module primitives.conditional; import std.variant; import std.typecons; import std.container : DList; import base.stack; bool handle(string word) { switch ( word ) { case "if" : unary_op_if; return true; case "then" : n_ary_op_then; return true; case "else" : n_ary_op_else; return true; default : return capture(Token(word)); } } bool handle(Token token) { return token.visit!( (int ) => capture(token), (bool ) => capture(token), (string word) => handle(word) ); } bool dischargeable() { return concluded && !buffer.isNull; } Stack!Token discharge() { if ( concluded ) { Stack!Token result = buffer[]; buffer.nullify; return result; } else { throw new Exception("unconcluded conditional may not be discharged"); } } private { Nullable!(DList!Token) buffer; bool concluded = true; bool drop_mode = false; void unary_op_if() { if ( concluded ) { buffer = DList!Token(); drop_mode = !stack.pop.get!bool; concluded = false; } else { throw new Exception("conditionals may not be nested directly"); } } void n_ary_op_then() { if ( concluded ) { throw new Exception("`then` without preceding `if`"); } else { drop_mode = !drop_mode; } } void n_ary_op_else() { if ( concluded ) { throw new Exception("`else` without preceding `if`"); } else { drop_mode = false; concluded = true; } } bool capture(Token token) { if ( concluded && buffer.isNull ) { return false; } else { if ( !drop_mode ) { buffer.insertBack(token); } return true; } } }