path: root/generate.xsl
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2014-08-23Revamped source tree traversionAdrian Kummerlaender
* this was done to be able to implement directory symlinking * the generation process is now split into three transformations ** the actual work is performed by "list.xsl" and "traverse.xsl" respecitively ** "make.xsl" wraps these two transformations *** i.e. generation is now launched by executing "ixslt --transformation make.xsl" * checked background images into VCS
2014-08-18Implemented basic cleaning and linking facilitiesAdrian Kummerlaender
* e.g. removing the target directory before each regeneration and symlinking CSS files ** this will be extended to include ressource directories and so on * renamed "formatter.xsl" stylesheet to "helper.xsl" as it now includes various helper templates * finally checked the main CSS into the VCS
2014-07-23Added recursive traversion of all folders in each levelAdrian Kummerlaender
* enables representing the result folder structure in the source ** e.g. the "page.xsl" transformation is located in "source/pages" and the result is therefore written to "target/pages" ** this enables simplification of target metadata as it is now automatically relative to the level * modified page template accordingly
2014-07-22Restructured generation logic into separate templatesAdrian Kummerlaender
* root template iterates through the levels and calls the "process" template for each stylesheet * the "process" template handles metadata extraction and main datasource resolution ** calls "compile" template for generation preparation * the "compile" template resolves the support datasources, merges the final datasource and resolves the target path using additional helper templates * actual generation of the result is preformed by the "generate" template as before
2014-07-21Moved compiler template parameters into variablesAdrian Kummerlaender
* they are overlapping between the different main datasource modes
2014-07-20Implemented new "layered" site generation architectureAdrian Kummerlaender
* "source" directory contains layers as subdirectories ** ordered by their name ** e.g. layer 0 is "00_content" and contains the content alongside some metadata * transformations contained within the "source" layers are processed sequentally * transformations define their requirements in a "meta" variable ** the "meta" variable is interpreted by the core transformation "generate.xsl" * requirements are currently datasources and target information ** every transformation may have one datasource of type "main" *** this data source offers e.g. the option to iterate over it ** every transformation may have a arbitrary number of "support" datasources *** e.g. "meta" is a support datasource ** the target node may provide a fixed target path or a Xpath to be evaluated * the result of each transformation is written to the appropriate layer of the "result" directory * this approach to XSLT based static site generation should be quite flexible and offer good expandability ** e.g. adding new datasource options and types
2014-07-19Reactivated basic page generationAdrian Kummerlaender
* page template is called by the pages compiler * modified master transformation to match new meta structure * the context variable needed by the context transformation now has to be defined in every template using the transformation ** this is needed to accomodate different input DOM structures
2014-07-17Implemented basic page compilation facilitiesAdrian Kummerlaender
* templates in 'template/compiler' are automatically generated ** required datasources are extracted and merged automatically ** 'pages.xsl' is currently a dummy compiler * moved context helper templates into context stylesheet * added compiler directory to meta DOM * modified generator and transformer helper templates to enable usage of DOM as input
2014-07-16Restructured to enable automatic datasourcesAdrian Kummerlaender
* i.e. first the content source is mapped * after that every transformation in 'template/datasource/' is called using the content map as input ** the output of the datasource transformations is stored in 'datasource/'
2014-07-15Added "transform_in_context" helper templateAdrian Kummerlaender
* handles inclusion of the meta DOM in the input source of transformations called through that template ** i.e. simplifies transformation chaining
2014-07-14Initial commit of basic generator structureAdrian Kummerlaender
* including example data and current "/home/adrian" layout