path: root/
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authorAdrian Kummerlaender2021-06-20 11:52:06 +0200
committerAdrian Kummerlaender2021-06-20 11:52:06 +0200
commite657cd65bccc0c60f5666386409a5f4ae02df626 (patch)
tree8355a7f2ebd6fecfdc8b5338bb9716d9d215bca6 /
parent0f0a35339723e5dc67d2e519f606e5854cfb9e96 (diff)
Improve camera, volumetric example sections
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index ac99324..9e0a7f7 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1019,7 +1019,7 @@ The mapping between pre- and post-collision velocities is of course specific to
wall normal. We use tag dispatching for allowing the use to select which kind of wall
each boundary condition call represents.
-#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :eval no :main no :tangle tangle/LLBM/wall.h
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/LLBM/wall.h
#pragma once
template <int N_0, int N_1, int N_2=0>
@@ -2336,7 +2336,7 @@ Note that we use some preprocessor trickery to get this descriptor structure wor
For convenience we group all commonly required headers into a single include.
-#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :eval no :main no :tangle tangle/LLBM/base.h
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/LLBM/base.h
#pragma once
#include "descriptor.h"
@@ -4214,7 +4214,7 @@ a += attenuation * sample_attenuation;
To call this render function we now only need to wrap it in a CUDA kernel that we template for given
sampling and color palette functions.
-#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/LLBM/volumetric.h :eval no :main no
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/LLBM/volumetric.h
#include <cuda-samples/Common/helper_math.h>
#include <LLBM/sdf.h>
@@ -4486,23 +4486,43 @@ print(', '.join([ str(pdf(x).evalf()) for x in range(-3,4) ]))
: 0.00443184841193801, 0.0539909665131881, 0.241970724519143, 0.398942280401433, 0.241970724519143, 0.0539909665131881, 0.00443184841193801
*** Camera Controller
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/util/camera.h
+#pragma once
+#include <cuda-samples/Common/helper_math.h>
+#include <glm/gtx/quaternion.hpp>
+#include "SFML/Window/Event.hpp"
A convenient way of interactively controlling the view parameters of a pinhole camera is to implement
a orbiting camera. This type of camera can be rotated around a central target point using the mouse.
-While translation is realized easily by adding a shift vector to the current camera position, rotation
-is more complex. We are going to accumulate all rotation operations in a single quaternion variable
-=_rotation=. Given 3D vectors $v$ are easily rotated by a quaternion $q$ using $v^\prime = q v \overline{q}$.
+While translation is realized easily by adding the same shift vector to the current camera position and
+target point, rotation is more complex. Quaternions are a common object for expressing rotations of 3D
+space in a easily combinable manner.
-#+NAME: camera-spherical-coordinates
-#+BEGIN_SRC cpp
+Given 3D vectors $v$ are easily rotated by a quaternion $q$ using $v^\prime = q v \overline{q}$.
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/util/camera.h
+glm::vec3 apply(glm::quat q, glm::vec3 v) {
+ return glm::axis(q * glm::quat(0, v) * glm::conjugate(q));
+Interactive manipulations of the rotation around a point require accumulation of individual
+rotations over consecutive operations. Each single operation also results of the combination
+of multiple basic rotations. Our =Camera= class is going to accumulate all rotations in a single
+quaternion variable =_rotation=.
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/util/camera.h
+class Camera {
glm::quat _rotation;
-Using the rotation matrix we can compute the pinhole camera parameters. As they only change
-when a rotation is performed we store them in a set of variables.
+Using the rotation quaternion we can compute all pinhole camera parameters. As they only
+change when a rotation is performed we store them in a set of variables.
-#+NAME: camera-cartesian-coordinates
-#+BEGIN_SRC cpp
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/util/camera.h
glm::vec3 _target;
glm::vec3 _position;
glm::vec3 _forward;
@@ -4511,118 +4531,135 @@ glm::vec3 _up;
float _distance;
+Handling user input events depends on tracking some additional state to compute the
+delta between current and previous mouse location as well as the currently active
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/util/camera.h
+float2 _lastMouse;
+bool _dragging;
+bool _moving;
The =update= function projects the screen space forward, right and up vectors into world space.
-#+NAME: camera-projection
-#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :eval no :main no
-_position = _target + glm::axis(_rotation * glm::quat(0, 0, _distance, 0) * glm::conjugate(_rotation));
-_forward = glm::normalize(_target - _position);
-_right = glm::axis(_rotation * glm::quat(0, -1, 0, 0) * glm::conjugate(_rotation));
-_up = glm::axis(_rotation * glm::quat(0, glm::cross(glm::vec3(0, 1, 0), glm::vec3(-1, 0, 0))) * glm::conjugate(_rotation));
-Finally we need to handle user input events to change the translation vector
-and rotation state.
-#+NAME: camera-event-handling
-#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :eval no :main no
-switch (event.type) {
-case sf::Event::MouseWheelMoved:
- _distance -= * 10;
- break;
-case sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed:
- if (event.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Left) {
- _dragging = true;
- _lastMouse = make_float2(event.mouseButton.x, event.mouseButton.y);
- } else if (event.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Right) {
- _moving = true;
- _lastMouse = make_float2(event.mouseButton.x, event.mouseButton.y);
- }
- break;
-case sf::Event::MouseButtonReleased:
- if (event.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Left) {
- _dragging = false;
- } else if (event.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Right) {
- _moving = false;
- }
- break;
-case sf::Event::MouseMoved:
- float2 mouse = make_float2(event.mouseMove.x, event.mouseMove.y);
- if (_dragging) {
- float2 delta = 0.005 * (mouse - _lastMouse);
- glm::quat rotation_z = glm::vec3(0,0,delta.x);
- glm::quat rotation_x = glm::vec3(delta.y,0,0);
- _rotation *= glm::cross(rotation_x, rotation_z);
- }
- if (_moving) {
- float2 delta = 0.04 * (mouse - _lastMouse);
- _target += _right*delta.x + _up*delta.y;
- }
- _lastMouse = mouse;
- break;
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/util/camera.h
+void update() {
+ _position = _target + apply(_rotation, glm::vec3(0, _distance, 0));
+ _forward = glm::normalize(_target - _position);
+ _right = apply(_rotation, glm::vec3(-1, 0, 0));
+ _up = apply(_rotation, glm::cross(glm::vec3(0, 1, 0), glm::vec3(-1, 0, 0)));
-#+NAME: camera
-#+BEGIN_SRC cpp
-class Camera {
- <<camera-spherical-coordinates>>
- <<camera-cartesian-coordinates>>
- bool _dragging;
- bool _moving;
- float2 _lastMouse;
+The camera's initial view will be at a =distance= from a given =target= position.
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/util/camera.h
- Camera(float3 target, float distance):
- _distance(distance),
- _target(target.x, target.y, target.z),
- _dragging(false),
- _moving(false) {
- update();
- }
+Camera(float3 target, float distance):
+ _distance(distance),
+ _target(target.x, target.y, target.z),
+ _dragging(false),
+ _moving(false) {
+ update();
+The event handler accepts SFML-provided input events and selects the current manipulation
+tool depending on which mouse button is pressed.
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/util/camera.h
+void handle(sf::Event& event) {
+ switch (event.type) {
+ case sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed:
+ if (event.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Left) {
+ _dragging = true;
+ _lastMouse = make_float2(event.mouseButton.x, event.mouseButton.y);
+ } else if (event.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Right) {
+ _moving = true;
+ _lastMouse = make_float2(event.mouseButton.x, event.mouseButton.y);
+ }
+ break;
+ case sf::Event::MouseButtonReleased:
+ if (event.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Left) {
+ _dragging = false;
+ } else if (event.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Right) {
+ _moving = false;
+ }
+ break;
- void update() {
- <<camera-projection>>
- }
+Next we change the translation and rotation vectors to zoom when the mouse wheel
+is turned…
- void handle(sf::Event& event) {
- <<camera-event-handling>>
- update();
- }
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/util/camera.h
+ case sf::Event::MouseWheelMoved:
+ _distance -= * 10;
+ break;
- float3 getPosition() const {
- return make_float3(_position.x, _position.y, _position.z);
- }
- float3 getForward() const {
- return make_float3(_forward.x, _forward.y, _forward.z);
- }
- float3 getRight() const {
- return make_float3(_right.x, _right.y, _right.z);
- }
- float3 getUp() const {
- return make_float3(_up.x, _up.y, _up.z);
+…rotate around the current screen-relative x- and z-axis…
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/util/camera.h
+ case sf::Event::MouseMoved:
+ float2 mouse = make_float2(event.mouseMove.x, event.mouseMove.y);
+ if (_dragging) {
+ float2 delta = 0.005 * (mouse - _lastMouse);
+ glm::quat rotation_z = glm::vec3(0,0,delta.x);
+ glm::quat rotation_x = glm::vec3(delta.y,0,0);
+ _rotation *= glm::cross(rotation_x, rotation_z);
+ }
+…or move the target point while preserving rotation.
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/util/camera.h
+ if (_moving) {
+ float2 delta = 0.04 * (mouse - _lastMouse);
+ _target += _right*delta.x + _up*delta.y;
+ }
+ _lastMouse = mouse;
+ break;
+ update();
-#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/util/camera.h :eval no :main no
-#include <cuda-samples/Common/helper_math.h>
-#include <glm/gtx/quaternion.hpp>
-#include "SFML/Window/Event.hpp"
+Finally we need to provide a set of method through which the
+ray marching code can access the camera parametrization.
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/util/camera.h
+float3 getPosition() const {
+ return make_float3(_position.x, _position.y, _position.z);
+float3 getForward() const {
+ return make_float3(_forward.x, _forward.y, _forward.z);
+float3 getRight() const {
+ return make_float3(_right.x, _right.y, _right.z);
+float3 getUp() const {
+ return make_float3(_up.x, _up.y, _up.z);
*** Samplers
#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/sampler/sampler.h
#pragma once
#include <LLBM/base.h>
class RenderWindow;
class VolumetricRenderConfig;
+All methods for mapping interfacing lattice data and image synthesizer
+share the common base class =Sampler=. This class provides a texture
+buffer for storing the sampled information as well as the common
+interface consisting of =sample=, =render= and =interact= methods to
+be called by higher-level scaffolding.
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/sampler/sampler.h
class Sampler {
const std::string _name;
@@ -4652,8 +4689,46 @@ virtual void interact() = 0;
*** Scaffolding
-#+NAME: volumetric-example-add-sampler
-#+BEGIN_SRC cpp
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/util/volumetric_example.h
+#pragma once
+#include <LLBM/volumetric.h>
+#include "camera.h"
+#include "texture.h"
+#include "colormap.h"
+#include "noise.h"
+#include "render_window.h"
+#include "../sampler/sampler.h"
+Any =Sampler= implementations we want to provide in a given simulation are maintained in a central
+=_sampler= vector. The currently selected sampling method is designated by a pointer through
+which the relevant =Sampler::sample=, =Sampler::interact= and =Sampler::render= methods are
+going to be called.
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/util/volumetric_example.h
+class VolumetricExample : public RenderWindow {
+std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Sampler>> _sampler;
+Sampler* _current = nullptr;
+We also maintain instances of the previously defined camera controller, render configuration,
+color palette and a noise source for jittering the ray origins.
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/util/volumetric_example.h
+Camera _camera;
+VolumetricRenderConfig _config;
+ColorPalette _palette;
+NoiseSource _noise;
+int _steps_per_second = 100;
+int _samples_per_second = 30;
+Example cases construct their samplers using the =add= method.
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/util/volumetric_example.h
template <template<typename...> class SAMPLER, typename... ARGS>
void add(ARGS&&... args) {
_sampler.emplace_back(new SAMPLER(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...));
@@ -4661,36 +4736,67 @@ void add(ARGS&&... args) {
-Any =Sampler= implementations we want to provide in a given simulation are maintained in a central
-=_sampler= vector. The currently selected sampling method is designated by a pointer through
-which the relevant =Sampler::sample=, =Sampler::interact= and =Sampler::render= methods are
-going to be called.
+At its core the =VolumetricExample= class offers a =run= method that calls
+the example-specific simulation code via the =step= callable.
-The =run= method controls a separate thread for updating the simulation state separately from any
-visualization. This way we can e.g. vary the simulation speed or evaluate different visualization
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/util/volumetric_example.h
+template <typename TIMESTEP>
+void run(TIMESTEP step) {
+ sf::Clock last_sample;
+ sf::Clock last_frame;
+ std::size_t iStep = 0;
+ volatile bool simulate = true;
+Next, the method instantiates a separate thread for updating the simulation state independently
+of visualization. This way we can e.g. vary the simulation speed or evaluate different visualization
setups for a paused state.
-#+NAME: volumetric-example-simulation-thread
-#+BEGIN_SRC cpp
-sf::Thread simulation([&]() {
- while (this->isOpen()) {
- if (last_sample.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() > 1.0 / _samples_per_second) {
- _current->sample();
- cudaStreamSynchronize(cudaStreamPerThread);
- last_sample.restart();
- if (simulate) {
- for (unsigned i=0; i < (1.0 / _samples_per_second) * _steps_per_second; ++i) {
- step(iStep++);
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/util/volumetric_example.h
+ sf::Thread simulation([&]() {
+ while (this->isOpen()) {
+ if (last_sample.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() > 1.0 / _samples_per_second) {
+ _current->sample();
+ cudaStreamSynchronize(cudaStreamPerThread);
+ last_sample.restart();
+ if (simulate) {
+ for (unsigned i=0; i < (1.0 / _samples_per_second) * _steps_per_second; ++i) {
+ step(iStep++);
+ }
+ });
+ simulation.launch();
+After the simulation thread has been started we enter the main visualization loop. This
+loop will keep running as long as the window is opened, all the while calling the =draw=
+method at the desired frame rate.
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/util/volumetric_example.h
+ while (this->isOpen()) {
+ this->draw(
+ [&](){
+ <<volumetric-example-simulation-control>>
+ <<volumetric-example-render-control>>
+ },
+ [&](sf::Event& event) {
+ <<volumetric-example-handle-events>>
+ }
+ );
+ if (last_frame.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() > 1.0 / _samples_per_second) {
+ _current->render(_config);
+ cudaStreamSynchronize(cudaStreamPerThread);
+ last_frame.restart();
+ }
+ simulation.wait();
-In addition to controlling the simulation the sampler selection can be changed
+During event handling the sampler selection can be changed interactively.
#+NAME: volumetric-example-simulation-control
@@ -4738,7 +4844,7 @@ if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Details")) {
-Any input events that are not captured by the UI framework are used to control camera placement.
+Any input events that are not captured by the UI framework are passed to the camera controller.
#+NAME: volumetric-example-handle-events
@@ -4750,31 +4856,9 @@ _config.camera_up = _camera.getUp();
_config.canvas_size = make_uint2(this->getRenderView().width, this->getRenderView().height);
-#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/util/volumetric_example.h
-#pragma once
-#include <LLBM/volumetric.h>
-#include "camera.h"
-#include "texture.h"
-#include "colormap.h"
-#include "noise.h"
-#include "render_window.h"
-#include "../sampler/sampler.h"
-class VolumetricExample : public RenderWindow {
-std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Sampler>> _sampler;
-Sampler* _current = nullptr;
+Finally a constructor is needed to instantiate the rendering environment.
-Camera _camera;
-VolumetricRenderConfig _config;
-ColorPalette _palette;
-NoiseSource _noise;
-int _steps_per_second = 100;
-int _samples_per_second = 30;
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :tangle tangle/util/volumetric_example.h
VolumetricExample(descriptor::CuboidD<3> cuboid):
_camera(make_float3(cuboid.nX/2,cuboid.nY/2,cuboid.nZ/2), cuboid.nX),
@@ -4786,37 +4870,6 @@ VolumetricExample(descriptor::CuboidD<3> cuboid):
-template <typename TIMESTEP>
-void run(TIMESTEP step) {
- sf::Clock last_sample;
- sf::Clock last_frame;
- std::size_t iStep = 0;
- volatile bool simulate = true;
- <<volumetric-example-simulation-thread>>
- while (this->isOpen()) {
- this->draw(
- [&](){
- <<volumetric-example-simulation-control>>
- <<volumetric-example-render-control>>
- },
- [&](sf::Event& event) {
- <<volumetric-example-handle-events>>
- }
- );
- if (last_frame.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() > 1.0 / _samples_per_second) {
- _current->render(_config);
- cudaStreamSynchronize(cudaStreamPerThread);
- last_frame.restart();
- }
- }
- simulation.wait();
@@ -5012,7 +5065,7 @@ const float u_lid = 0.05;
#+NAME: ldc-simulation-step
-#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :eval no :main no
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp
lattice.apply(Operator(BgkCollideO(), bulk_mask, tau),
Operator(BounceBackO(), wall_mask),
Operator(BounceBackMovingWallO(), lid_mask, std::min(iStep*1e-3, 1.0)*u_lid, 0.f));
@@ -5264,7 +5317,7 @@ sweep of the lattice. This is followed by calling =BouzidiO= on the SDF-generate
boundary configuration.
#+NAME: magnus-simulation-step
-#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :eval no :main no
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp
lattice.apply(Operator(BgkCollideO(), bulk_mask, tau),
Operator(BounceBackFreeSlipO(), wall_mask, WallNormal<0,1>()),
Operator(EquilibriumVelocityWallO(), inflow_mask, std::min(iStep*1e-5, 1.)*u_inflow, WallNormal<1,0>()),
@@ -5727,7 +5780,7 @@ As 3D simulations are generally what is of relevance for practical applications
using a =D3Q19= lattice of single and double precision values.
#+NAME: benchmark-ldc-setup-lattice
-#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :eval no :main no
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp
Lattice<DESCRIPTOR,T> lattice(cuboid);
CellMaterials<DESCRIPTOR> materials(cuboid, [&cuboid](uint3 p) -> int {
@@ -5758,7 +5811,7 @@ cudaDeviceSynchronize();
The simulation step consists of BGK collisions in the bulk and bounce back boundaries at the sides.
#+NAME: benchmark-ldc-simulation-step
-#+BEGIN_SRC cpp :eval no :main no
+#+BEGIN_SRC cpp
lattice.apply(Operator(BgkCollideO(), bulk_mask, 0.56),
Operator(BounceBackO(), box_mask),
Operator(BounceBackMovingWallO(), lid_mask, 0.05f, 0.f, 0.f));