AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-03-04Use a more robust way of determining if fallback is requiredHEADmasterAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-03-04Match relevant sections of _nvim_ filter to _vim_ filterAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-03-03Implement support for automatic editor determinationAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-03-03Expand _vim_ filter definitionAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-03-03Verify existence of log file, set appropriate return codeAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-22Rename `PathMatcher::isMatching` to `PathMatcher::is_matching`Adrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-22Link `ld.so` via the build system instead of raw compiler flagsAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-22Release source under the terms of the MIT licenseAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-20Interpose `open` library functionAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-19Add filter definition for _neovim_Adrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-19Create alias of _vim_ filter definition for _gvim_Adrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-19Add filter definition for _vim_Adrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-19Add support for global application specific filter definitionsAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-19Rename some functions to match overall naming schemeAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-17Move io utilities into separate compilation unitAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-17Separate static allocator from payload function interpositionsAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-17Implement static allocator for initializationAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-16Move actual function pointers to function local static variablesAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-16Adapt `get_actual_function` template to accept newly introduced `function_ptr`Adrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-16Replace `std::function` with raw function pointerAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-15Update `README.md` to explain the filtering capabilitiesAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-15Add support for commenting ignore patterns fileAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-14Implement support for excluding arbitrary paths from trackingAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-14Reduce `ChangeTracker` public _interface_ to `track`Adrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-13Add `README.md`Adrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-13Add filesystem exception handling where requiredAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-13Reimplement locking in `Logger::append`Adrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-11Delay tracking activationAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-11Extract file descriptor filter logicAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-11Extract child emplacement into thread safe memberAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-10Replace macro argument expansion with more idiomatic recursive templateAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-07Increase log message generation readabilityAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-06Prevent deleted files from being displayed using `diff`Adrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-06Track `writev` system callAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-06Preserve pre-change file content as tracking stateAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-12-27Introduce thread synchronization for tracking init and loggingAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-12-27Explicitly set log file permissionsAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-12-24Evaluate all `change` arguments sans the first oneAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-12-24Add installation rules to `CMakeLists.txt`Adrian Kummerlaender
2015-12-24Implement basic library usage helperAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-12-24Prevent the libraries own log writes from being trackedAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-12-24Add path label for the file provided via standard inputAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-12-24Use full path for change trackingAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-12-24Add support for changing the `diff` command via an environment variableAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-12-24Remove unnecessary headersAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-12-24Remove `exit` logging and interpositionAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-12-24Match namespace and directory structureAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-12-23Implement file change tracking using `diff`Adrian Kummerlaender
2015-12-21Add file mode check in `unlink`Adrian Kummerlaender
2015-11-30Extract actual function acquisitionAdrian Kummerlaender