path: root/test.cc
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2014-04-16Switched test case codepoint reference definitions to std::u32stringAdrian Kummerländer
* removes need for defining codepoints as numeric literals * they are now defined as UTF-32 encoded string literals
2014-04-10Added operator- member implementation and improved test casesAdrian Kummerländer
* operator- takes a reference to a const std::string::const_iterator and as such enables determining the actual position of a codepoint within a string * ranged for loops in test cases now take the iterator value by rvalue reference instead of by value
2013-10-05Initial commitAdrian Kummerländer
* CodepointIterator is a simple C++ iterator class which iterates through unicode codepoints in a UTF8-encoded string * It is derived from std::iterator and implements the std::bidirectional_iterator_tag * Dereferencing an instance of the class provides the codepoint as char32_t * Tests require Google Test and use UTF8-samples from http://www.columbia.edu/~fdc/utf8/