path: root/i3wm/.i3
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-09-28Floating pinentry, better ctags bindingAdrian Kummerlaender
2017-02-26Add inner gaps mode to i3 config, restructuringAdrian Kummerlaender
2017-02-09Change font to _Iosevka_Adrian Kummerlaender
More narrow than _Fantasque Sans Mono_, nice ligations for e.g. Haskell
2017-02-04Add random bookmark command, mpd/client launcher scriptAdrian Kummerlaender
2017-01-29Implement i3 drop down terminal bound to `Menu` keyAdrian Kummerlaender
2017-01-17Change `rofi_wiki` shortcut as it conflicts with vim autocompletionAdrian Kummerlaender
2017-01-14Replace `vimwiki` with custom solution based on selected plugins and `rofi`Adrian Kummerlaender
2016-12-03Add `arbtt` to autostartAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-11-26Improve i3 menu keybindingsAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-10-28Update Rofi launcherAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-10-13Add shortcut for clipboard capture to i3 configAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-10-12Add `dict` dictionary popup terminal to scratchpadAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-09-17Remove unnecessary `no-startup-id` flagsAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-05-10Set _Zeal_ scratchpad positionAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-05-08Add _Zeal_ to autostart and scratchpadAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-04-04Add shortcut for rofi based calculatorAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-03-06Exclude _vimwiki_ pages opened in _vim_ from i3 scratchpadAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-03-05Increase flexibility of _vimwiki_ scratchpadAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-15Change font to _Fantasque Sans Mono_ and enable airline symbolsAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-13Adapt configuration to new versionAdrian Kummerlaender
i.e. `$mod` did not work anymore
2015-11-09Use `rofi` as layout selector instead of `dmenu`Adrian Kummerlaender
2015-11-08Use `rofi` as default program launcherAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-09-20Add _vim-like_ keybindings for workspace switchingAdrian Kummerlaender
* makes it easier to switch workspaces when using the laptop in an actual lap
2015-09-08Add shortcut to printscreen utilityAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-09-07Add `volumeicon` autostart to `i3` sessionAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-08-27Add TV screen modeAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-07-22Added cell phone icon for modem connectionsAdrian Kummerlaender
* renamed workspace `10` to `0`
2015-06-10Tweaked window resizing and vim navigation bindingsAdrian Kummerlaender
* halved horizontal window resize grid width * added `J` and `K` mappings for easier section navigation * fixed pentadactly `guioptions` which were incompatible with it's latest version
2015-05-26Added new "half_stack" layout and fixed apply scriptAdrian Kummerlaender
* newlines were not forwarded correctly and as such the script only supported a single layout
2015-05-26Removed special font settings of Scheme REPLAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-05-17Added custom fish prompt and changed fontAdrian Kummerlaender
* replaced the Droid family with Dejavu as it offers better readability and e.g. 0 and O are displayed differently
2015-05-15Collection of small updatesAdrian Kummerlaender
* increased shading of background terminal instances * set zathura color inversion as default
2015-02-25Added `xautolock` autostart in `i3wm`Adrian Kummerlaender
2015-02-05Reduced colors and border widths used in `i3wm`Adrian Kummerlaender
2015-01-31Tweaked pentadactyl colors and restructured i3wm configurationAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-01-05Added basic colorscheme for the _zathura_ PDF readerAdrian Kummerlaender
* removed unnecessary `source` call from `dmenu` script
2015-01-02Addded _Chicken-Scheme_ REPL config and shortcutAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-12-24Autostart `vimwiki` in `i3wm` scratchpadAdrian Kummerlaender
* added appropriate keybinding to show / hide the `vimwiki` instance
2014-12-23Centralized `dmenu` configuration in `.dmenurc`Adrian Kummerlaender
2014-12-23Further simplified `half_diquarter` layoutAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-12-22Changed `urxvt` swallowing layout to swallow anythingAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-12-22Simplified `i3` workspace button color schemeAdrian Kummerlaender
* removed unnecessary arrow focus keybindings
2014-12-21Implemented basic `i3` layout selector based on `dmenu`Adrian Kummerlaender
* `apply_layout.sh` offers a `dmenu` selection of all files in `~/.i3/layout` * the selected layout is applied to the current workspace via `i3-msg`
2014-12-21Added basic `i3` terminal layout treeAdrian Kummerlaender
* creates / swallows one half screen and two quarter screen `urxvt` instances
2014-12-04Removed `i3wm` borders, increased dmenu size and changed vim tab charAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-11-02Reduced `gvim` bordersAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-10-11Changed active workspace name color to darkAdrian Kummerlaender
* this was changed to match the window title style
2014-08-18Fixed gnome-keyring startupAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-07-05Changed i3wm color schemeAdrian Kummerlaender
* updated conky and urxvt configuration accordingly
2014-07-05Set i3bar tray screen and add texlive to $PATHAdrian Kummerlaender
* I am using a custom texlive installation which requires the path to be added manually