path: root/example/turing/turing.cc
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-03-15Updated _Turing machine_ comments to reflect tape loggingHEADmasterAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-03-14Implemented basic tape log printout in _Turing_ exampleAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-03-07Changed `tav::Apply` implementation selection to template aliasAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-02-23Added binary incrementer state table to Turing machine exampleAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-02-21Moved Turing machine printing into separate functionAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-02-21Separated Turing machine implementation into componentsAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-02-21Implemented basic Turing machine as an exampleAdrian Kummerlaender