base64Encoder if (!ofstr) { this->clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = this->_psys.rankNumOfParticles(); // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(int)); Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); int i = 0; for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (unsigned int p=0; p_particles.size(); p++) { const int32_t tmp = i++; dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } ofstr.close(); } fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); { std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); // only used for binary output // passed to Base64Encoder if (!ofstr) { this->clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = this->_psys.rankNumOfParticles(); // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(int)); Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); int i = 1; for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (unsigned int p=0; p_particles.size(); p++) { const int32_t tmp = i++; dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } ofstr.close(); } fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); { std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); // only used for binary output // passed to Base64Encoder if (!ofstr) { this->clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = this-> _psys.rankNumOfParticles(); // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(int)); Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (unsigned int p=0; p_particles.size(); p++) { const uint8_t tmp = 1; dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } ofstr.close(); } fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); std::ofstream ofstr(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); // only used for binary output // passed to Base64Encoder if (!ofstr) { this->clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } size_t fullSize = this->_psys.rankNumOfParticles() * 3; // how many numbers to write size_t binarySize = size_t(fullSize * sizeof(float)); // writes first number, which have to be the size(byte) of the following data Base64Encoder sizeEncoder(ofstr, 1); unsigned int uintBinarySize = (unsigned int) binarySize; sizeEncoder.encode(&uintBinarySize, 1); // write numbers from functor Base64Encoder dataEncoder(ofstr, fullSize); for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { for (int iDim = 0; iDim < 3; ++iDim) { const float tmp = float(p.getPos()[iDim]); dataEncoder.encode(&tmp, 1); } } } ofstr.close(); fout.open(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); } template void SuperParticleSysVtuWriterMag::dataArray( const std::string& fullName) { std::cout<< "Special member accessed" << std::endl; std::ofstream fout(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::app); if (!fout) { this->clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl; } if (_properties.test(pPropRadius)) { fout << "" << std::endl; for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { fout << p.getRad() << " "; } } fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties.test(pPropMass)) { fout << "" << std::endl; for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { fout << p.getMass() << " "; } } fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties.test(pPropCuboid)) { fout << "" << std::endl; for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { fout << p.getCuboid() << " "; } } fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties.test(pPropActive)) { fout << "" << std::endl; for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { if (p.getActive()) { fout << "1 "; } else { fout << "0 "; } } } fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties.test(pPropVelocity)) { fout << "" << std::endl; for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { fout << p.getVel()[0] << " " << p.getVel()[1] << " " << p.getVel()[2] << " "; } } fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties.test(pPropForce)) { fout << "" << std::endl; for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { fout << p.getForce()[0] << " " << p.getForce()[1] << " " << p.getForce()[2] << " "; } } fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties.test(pPropMoment)) { fout << "" << std::endl; for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { fout << p.getMoment()[0] << " " << p.getMoment()[1] << " " << p.getMoment()[2] << " "; } } fout << "" << std::endl; } if (_properties.test(pPropTorque)) { fout << "" << std::endl; for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (auto p : pS->_particles) { fout << p.getTorque()[0] << " " << p.getTorque()[1] << " " << p.getTorque()[2] << " "; } } fout << "" << std::endl; } fout << "" << std::endl; fout << " " << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; int32_t i = 0; for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (unsigned int p=0; p_particles.size(); p++) { fout << i++ << " "; } } fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; i = 1; for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (unsigned int p=0; p_particles.size(); p++) { fout << i++ << " "; } } fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (unsigned int p=0; p_particles.size(); p++) { fout << 1 << " "; } } fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; for (auto pS : this->_psys._pSystems) { for (auto& p : pS->_particles) { fout << p.getPos()[0] << " " << p.getPos()[1] << " " << p.getPos()[2] << " "; } } fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout << "" << std::endl; fout.close(); } template void SuperParticleSysVtuWriterMag::write(int iT) { //std::cout << "Write derived" << std::endl; int rank = 0; int size = 1; #ifdef PARALLEL_MODE_MPI rank = singleton::mpi().getRank(); size = singleton::mpi().getSize(); #endif if (rank == 0) { // master only if (!this->_haveMaster) { this->createMasterFile(); } std::string fullNamePVDmaster = singleton::directories().getVtkOutDir() + createFileName(this->_name) + "_master.pvd"; std::string fullNamePVD = singleton::directories().getVtkOutDir() + "data/" + createFileName(this->_name, iT) + ".pvd"; this->preamblePVD(fullNamePVD); // timestep for (int iR = 0; iR < size; iR++) { // cuboid std::string namePiece = "data/" + createFileName(this->_name, iT, iR) + ".vtu"; // puts name of .vti piece to a .pvd file [fullNamePVD] this->dataPVD(iT, iR, fullNamePVD, namePiece); // adds a namePiece to master.pvd file. // To do so we overwrite closePVD() and add new entry. this->dataPVDmaster(iT, iR, fullNamePVDmaster, namePiece); } // cuboid this->closePVD(fullNamePVD); // timestep } // master only std::string fullNameVTU = singleton::directories().getVtkOutDir() + "data/" + createFileName(this->_name, iT, rank) + ".vtu"; this->preambleVTU(fullNameVTU); if (this->_binary) { this->dataArrayBinary(fullNameVTU); } else { this->dataArray(fullNameVTU); } this->closeVTU(fullNameVTU); } template void SuperParticleSysVtuWriterMag::set(int pref) { _properties.set(pref); } } // namespace OLB #endif /* SUPERPARTICLESYSVTUOUT_HH */