path: root/boltzgen/kernel/template/collide_and_stream.cl.mako
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-11-02Import `sympy.ccode` inside templates instead of as argumentAdrian Kummerlaender
2019-11-02Restructure LBM model / lattice distinctionAdrian Kummerlaender
2019-10-31Call symbolic generator inside code templatesAdrian Kummerlaender
This paves the way for dropping in other LBM collision models. As a side benefit the default momenta calulcation is now fully inlined where possible.
2019-10-29Unify AOS, SOA specific cell preshift between targetsAdrian Kummerlaender
SOA and AOS should not be target specific, neighbor offset calculation / bijection between gid and cell coordinates should be customizable.
2019-10-27Optionally generate cell-list-based OpenCL dispatch functionsAdrian Kummerlaender
Requires different function naming as OpenCL 1.2 doesn't support overloads. The OpenCL kernel code generated using this commit was successfully tested on an actual GPU. Time to set up some automatic validation.
2019-10-27Separate functions into separate template filesAdrian Kummerlaender
Selection of the desired templates is possible via a new `functions` parameter.