/* This file is part of the OpenLB library
* Copyright (C) 2017 Adrian Kummerlaender
* E-mail contact: info@openlb.net
* The most recent release of OpenLB can be downloaded at
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "core/vector.h"
#include "geometry/cuboid3D.h"
namespace olb {
/// Definition of a analytical 2D plane embedded in 3D space
* Hyperplane3D defines a hyperplane using its origin and two span vectors.
* In practice it might be preferable to define a hyperplane using a normal
* vector or to automatically center the origin in a given cuboid.
* For this purpose a fluent construction interface is offered:
* \code{.cpp}
* // construct a hyperplane positioned at (1,1,1) and normal to (1,0,0)
* auto plane = Hyperplane3D().originAt({1,1,1})
* .normalTo({1,0,0});
* \endcode
* The primary reason for this development was the increasing constructor
* clutter in BlockReduction3D2D: Instead of using the correct Vector types
* for passing span and origin vectors they were passed as a mix between raw values
* and array types to prevent the constructor from becoming ambiguous. e.g. on the
* type level passing two span vectors is indistinguishable from passing normal and
* origin vectors.
struct Hyperplane3D {
Vector origin;
Vector u;
Vector v;
Vector normal;
Hyperplane3D() = default;
/// Center the hyperplane at the given origin vector
/// \return Hyperplane3D reference for further construction
Hyperplane3D& originAt(const Vector& origin);
/// Center the hyperplane relative to the given cuboid
/// \return Hyperplane3D reference for further construction
Hyperplane3D& centeredIn(const Cuboid3D& cuboid);
/// Span the hyperplane using two span vectors
/// \return Hyperplane3D reference for further construction
Hyperplane3D& spannedBy(const Vector& u, const Vector& v);
/// Calculate the spanning vectors of the hyperplane to be orthogonal to the given normal
/// \return Hyperplane3D reference for further construction
Hyperplane3D& normalTo(const Vector& normal);
/// Apply a matrix given by its row vectors to both span vectors
/// \return Hyperplane3D reference for further construction
Hyperplane3D& applyMatrixToSpan(const Vector& row0,
const Vector& row1,
const Vector& row2);
/// Rotate the spanning vectors around the X axis
/// \return Hyperplane3D reference for further construction
Hyperplane3D& rotateSpanAroundX(T r);
/// Rotate the spanning vectors around the Y axis
/// \return Hyperplane3D reference for further construction
Hyperplane3D& rotateSpanAroundY(T r);
/// Rotate the spanning vectors around the Z axis
/// \return Hyperplane3D reference for further construction
Hyperplane3D& rotateSpanAroundZ(T r);
/// \return true iff normal is orthogonal to X, Y axis
bool isXYPlane() const;
/// \return true iff normal is orthogonal to X, Z axis
bool isXZPlane() const;
/// \return true iff normal is orthogonal to Y, Z axis
bool isYZPlane() const;