path: root/src/transformation_facade.h
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2014-06-16Prepared TransformationFacade and FunctionTransform for parameter changeAdrian Kummerlaender
* FunctionTransform was adapted to support passing the transformation as either a string path or directly as a node-set / result-tree ** this in turn required changes to the TransformationFacade ** the implementation of a xalan::XSLTInputSource specialization for the XObjectValue::get template method was also required * changed ixslt executable to match TransformationFacade constructor changes * these changes were implemented in preparation for a restructuring of how the separate external functions provided by InputXSLT operate and work together ** the approach up until now was to provide non-combinable external functions for distinct task such as "read a file" and "transform that transformation using these parameters into that file" ** if you think about the areas of operations of these functions are overlapping quite a bit *** e.g. FunctionTransform reads files, transforms DOM structures and writes files instead of only transforming things ** the new approach will be to limit the feature set of each function in the attempt of making the clearer and increasing their combinability *** e.g. FunctionTransform won't read or write files but expect both the input-DOM and the transformation-DOM as node-sets or result trees and return the transformed document as a node-set to be written using FunctionWriteFile (to be implemented)
2014-06-10Added input file support to ixsltAdrian Kummerländer
* a single file may be passed to the XSLT processor as input ** the file is read once and stored within a xalan::XalanParsedSource to be reused by all calls to "TransformationFacade::generate" * added appropriate TranformationFacade constructor overload ** this new constructor overload which is taking a path to both the transformation and the input file is the main constructor *** the old constructor is now only a alias for this new constructor * adapted static "try_create" TransformationFacade factory method into variadic template factory method * added optional "--input" argument to ixslt ** expanded option handling accordingly
2014-06-06Implemented WarningCapacitor as a counterpart to ErrorCapacitorAdrian Kummerländer
* in difference to ErrorCapacitor this class doesn't throw an exception on "discharge" but returns the gathered warnings * adapted FunctionTransform and frontend error handling to include warnings * added static "try_create" method to TransformationFacade ** wraps construction error handling ** custom logic may be embedded using the std::function argument *** this was implemented to prevent unneccessary code duplication for handling both construction and generation errors * adapted FunctionTransform to return warning as "warning" nodes in the result tree ** added functional lambda expression factory method "handleErrors" *** returns a error handling lambda expression for a given ResultNodeFacade * implemented WarningGuard class in frontend executable ** guarantees warnings to be printed to std::cerr independent of any exceptions
2014-06-05Implemented ErrorMultiplexer as primary error handlerAdrian Kummerländer
* ErrorMultiplexer is derived from both xercesc::ErrorHandler and xalan::ProblemListener * registers itself as XalanTransformer's ErrorHandler and ProblemListener * distributes captured errors and warnings to all registered ErrorMultiplexer::Receiver instances ** ErrorCapacitor implements the ErrorMultiplexer::Receiver interface and as such registers itself in a given ErrorMultiplexer instance ** ErrorMultiplexer reduces the different xalan and xercesc internal error classifications into either warnings or errors * this was implemented to make it possible to easily differentiate between warnings and errors ** previously warnings were treated as errors ** ErrorCapacitor ignores warnings and only captures errors ** WarningCapacitor will be implemented to handle warnings during XSLT processing
2014-05-30Rewrote error handling based on exceptionsAdrian Kummerländer
* ErrorHandler is replaced by ErrorCapacitor ** temporarily registers itself as both the ProblemListener and ErrorHandler of a given XalanTransformer instance ** deregisters itself on destruction ** collects all problems and errors during its lifetime inside a internal std::vector<std::string> instance ** if this instance is not empty it is thrown contained within a ErrorCapacitor::exception by the member method ErrorCapacitor::discharge * this enables using the same code for handling transformation compilation and generation errors and problems * updated test frontend accordingly
2014-05-29Improved TransformationFacade error handlingAdrian Kummerländer
* ErrorHandler class created in 5859cb6 now caches all errors instead of pushing them to std::cerr ** cached errors are retrieved by TransformationFacade's "generate" member method * test frontend pushes all errors to std::cerr * FunctionTransform returns errors to the calling template as XML ** FunctionTransform test case demonstrates how one may test for successful transformation * "generate" member method returns std::string vector wrapped in a std::unique_ptr ** this is used as a kind of optional pointer, as the std::unique_ptr instance only wraps a vector if errors where actually generated
2014-05-28Implemented basic ErrorHandlerAdrian Kummerländer
* InputXSLT::ErrorHandler is derived from xercesc::ErrorHandler and enables contextual printing of transformation errors ** currently this means that the error messages passed to std::cerr contain the full path of the offending transformation * added input trimming to the external transform function ** calls to this function from inside a transformation may contain unnecessary whitespace characters which disrupt further processing
2014-05-20Replaced FunctionResolveInclude with IncludeEntityResolverAdrian Kummerländer
* xalan / xerces offers the possibility of implementing custom entity resolvers which are called upon by "<xsl:include..." ** such a custom resolver was implemented to resolve include path entities * this is a much better way to support include paths than offering a custom external "resolve-include" function * as entity paths are expanded before they are passed to the entity resolver, a special "[path]" syntax simmilar to "#include <path>" had to be implemented
2014-05-18Added possibility for streaming TransformationFacade outputAdrian Kummerländer
* added "std::basic_ostream<char>" taking "generate" member method overloads * marked cli parameter "target" as optional ** output is streamed to std::cout if target file is not provided
2014-05-16Added XObjectPtr parameter to FunctionTransformAdrian Kummerländer
* the given XObject is passed to the called transformation ** this was done to enable templates to pass information to each other ** this should support any type usable in a XPath context to be passed as an argument * expanded FunctionTransform test case accordingly
2014-05-10Implemented StylesheetParameterGuard classAdrian Kummerländer
* removes responsibility for clearing parameters from the generate member methods * abstracts parameter escaping and setting and handles map conversion * marked actual generate member method as private and added StylesheetParameterGuard reference argument ** "frontend" generate member methods instantiate a StylesheetParameterGuard instance and pass it to the actual generate method ** this enables central default parameter definition while offering the possibility for custom parameters
2014-05-09Added default target file and path parametersAdrian Kummerländer
* the transformation is now provided with default parameters such as the target file and its parent directory * added appropriate test case ** default_params * test frontend now doesn't provide a "test" parameter anymore * extracted parameter setter into separate member method "setParameters" of TransformationFacade
2014-05-02Changed external functions to enable global installationAdrian Kummerländer
* up until now all external functions were locally installed to a specific XalanTransformer instance contained within a TransformationGuard instance ** this had to change as I planned to add a "execute-transformation" function based on TransformationGuard which would have led to recursive self-instantiation ** global external functions have to be thread-safe * as global external function can not be provided with a reference to a transformation-specific FilesystemFacade instance, the working path is now determined using xalan::Locator ** currently using pointer arithmetics on XMLCh* to remove the "file://" prefix of the URI returned by locator->getSystemId(), may be unsafe * added compilation unit for PlattformGuard as it now contains function installation in addition to plattform lifetime management
2014-05-01Added basic parameter taking overload of TransformationFacade::generateAdrian Kummerländer
* XSLT stylesheets may be provided with a set of initial parameters ** these parameters can be provided as the second argument to the generate member method in the form of a string to string mapping ** the XSLT standard also permitts number and node set types as value arguments of such input parameters but this is not supported by this change * expanded test transformation to demonstrate this feature
2014-04-26Moved DomDocumentCache instances back into external function classAdrian Kummerländer
* A global DomDocumentCache instance would require key prefixing * switched internal data structure to std::unordered_map for average constant time access
2014-04-26Implemented global DOM document cacheAdrian Kummerländer
* the plan to return XML-nodes from each external function requires a better way to manage the lifetime of many xerces DOM document instances and their support class instances ** this is why DomDocumentCache and DomDocumentCache::item were implemented ** based on std::map so we can easily access the result of old function calls * changed external read-directory function to return the children of the document node instead of the document node itself ** removes unnecessary cruft in function calls ** will make returning status codes alongside the function result more pleasing to the eye * updated test transformation to reflect new features
2014-04-24Expanded FunctionReadDirectory class to return files and directoriesAdrian Kummerländer
* they are marked appropriately by a _type_ attribute
2014-04-24Changed TransformerFacade into TransformationFacade for single XSLTsAdrian Kummerländer
* contains a single, compiled transformation as specified by its construction argument * uses the transformation's location as the FilesystemContext * allows generation of output documents using _generate_ member method