/* This file is part of the OpenLB library * * Copyright (C) 2019 Adrian Kummerländer * E-mail contact: info@openlb.net * The most recent release of OpenLB can be downloaded at * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef REFINEMENT_COUPLER_2D_HH #define REFINEMENT_COUPLER_2D_HH #include "coupler2D.h" #include "dynamics/lbHelpers.h" namespace olb { template class DESCRIPTOR> T Coupler2D::getScalingFactor() const { return 4. - _coarse.getConverter().getLatticeRelaxationFrequency(); } template class DESCRIPTOR> T Coupler2D::getInvScalingFactor() const { return 1./getScalingFactor(); } template class DESCRIPTOR> const Vector& Coupler2D::getFineLatticeR(int y) const { return _fineLatticeR[y]; } template class DESCRIPTOR> const Vector& Coupler2D::getCoarseLatticeR(int y) const { return _coarseLatticeR[y]; } template class DESCRIPTOR> Coupler2D::Coupler2D(Grid2D& coarse, Grid2D& fine, Vector origin, Vector extend): _coarse(coarse), _fine(fine), _coarseSize(floor(extend.norm() / coarse.getConverter().getPhysDeltaX() + 0.5)+1), _fineSize(2*_coarseSize-1), _vertical(util::nearZero(extend[0])), _physOrigin(_coarse.alignOriginToGrid(origin)), _coarseLatticeR(_coarseSize), _fineLatticeR(_fineSize) { OLB_ASSERT(util::nearZero(extend[0]) || util::nearZero(extend[1]), "Coupling is only implemented alongside unit vectors"); const auto& coarseGeometry = _coarse.getCuboidGeometry(); const auto& fineGeometry = _fine.getCuboidGeometry(); const T deltaX = _fine.getConverter().getPhysDeltaX(); const Vector stepPhysR = _vertical ? Vector {0, deltaX} : Vector {deltaX, 0}; for (int i=0; i < _fineSize; ++i) { if (i % 2 == 0) { coarseGeometry.getLatticeR(_physOrigin + i*stepPhysR, _coarseLatticeR[i/2]); } fineGeometry.getLatticeR(_physOrigin + i*stepPhysR, _fineLatticeR[i]); } } template class DESCRIPTOR> FineCoupler2D::FineCoupler2D(Grid2D& coarse, Grid2D& fine, Vector origin, Vector extend): Coupler2D(coarse, fine, origin, extend), _c2f_rho(this->_coarseSize), _c2f_u(this->_coarseSize, Vector(T{})), _c2f_fneq(this->_coarseSize, Vector::q>(T{})) { OstreamManager clout(std::cout,"C2F"); const auto& coarseOrigin = this->getCoarseLatticeR(0); const auto& fineOrigin = this->getFineLatticeR(0); clout << "coarse origin: " << coarseOrigin[0] << " " << coarseOrigin[1] << " " << coarseOrigin[2] << std::endl; clout << "fine origin: " << fineOrigin[0] << " " << fineOrigin[1] << " " << fineOrigin[2] << std::endl; clout << "fine size: " << this->_fineSize << std::endl; } template class DESCRIPTOR> void FineCoupler2D::store() { auto& coarseLattice = this->_coarse.getSuperLattice(); for (int y=0; y < this->_coarseSize; ++y) { const auto pos = this->getCoarseLatticeR(y); T rho{}; T u[2] {}; T fNeq[DESCRIPTOR::q] {}; Cell coarseCell; coarseLattice.get(pos, coarseCell); lbHelpers::computeRhoU(coarseCell, rho, u); lbHelpers::computeFneq(coarseCell, fNeq, rho, u); _c2f_rho[y] = Vector(rho); _c2f_u[y] = Vector(u); _c2f_fneq[y] = Vector::q>(fNeq); } } template Vector order2interpolation(const Vector& f0, const Vector& f1) { return 0.5 * (f0 + f1); } template Vector order3interpolation(const std::vector>& data, int y, bool ascending) { if (ascending) { return 3./8. * data[y] + 3./4. * data[y+1] - 1./8. * data[y+2]; } else { return 3./8. * data[y] + 3./4. * data[y-1] - 1./8. * data[y-2]; } } template Vector order4interpolation(const std::vector>& data, int y) { return 9./16. * (data[y] + data[y+1]) - 1./16. * (data[y-1] + data[y+2]); } template class DESCRIPTOR> void FineCoupler2D::interpolate() { auto& coarseLattice = this->_coarse.getSuperLattice(); for (int y=0; y < this->_coarseSize; ++y) { Cell coarseCell; coarseLattice.get(this->getCoarseLatticeR(y), coarseCell); T rho{}; T u[2] {}; lbHelpers::computeRhoU(coarseCell, rho, u); _c2f_rho[y] = order2interpolation(Vector(rho), _c2f_rho[y]); _c2f_u[y] = order2interpolation(Vector(u), _c2f_u[y]); T fNeq[DESCRIPTOR::q] {}; lbHelpers::computeFneq(coarseCell, fNeq, rho, u); _c2f_fneq[y] = order2interpolation(Vector::q>(fNeq), _c2f_fneq[y]); } } template class DESCRIPTOR> void FineCoupler2D::couple() { const auto& coarseLattice = this->_coarse.getSuperLattice(); auto& fineLattice = this->_fine.getSuperLattice(); for (int y=0; y < this->_coarseSize; ++y) { const auto& coarsePos = this->getCoarseLatticeR(y); const auto& finePos = this->getFineLatticeR(2*y); T fEq[DESCRIPTOR::q] {}; Cell coarseCell; coarseLattice.get(coarsePos, coarseCell); lbHelpers::computeFeq(coarseCell, fEq); Cell cell; fineLattice.get(finePos, cell); for (int iPop=0; iPop < DESCRIPTOR::q; ++iPop) { cell[iPop] = fEq[iPop] + this->getScalingFactor() * _c2f_fneq[y][iPop]; } fineLattice.set(finePos, cell); } for (int y=1; y < this->_coarseSize-2; ++y) { const auto rho = order4interpolation(_c2f_rho, y); const auto u = order4interpolation(_c2f_u, y); const auto fneq = order4interpolation(_c2f_fneq, y); const T uSqr = u*u; const auto finePos = this->getFineLatticeR(1+2*y); Cell fineCell; fineLattice.get(finePos, fineCell); for (int iPop=0; iPop < DESCRIPTOR::q; ++iPop) { fineCell[iPop] = lbHelpers::equilibrium(iPop, rho[0], u.data, uSqr) + this->getScalingFactor() * fneq[iPop]; } fineLattice.set(finePos, fineCell); } { const auto rho = order3interpolation(_c2f_rho, 0, true); const auto u = order3interpolation(_c2f_u, 0, true); const auto fneq = order3interpolation(_c2f_fneq, 0, true); const T uSqr = u*u; const auto& finePos = this->getFineLatticeR(1); Cell fineCell; fineLattice.get(finePos, fineCell); for (int iPop=0; iPop < DESCRIPTOR::q; ++iPop) { fineCell[iPop] = lbHelpers::equilibrium(iPop, rho[0], u.data, uSqr) + this->getScalingFactor() * fneq[iPop]; } fineLattice.set(finePos, fineCell); } { const auto rho = order3interpolation(_c2f_rho, this->_coarseSize-1, false); const auto u = order3interpolation(_c2f_u, this->_coarseSize-1, false); const auto fneq = order3interpolation(_c2f_fneq, this->_coarseSize-1, false); const T uSqr = u*u; const auto& finePos = this->getFineLatticeR(this->_fineSize-2); Cell fineCell; fineLattice.get(finePos, fineCell); for (int iPop=0; iPop < DESCRIPTOR::q; ++iPop) { fineCell[iPop] = lbHelpers::equilibrium(iPop, rho[0], u.data, uSqr) + this->getScalingFactor() * fneq[iPop]; } fineLattice.set(finePos, fineCell); } } template class DESCRIPTOR> void computeRestrictedFneq(const SuperLattice2D& lattice, Vector latticeR, T restrictedFneq[DESCRIPTOR::q]) { for (int iPop=0; iPop < DESCRIPTOR::q; ++iPop) { const auto neighbor = latticeR + Vector {0, DESCRIPTOR::c[iPop][0], DESCRIPTOR::c[iPop][1]}; Cell cell; lattice.get(neighbor, cell); T fNeq[DESCRIPTOR::q] {}; lbHelpers::computeFneq(cell, fNeq); for (int jPop=0; jPop < DESCRIPTOR::q; ++jPop) { restrictedFneq[jPop] += fNeq[jPop]; } } for (int iPop=0; iPop < DESCRIPTOR::q; ++iPop) { restrictedFneq[iPop] /= DESCRIPTOR::q; } } template class DESCRIPTOR> CoarseCoupler2D::CoarseCoupler2D( Grid2D& coarse, Grid2D& fine, Vector origin, Vector extend): Coupler2D(coarse, fine, origin, extend) { OstreamManager clout(std::cout,"F2C"); const auto& coarseOrigin = this->getCoarseLatticeR(0); const auto& fineOrigin = this->getFineLatticeR(0); clout << "coarse origin: " << coarseOrigin[0] << " " << coarseOrigin[1] << " " << coarseOrigin[2] << std::endl; clout << "fine origin: " << fineOrigin[0] << " " << fineOrigin[1] << " " << fineOrigin[2] << std::endl; clout << "coarse size: " << this->_coarseSize << std::endl; } template class DESCRIPTOR> void CoarseCoupler2D::couple() { const auto& fineLattice = this->_fine.getSuperLattice(); auto& coarseLattice = this->_coarse.getSuperLattice(); for (int y=0; y < this->_coarseSize; ++y) { const auto& finePos = this->getFineLatticeR(2*y); const auto& coarsePos = this->getCoarseLatticeR(y); T fEq[DESCRIPTOR::q] {}; Cell fineCell; fineLattice.get(finePos, fineCell); lbHelpers::computeFeq(fineCell, fEq); T fNeq[DESCRIPTOR::q] {}; computeRestrictedFneq(fineLattice, finePos, fNeq); Cell coarseCell; coarseLattice.get(coarsePos, coarseCell); for (int iPop=0; iPop < DESCRIPTOR::q; ++iPop) { coarseCell[iPop] = fEq[iPop] + this->getInvScalingFactor() * fNeq[iPop]; } coarseLattice.set(coarsePos, coarseCell); } } } #endif