From bdf1860017d71ad4d531e4b140d3fd2935c038ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adrian Kummerlaender Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2018 20:16:44 +0100 Subject: Start graph theory digest --- content/graph_theory.tex | 182 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 182 insertions(+) create mode 100644 content/graph_theory.tex (limited to 'content/graph_theory.tex') diff --git a/content/graph_theory.tex b/content/graph_theory.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..569bbd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/graph_theory.tex @@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ +\section*{Basics} + +A graph $G$ is the tuple $(V,E)$ where $V$ is a finite set of vertices and $E \subset {V \choose 2}$ is the set of edges. + +\subsection*{Notation} + +$K_n$ is the complete graph on $n$ vertices. + +$C_n$ is the cycle on $n$ vertices. + +$P_n$ is a path of length $n$ where $n$ counts edges. + +$E_n$ is the empty i.e. edge-less graph on $n$ vertices. + +$K_{m,n}$ is the complete bipartite graph with partite sets of cardinality $m$ respectively $n$. + +\spacing + +$|G| := |V(G)|$ and $\|G\| := |E(G)|$ + +$N(v)$ for $v \in V(G)$ is the \emph{neighbourhood} of $v$. + +$d(v)$ for $v \in V(G)$ is the \emph{degree} of $v$. + +$\delta(G)$ is the minimum degree in $G$. + +$\Delta(G)$ is the maximum degree in $G$. + +$G$ is $k$-regular $\iff \forall v \in V(G) : d(v) = k$ + +\subsection*{Handshake Lemma} + +$$2|E| = \sum_{v \in V} d(v)$$ + +Furthermore the sum of all degrees is even and thus \#vertices with odd degree is also even. + +\subsection*{Bipartite Charaterization} + +$G$ is \emph{bipartite} iff it has no cycles of odd length. + +\subsection*{Eulerian Tour Condition} + +A connected graph has an \emph{Eulerian Tour} iff every vertex has even degree. + +\subsection*{Hall's Marriage Theorem} + +Bipartite $G$ with partite sets $A, B$ has a matching containing $A$ iff $\forall S \subset A : |N(S)|\geq|S|$. + +\subsection*{Tutte's Theorem} + +Let $q(G)$ be the number of odd components in $G$. + +$G$ has perfect matching iff $\forall S \subseteq V : q(G-S) \leq |S|$. + +\subsection*{König's Theorem} + +For bipartite $G$ the size of the smallest matching equals the size of a smallest vertex cover. + +\subsection*{Hajnal and Szemer\'{e}di} + +$\delta(G) \geq (1-\frac{1}{k})n$ for $k | n \implies G$ has a $K_k$-factor. + +\section*{Connectivity} + +Let $\kappa(G)$ be the connectivity of $G$ i.e. the maximum $k$ for which $G$ is $k$-connected. + +$G$ is $k$-connected if $k-1$ vertices can be removed without disconnecting. + +Let $\kappa'(G)$ be the edge-connectivity of $G$. + +For any non-trivial connected $G$: + +$$\kappa(G) \leq \kappa'(G) \leq \delta(G)$$ + +\subsection*{Meger's Theorem} + +For graph $G$ and vertex sets $A,B \subseteq V(G)$ the minimum number of vertices separting $A$ and $B$ equals the maximum number of disjoint $A$-$B$-paths. + +\spacing + +For $a, b \in V(G)$ s.t. $\{a,b\} \notin E(G)$ the minimum number of $v \in V(G)\setminus\{a,b\}$ separating $a, b$ equals the maximum number of independent $a$-$b$-paths. + +\subsubsection*{Global Menger's Theorem} + +Graph $G$ is $k$-connected iff $\forall a,b \in V(G)$ there exist $k$ independent $a$-$b$-paths. + +\subsection*{Ear-decomposition} + +Ear-decomposition of $G$ is a sequence of graphs $G_0 \subseteq G_1 \subseteq \cdots \subseteq G_k$ s.t. $G_0$ is a cycle, $G_i$ results from $G_{i-1}$ by adding an ear and $G_k = G$. + +\spacing + +$G$ is $2$-connected iff it has an ear-decomposition. + +\subsection*{Block-cut-vertex-graph} + +Blocks of $G$ are the maximal $2$-connected subgraphs and bridges. + +The \emph{block-cut-vertex-graph} of $G$ is the bipartite graph s.t. its partite sets are the blocks on the one side and the cut-vertices on the other side. + +\spacing + +Block-cut-vertex-graph of connected $G$ is a tree. + +\section*{Planar Graphs} + +Let a \emph{plane graph} be a set of points on the plane connected by arcs s.t. the arcs do not contain any of the points or intersect any other arc. + +A \emph{planar embedding} is a bijection between a plane graph and a abstract graph. +A \emph{planar graph} is a graph $G$ with a planar embedding. The corresponding plane graph is a drawing of $G$. + +\subsection*{F\'{a}ry's Theorem} + +Every planar graph can be embedded in a plane s.t. the edges are straight lines. + +\subsection*{Euler's Formula} + +For connected planar $G$ with $v$ vertices, $e$ edges and $f$ faces: $v-e+f=2$ + +\spacing + +$|E(G)| \leq 3|V(G)|-6$ (equal if $G$ is triangulation) + +$|E(G)| \leq 2|V(G)|-4$ if no face is bound by triangle. + +\subsection*{Graph minors} + +$H$ is \emph{minor} of $G$ if it can be generated from $G$ by deleting vertices, deleting or contracting edges. + +\spacing + +$H$ is a \emph{subdivision} of $G$ if it can be generated from $G$ by subdividing edges. + +\spacing + +$H$ is a \emph{topological minor} of $G$ if a subgraph of $G$ is a subdivision of $H$. + +\subsubsection*{Kuratowski's Theorem} + +For graph $G$ the following is equivalent: + +\begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)] + \item $G$ is planar + \item $K_5, K_{3,3}$ aren't minors of $G$ + \item $K_5$, $K_{3,3}$ aren't topological minors of $G$ +\end{enumerate} + +\section*{Colorings} + +\subsection*{$5$-Color Theorem} + +Every planar graph is $5$-colorable. + +\subsection*{List coloring} + +\subsubsection*{Thomassen's $5$-List-Color Theorem} + +Every planar graph is $5$-choosable. + +\subsection*{Greedy chromatic number estimate} + +$$\chi(G) \leq \Delta(G)+1$$ + +\subsection*{Brook's Theorem} + +If $G$ is connected and neither complete nor an odd cycle then $\chi(G) \leq \Delta(G)$ + +\subsection*{König's Theorem} + +$G$ bipartite $\implies \chi'(G) = \Delta(G)$ + +\subsection*{Vizing's Theorem} + +$$\chi'(G) \in \{\Delta(G), \Delta(G)+1\}$$ + +\section*{Extremal Graph Theory} + +\section*{Ramsey Theory} + +\section*{Flows} + +\section*{Random Graphs} -- cgit v1.2.3