path: root/source/99_result
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-05-05Change _MathJax_ font urls to ressource serverAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-05-04Implement support of server side math expression renderingAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-26Remove explicit font family definitionAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-06-04Fixed full width image stylingAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-03-22Revamped layout to be more minimalistic and readableAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-03-11Improved navigation on small screensAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-12-14Updated CSS to hide unnecessary comment control linksAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-12-09Replaced function-like data resolution with template applicationsAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-11-16Improved inline `code` stylingAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-10-31Separated tag links using spaces instead of CSS marginsAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-10-29Removed remnants of layout iteration and cleaned CSSAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-10-28Added description meta tag to master templateAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-10-27Added author node for each feed entryAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-28Shrunk and compressed about-page header imageAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-28Added alternate feed link and augmented entry linksAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-28Replaced custom ATOM XHTML copy templates with the appropriate helper templateAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-12Updated feed transformation to generate valid ATOM 1.0Adrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-11Fixed links in ATOM feedAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-11Fixed XHTML namespace generationAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-11Removed border from comment form headerAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-11Added gap between columns, increased browser compatibilityAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-11Expanded formatter embellishment templatesAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-10Added faviconAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-10Fixed comment paragraph and column stylingAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-10Added footnote CSS stylingAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-09Removed unnecessary absolute linksAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-09Added comment counter to article pageAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-08Improved Isso styling and fixed "pre" line-breakAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-08Added basic isso commenting system integrationAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-07Changed image CSS style to apply also to unlinked imagesAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-07Added picture to contact pageAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-06Simplified access to datasource in target resolutionAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-06Removed unnecessarily complex category sorting logicAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-03Revamped transformation layout to remove need for the "01_files" levelAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-09-02Moved author name into the meta treeAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-08-29Removed need for prefixing datasource source attributeAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-08-29Updated contact page and prettylist CSSAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-08-27Modified category sort logic to fit 7db86c6Adrian Kummerlaender
2014-08-26Implemented a more balanced category sort logicAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-08-23Separated task planning and processing into separate transformationsAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-08-23Revamped source tree traversionAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-08-18Implemented basic cleaning and linking facilitiesAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-08-11Added category overview heading and randomized orderAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-08-11Implemented page categorization functionalityAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-08-10Minor improvements to article, stream and master transformationAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-08-10Added microblog to archive pageAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-08-09Restricted amount of articles generated into the atom feedAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-08-08Fixed stream template article CSS classesAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-08-07Fixed stream navigation logicAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-08-06Improved automatic source code highlightingAdrian Kummerlaender