import numpy import time from string import Template from simulation import Lattice, Geometry from symbolic.generator import LBM import symbolic.D2Q9 as D2Q9 import itertools lid_speed = 0.1 relaxation_time = 0.52 def MLUPS(cells, steps, time): return cells * steps / time * 1e-6 def get_cavity_material_map(geometry): return [ (lambda x, y: x > 0 and x < geometry.size_x-1 and y > 0 and y < geometry.size_y-1, 1), # bulk fluid (lambda x, y: x == 1 or y == 1 or x == geometry.size_x-2, 2), # left, right, bottom walls (lambda x, y: y == geometry.size_y-2, 3), # lid (lambda x, y: x == 0 or x == geometry.size_x-1 or y == 0 or y == geometry.size_y-1, 0) # ghost cells ] boundary = Template(""" if ( m == 2 ) { u_0 = 0.0; u_1 = 0.0; } if ( m == 3 ) { u_0 = $lid_speed; u_1 = 0.0; } """).substitute({ 'lid_speed': lid_speed }) base_2_sizes = {32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048} base_10_sizes = {50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000} precisions = {'single', 'double'} base_2_layouts = { ( 16, 1), ( 32, 1), ( 64, 1), ( 128, 1), ( 256, 1), ( 512, 1), (1024, 1), } base_10_layouts = { ( 10, 1), ( 30, 1), ( 50, 1), ( 100, 1), ( 200, 1) } base_2_configs = list(filter( lambda config: config[0] % config[1][0] == 0, itertools.product(*[base_2_sizes, base_2_layouts, precisions, {True, False}, {True}]) )) align_configs = list(filter( lambda config: config[0] % config[1][0] == 0, itertools.product(*[base_10_sizes, base_10_layouts, precisions, {True, False}, {True, False}]) )) pad_configs = list(filter( lambda config: config[0] - config[1][0] >= -100, itertools.product(*[base_10_sizes, base_2_layouts, precisions, {True, False}, {True}]) )) lbm = LBM(D2Q9) measurements = [] for size, layout, precision, opti, align in base_2_configs + align_configs + pad_configs: lattice = Lattice( descriptor = D2Q9, geometry = Geometry(size, size), precision = precision, layout = layout, padding = layout, align = align, moments = lbm.moments(optimize = opti), collide = lbm.bgk(f_eq = lbm.equilibrium(), tau = relaxation_time, optimize = opti), boundary_src = boundary) lattice.apply_material_map( get_cavity_material_map(lattice.geometry)) lattice.sync_material() nUpdates = 500 nStat = 100 stats = [] lastStat = time.time() for i in range(1,nUpdates+1): lattice.evolve() if i % nStat == 0: lattice.sync() mlups = round(MLUPS(lattice.geometry.volume, nStat, time.time() - lastStat)) stats.append(mlups) lastStat = time.time() print('%s: ~%d MLUPS' % ((size, layout, precision, opti, align), numpy.average(stats))) measurements.append(((size, layout, precision, opti, align), stats)) del lattice with open('result/', 'w') as f: f.write(str(measurements))