path: root/xorg/.Xresources
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-12-25Use plugin for dynamic font resizing in `urxvt`, decrease letter spacingAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-12-04Add keybindings for runtime font-resizing to _URxvt_ configAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-12-03Add `arbtt` to autostartAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-10-28Update Rofi launcherAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-10-20Add basic Matlab support to vimAdrian Kummerlaender
2016-02-15Change font to _Fantasque Sans Mono_ and enable airline symbolsAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-11-08Use `rofi` as default program launcherAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-05-17Added custom fish prompt and changed fontAdrian Kummerlaender
* replaced the Droid family with Dejavu as it offers better readability and e.g. 0 and O are displayed differently
2015-05-15Collection of small updatesAdrian Kummerlaender
* increased shading of background terminal instances * set zathura color inversion as default
2015-02-11Unified colors between gtk, cli and vimAdrian Kummerlaender
* changed `IncSearch` in vim colorscheme to highlight current replacement candidate * added `srfi-1` to default Chicken Scheme REPL libraries
2015-02-07Added CLI support to custom vim colorschemeAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-02-07Customized urxvt colors to match vim colorschemeAdrian Kummerlaender
2015-01-31Removed shell greeting and added urxvt fading when focus is lostAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-12-21Removed unnecessary scroll wheel plugin from urxvtAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-12-04Set `urxvt` background to blackAdrian Kummerlaender
2014-07-12Fixed vim split navigation Alt+Arrow key combinationsAdrian Kummerlaender
* moved the mappings to vimrc to enable them for both vim and gvim * added Alt+Arrow key forwarding to urxvt configuration * added default font to pentadactylrc
2014-07-11Added pentadactyl configAdrian Kummerlaender
* made urxvt background color a notch darker
2014-07-05Changed i3wm color schemeAdrian Kummerlaender
* updated conky and urxvt configuration accordingly
2014-06-12Configuration changes caused by new laptopAdrian Kummerlaender
* I recently acquired a new laptop which I am currently setting up * Updated conky to display temperature and fan speed data of Thinkpad x220 * removed notification daemon from i3 autostart, added nm-applet * prevented "Template" directory from being created * changed urxvt terminal font
2014-02-22Added xinit configuration and moved Xressources into xorg folderAdrian Kummerländer
* Xressources can contain more than just urxvt configuration and as such doesn't belong into a urxvt specific folder * xinitrc remaps caps lock to escape