#include "line_accumulator.h" #include #include #include namespace { std::uint8_t getRandomIndex( std::mt19937& random, const std::uint8_t n ) { return std::uniform_int_distribution{0, n}(random); } std::vector getRandomIndizes( std::mt19937& random, const std::uint8_t n ) { std::vector indizes(n); std::iota(indizes.begin(), indizes.end(), 0); std::shuffle( indizes.begin(), indizes.end(), random ); return indizes; } } namespace justify { LineAccumulator::LineAccumulator(const std::uint8_t max_length): max_length_{max_length}, device_{}, random_{device_()}, length_{0}, tokens_{} { } LineAccumulator::~LineAccumulator() { this->discharge(false); } std::uint8_t LineAccumulator::getMissing() const { return this->max_length_ - this->length_; } void LineAccumulator::operator()(const std::string& token) { if ( ( this->length_ + token.length() ) > this->max_length_ ) { this->discharge(true); } this->tokens_.emplace_back(token, 0); this->length_ += token.length(); if ( this->length_ < this->max_length_ ) { this->tokens_.back().second += 1; this->length_ += 1; } } void LineAccumulator::justify() { switch ( this->tokens_.size() ) { // There is no sensible block justification of null or any single token case 0: case 1: { this->length_ = this->max_length_; break; } // i.e. left align the first token and right align the second token case 2: { this->tokens_[0].second += this->getMissing(); this->length_ = this->max_length_; break; } // most common branch for normal texts, add the maximum equal amount of // spaces to all but the last token default: { const std::uint8_t base = this->getMissing() / (this->tokens_.size() - 2); std::for_each( this->tokens_.begin(), this->tokens_.end() - 2, [&, base](auto& token) { token.second += base; this->length_ += base; } ); break; } } assert(this->getMissing() < this->tokens_.size()); switch ( this->getMissing() ) { case 0: { break; } // randomly distribute missing spaces case 1: { this->tokens_[ getRandomIndex(this->random_, this->tokens_.size() - 2) ].second += 1; break; } default: { const auto indizes = getRandomIndizes( this->random_, this->tokens_.size() - 2 ); std::for_each( indizes.begin(), indizes.begin() + this->getMissing(), [&](std::uint8_t x) { this->tokens_[x].second += 1; this->length_ += 1; } ); break; } } } void LineAccumulator::discharge(const bool full) { this->length_ -= this->tokens_.back().second; this->tokens_.back().second = 0; if ( full ) { this->justify(); } for ( const auto& token : this->tokens_ ) { std::cout << token.first << std::string(token.second, ' '); } std::cout << '\n'; this->length_ = 0; this->tokens_.clear(); } }