{ pkgs, ... }: let mkShellDerivation = n: ps: pkgs.stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation rec { name = n; buildInputs = ps; shellHook = '' export NIX_SHELL_NAME="${name}" ''; }; in { custom.tasks = { bsc_edit = { description = "Grid refinement BSc thesis editor"; directory = "~/university/documents/bachelor/arbeit"; type = "local-editor"; }; bsc_shell = { description = "Grid refinement BSc thesis shell"; directory = "~/university/documents/bachelor/arbeit"; type = "local-shell"; }; bsc_view = { description = "Grid refinement BSc thesis PDF"; directory = "~/university/documents/bachelor/arbeit"; command = "evince build/main.pdf"; }; olb_edit = { description = "OpenLB editor"; directory = "~/projects/contrib/openlb"; type = "local-editor"; }; olb_shell = { description = "OpenLB shell"; directory = "~/projects/contrib/openlb"; type = "local-shell"; }; cpp_shell = { description = "Generic C++ shell environment"; directory = "~/"; type = "environment"; environment = mkShellDerivation "cpp-env" (with pkgs; [ cmake gcc8 gdb cgdb universal-ctags ]); }; sympy_shell = { description = "Python shell with SymPy"; directory = "~/"; type = "environment"; environment = with pkgs; mkShellDerivation "python-env" [ (pkgs.python3.withPackages (python-packages: with python-packages; [ sympy ])) ]; }; }; }