# justify ...is a single purpose program for block justification of UTF-8 encoded monospace text. Textual input is read from _STDIN_ and written to _STDOUT_ in its justified form. The default output width of 60 characters may be customized via `--length`. Optionally an offset of leading spaces may be defined using `--offset`. i.e. `echo "$the_paragraph_above" | justify --length 40 --offset 2` results in: Textual input is read from _STDIN_ and written to _STDOUT_ in its justified form. The default output width of 60 characters may be customized via `--length`. Optionally an offset of leading spaces may be defined using `--offset`. ## Requirements * CMake * C++ compiler with C++14 support * Boost [Program Options](http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_60_0/doc/html/program_options.html) ## Build mkdir build cd build cmake .. make