import XMonad hiding ((|||)) import XMonad.Util.EZConfig import qualified XMonad.StackSet as S import XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks import XMonad.Hooks.InsertPosition import XMonad.Hooks.SetWMName import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed import XMonad.Layout.MultiColumns import XMonad.Layout.TwoPane import XMonad.Layout.OneBig import XMonad.Layout.Grid import XMonad.Layout.Groups.Examples import XMonad.Layout.Groups.Helpers import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders import XMonad.Layout.Reflect import XMonad.Layout.MultiToggle import XMonad.Layout.MultiToggle.Instances import XMonad.Layout.Renamed (Rename(..), renamed) import XMonad.Layout.LayoutCombinators import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier import XMonad.Layout.Monitor import XMonad.Layout.BinarySpacePartition import XMonad.Layout.BorderResize import XMonad.Util.Themes import XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad import XMonad.Util.Dmenu (menuMapArgs) import XMonad.Actions.PhysicalScreens import XMonad.Actions.SpawnOn import XMonad.Actions.CycleWS import XMonad.Actions.WindowBringer import XMonad.Actions.GroupNavigation import XMonad.Actions.FloatKeys import XMonad.Actions.UpdatePointer import XMonad.Actions.DynamicWorkspaces import XMonad.Prompt import Data.Maybe import Control.Monad (when) import Data.Map (Map, fromList, member) import Data.List (unionBy, isInfixOf) import System.Exit import System.Posix.Unistd import Graphics.X11.ExtraTypes workspaces :: [WorkspaceId] workspaces = map show [1 .. 9 :: Int] customTabTheme host = (theme xmonadTheme) { fontName = "xft:Iosevka Medium-12" , decoHeight = decoHeightOn host , activeTextColor = "#222222" , activeColor = "#909636" , inactiveTextColor = "#999999" , inactiveColor = "#161616" , activeBorderColor = "#909636" , inactiveBorderColor = "#161616" } customLayoutHook hud host = id . smartBorders . ModifiedLayout hud . mkToggle (single NBFULL) $ tiles ||| two ||| tabs ||| frame ||| bsp ||| grid ||| groups where tiles = name "tiles" $ id . mkToggle (single REFLECTX) . mkToggle (single REFLECTY) $ multiCol [1, 2, 0] 1 delta (1/3) tabs = name "tabs" $ tabbed shrinkText (customTabTheme host) two = name "two" $ TwoPane delta (1/2) frame = name "frame" $ id . mkToggle (single REFLECTX) . mkToggle (single REFLECTY) . reflectVert $ OneBig (2/3) (4/5) bsp = name "bsp" $ borderResize (emptyBSP) grid = name "grid" $ Grid groups = name "groups" $ rowOfColumns delta = 1/24 name n = renamed [Replace n] -- layout names for layout selection dialog layoutNames = fromList [ ("0: Multi-column tiles" , "tiles") , ("1: Tabbed windows" , "tabs") , ("2: Two column stack" , "two") , ("3: One large framed window" , "frame") , ("4: Binary space partition" , "bsp") , ("5: Grid" , "grid") , ("6: Grouped columns" , "groups") ] floatRectTop h = S.RationalRect (1/20) 0 (18/20) h floatRectBottom h = S.RationalRect (1/20) (1-h) (18/20) h floatRectLeft w = S.RationalRect 0 (1/20) w (18/20) floatRectRight w = S.RationalRect (1-w) (1/20) w (18/20) dropUp = floatRectBottom $ 2/3 dropUpLarge = floatRectBottom $ 18/20 dropDown = floatRectTop $ 2/3 dropDownLarge = floatRectTop $ 18/20 sideBarLeft = floatRectLeft $ 1/3 sideBarRight = floatRectRight $ 1/3 scratchpads host = [ NS "terminal" "kitty --class=scratchterm" (className =? "scratchterm") (customFloating $ hideScreenBorder host dropDown) , NS "thesaurus" "artha" (className =? "Artha") (customFloating $ hideScreenBorder host sideBarLeft) , NS "calculator" "qalculate-gtk" (title =? "Qalculate!") (customFloating $ hideScreenBorder host sideBarLeft) , NS "messaging" "telegram-desktop" ((className =? "TelegramDesktop") <&&> (title /=? "Media viewer")) (customFloating $ hideScreenBorder host sideBarRight) , NS "notes" "emacsclient --create-frame --frame-parameters='(quote (name . \"notemacs\"))' ~/org/" (title =? "notemacs") (customFloating $ hideScreenBorder host dropDownLarge) ] hudMonitor host = monitor { prop = Title "hud" , = "hud" , rect = Rectangle ((screenWidthOn host) - 530) ((screenHeightOn host) - 350) 480 300 , opacity = 0.6 , persistent = True } windowBringerDmenuConfig = def { menuCommand = "rofi" , menuArgs = [ "-p", "win", "-dmenu", "-i" ] } hostSpecificKeybindings host = case host of "athena" -> [ ("M-i b" , showNotification "Battery" "`acpi | cut -c 10-`") , ("M-i c" , showNotification "`acpi --thermal | awk '{print $4}'`°C" "`cat /proc/acpi/ibm/fan | awk '/speed/{print $2}'` RPM") , ("M-c n" , spawn "networkmanager_dmenu") , ("" , spawn "brightnessctl s +5%") , ("" , spawn "brightnessctl s 5%-") , ("" , spawn "amixer sset Master 10%+") , ("" , spawn "amixer sset Master 10%-") , ("" , spawn "amixer sset Master toggle") ] "hephaestus" -> [ ("M-i g" , showNotification "GPU" "`nvidia-smi --query-gpu=name,temperature.gpu,utilization.gpu,utilization.memory --format=csv,noheader | awk -F',' '{print $1 \" running at\" $2 \"°C due to\" $3 \" load and\" $4 \" memory usage\"}'`") ] _ -> [ ] commonKeybindings host = -- xmonad session control [ ("C-M1-" , io (exitWith ExitSuccess)) , ("C-M1-" , spawn "xmonad --restart") , ("C-M1-l" , spawn "i3lock -c 000000") -- application launchers , ("M-" , spawn "rofi -show combi") , ("M-" , spawn "kitty") , ("M-S-" , spawn "emacsclient --create-frame") , ("M-c p" , spawn "flameshot gui") , ("" , spawn "flameshot gui") -- password management , ("M-p" , spawn "passrofi") -- window management , ("M-q" , windows $ S.shift "NSP") , ("M-S-q" , kill) , ("M-" , nextMatch History (return True)) -- window movement , ("M-j" , focusDown) , ("M-k" , focusUp) , ("M-S-j" , swapDown) , ("M-S-k" , swapUp) -- workspace selection ] ++ [ (p ++ [k] , windows $ f i) | (i, k) <- zip Main.workspaces ['1' .. '9'] , (p, f) <- [ ("M-" , S.view) , ("M-S-" , S.shift) ] ] ++ [ ("C-" , toggleWS' ["NSP"]) -- workspace movement , ("M-s j" , moveTo Next nonEmptyWS) , ("M-s k" , moveTo Prev nonEmptyWS) , ("M-S-s j" , shiftTo Next nonEmptyWS >> moveTo Next nonEmptyWS) , ("M-S-s k" , shiftTo Prev nonEmptyWS >> moveTo Prev nonEmptyWS) -- physical screen change , ("M-" , nextScreen) -- workspace layout management , ("M-v" , layoutMenu) , ("M-s l" , sendMessage NextLayout) , ("M-s +" , sendMessage $ IncMasterN 1) , ("M-s -" , sendMessage $ IncMasterN (-1)) , ("M-s y" , sendMessage $ Toggle REFLECTY) , ("M-s x" , sendMessage $ Toggle REFLECTX) , ("M-s f" , sendMessage $ Toggle NBFULL) -- group control , ("M-h" , bindOnLayout [ ("groups", focusGroupUp) , ("", sendMessage Shrink) ] ) , ("M-l" , bindOnLayout [ ("groups", focusGroupDown) , ("", sendMessage Expand) ] ) , ("M-S-h" , bindOnLayout [ ("groups", moveToGroupUp False) , ("", sendMessage Shrink) ] ) , ("M-S-l" , bindOnLayout [ ("groups", moveToGroupDown False) , ("", sendMessage Expand) ] ) , ("M-S-" , zoomWindowOut) , ("M-S-" , zoomWindowIn) , ("M-S-" , zoomColumnIn) , ("M-S-" , zoomColumnOut) -- window bringer , ("M-a" , gotoMenuConfig windowBringerDmenuConfig) , ("M-S-a" , bringMenuConfig windowBringerDmenuConfig) -- scratchpads , ("M-t" , namedScratchpadAction (scratchpads host) "thesaurus") , ("M-z" , namedScratchpadAction (scratchpads host) "literature") , ("M-r" , namedScratchpadAction (scratchpads host) "calculator") , ("M-m" , namedScratchpadAction (scratchpads host) "messaging") , ("M-n" , namedScratchpadAction (scratchpads host) "notes") -- allow selection of window to HUDify , ("M-S-f" , spawn "xdotool selectwindow set_window --name hud") , ("M-S-g" , broadcastMessage ToggleMonitor >> refresh) -- floating placement , ("M-w t" , withFocused $ windows . S.sink) , ("M-w j" , withFocused $ placeFloating host dropUp) , ("M-w S-j" , withFocused $ placeFloating host dropUpLarge) , ("M-w k" , withFocused $ placeFloating host dropDown) , ("M-w S-k" , withFocused $ placeFloating host dropDownLarge) , ("M-w h" , withFocused $ placeFloating host sideBarLeft) , ("M-w l" , withFocused $ placeFloating host sideBarRight) -- system information , ("M-i t" , showNotification "`date +%T`" "`date +\"%Y-%m-%d\"`") , ("M-i l" , showNotification "Load" "`cut -c -14 /proc/loadavg`") -- system control , ("M-c " , spawn "pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +10%") , ("M-c " , spawn "pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -10%") , ("M-c m" , spawn "pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle") , ("M-c s" , spawn "systemctl suspend") , ("M-c h" , spawn "systemctl hibernate") ] customKeybindings host = unionBy (\(keyA,_) (keyB,_) -> keyA == keyB) (hostSpecificKeybindings host) (commonKeybindings host) customMousebindings (XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modMask}) = fromList [ ((modMask .|. shiftMask, button1), \w -> focus w >> mouseMoveWindow w) , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, button3), \w -> focus w >> mouseResizeWindow w) ] customEventHook = do handleEventHook def fullscreenEventHook customManageHook host = composeOne [ hasRole "GtkFileChooserDialog" -?> doRectFloat $ hideScreenBorder host dropDown , isTeamsGarbage -?> doHideIgnore , isParaviewDialog -?> doRectFloat $ hideScreenBorder host dropDown , isTelegramMediaViewer -?> doFullFloat , isDialog -?> doCenterFloat , isPrompter -?> doCenterFloat , transience , pure True -?> insertPosition Below Newer <+> namedScratchpadManageHook (scratchpads host) ] where hasRole x = stringProperty "WM_WINDOW_ROLE" =? x isTeamsGarbage = (title =? " is sharing your screen.") isParaviewDialog = (className =? "ParaView") <&&> isDialog isPrompter = (className =? "Gcr-prompter") isTelegramMediaViewer = (className =? "TelegramDesktop") <&&> (title =? "Media viewer") customLogHook = do historyHook updatePointer (0.5, 0.5) (0, 0) customizeBorderWhen (isFloat <&&> isNotFullscreen) "#aadb0f" 6 customStartupHook host = do checkKeymap def (customKeybindings host) setWMName "LG3D" promptConfig = def { position = Bottom , promptBorderWidth = 0 , defaultText = "" , alwaysHighlight = True , height = 32 , font = "xft:Iosevka Medium-12" , fgColor = "#909636" , bgColor = "#161616" , bgHLight = "#909636" , fgHLight = "#161616" , searchPredicate = isInfixOf } main = do host <- fmap nodeName getSystemID let hud = hudMonitor host xmonad $ ewmh $ docks $ def { modMask = mod4Mask -- super key as modifier , borderWidth = borderWidthOn host , normalBorderColor = "#161616" , focusedBorderColor = "#909636" , keys = \c -> mkKeymap c (customKeybindings host) , mouseBindings = customMousebindings , startupHook = customStartupHook host , handleEventHook = customEventHook , manageHook = (customManageHook host) <> manageMonitor hud , logHook = customLogHook , layoutHook = customLayoutHook hud host } `additionalKeys` [ ((noModMask, xK_Menu) , namedScratchpadAction (scratchpads host) "terminal") -- dynamic workspace management , ((mod4Mask, xK_dead_circumflex) , selectWorkspace promptConfig) , ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_dead_circumflex) , renameWorkspace promptConfig) , ((mod4Mask, xK_dead_acute) , removeWorkspace) ] nonEmptyWS = WSIs $ return (\w -> nonNSP w && nonEmpty w) where nonNSP (S.Workspace tag _ _) = tag /= "NSP" nonEmpty = isJust . S.stack showNotification title text = spawn ("notify-send \"" ++ title ++ "\" \"" ++ text ++ "\"") -- layout selection dialog layoutMenu :: X () layoutMenu = (askUserForLayout layoutNames) >>= setLayoutByName where setLayoutByName :: (Maybe String) -> X () setLayoutByName value = case value of Just name -> sendMessage (JumpToLayout name) Nothing -> return () askUserForLayout :: Map String String -> X (Maybe String) askUserForLayout = menuMapArgs "rofi" [ "-p", "layout", "-dmenu", "-i" ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- utilities for customizing borders of floating windows withCurrentScreen f = withWindowSet $ \ws -> f (S.current ws) withCurrentScreenRect f = withCurrentScreen $ \s -> f (screenRect (S.screenDetail s)) screenResolution = withCurrentScreenRect $ \r -> return (rect_width r, rect_height r) windowSize w = do r <- withDisplay $ (\d -> io $ getWindowAttributes d w) return (fromIntegral $ wa_width r, fromIntegral $ wa_height r) isNotFullscreen :: Query Bool isNotFullscreen = ask >>= (\w -> liftX $ do (ww, wh) <- windowSize w (sw, sh) <- screenResolution return $ not (ww == sw && wh == sh)) isFloat :: Query Bool isFloat = ask >>= (\w -> liftX $ withWindowSet $ \ws -> return $ (member w (S.floating ws))) customizeBorderWhen :: Query Bool -> String -> Dimension -> X () customizeBorderWhen q color width = withFocused $ \w -> runQuery q w >>= flip when (setWindowBorder' color width w) setWindowBorder' :: String -> Dimension -> Window -> X () setWindowBorder' color width window = do XConf { display = d } <- ask ~(Just pixel) <- io $ initColor d color io $ setWindowBorder d window pixel io $ setWindowBorderWidth d window width ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ugly hack to hide window border at screen boundary placeFloating :: String -> S.RationalRect -> Window -> X () placeFloating host rect = windows . (flip S.float $ (hideScreenBorder host rect)) hideScreenBorder :: String -> S.RationalRect -> S.RationalRect hideScreenBorder host (S.RationalRect x0 y0 w h) = S.RationalRect (x0-(bw/sw)) (y0-(bw/sh)) (w+((2*bw)/sw)) (h+((2*bw+1)/sh)) where bw = 6 sw = screenWidthOn host sh = screenHeightOn host screenWidthOn host = case host of "hephaestus" -> 1920 "atlas" -> 1920 "athena" -> 1920 screenHeightOn host = case host of "hephaestus" -> 1200 "atlas" -> 1080 "athena" -> 1080 borderWidthOn host = case host of "hephaestus" -> 3 "atlas" -> 3 "athena" -> 3 decoHeightOn host = case host of "hephaestus" -> 20 "atlas" -> 20 "athena" -> 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- helper for layout name dependent actions chooseAction :: (String->X()) -> X() chooseAction f = withWindowSet (f . description . S.layout . S.workspace . S.current) bindOnLayout :: [(String, X())] -> X() bindOnLayout bindings = chooseAction chooser where chooser ws = case lookup ws bindings of Just action -> action Nothing -> case lookup "" bindings of Just action -> action Nothing -> return ()