path: root/codegen_lbm.py
diff options
authorAdrian Kummerlaender2019-06-09 23:57:04 +0200
committerAdrian Kummerlaender2019-06-09 23:57:04 +0200
commit71a678256d71d3942d040bbbe42d6a0270feb3cc (patch)
tree93b64ec3ebd09b8fcbd7cef4bdc3743b714074d3 /codegen_lbm.py
parent05cf82b1f6b14f01c13e438b16ac8cf86acb9544 (diff)
First test of partially generated LBM kernel
A kernel extracted from `lbn_codegen.ipynb` yields ~665 MLUPS compared to the ~600 MLUPS produced by a manually optimized kernel. Note that this new kernel currently doesn't handle boundary conditions (but dropping in a density condition doesn't impact performance).
Diffstat (limited to 'codegen_lbm.py')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/codegen_lbm.py b/codegen_lbm.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd93649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/codegen_lbm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+import pyopencl as cl
+mf = cl.mem_flags
+from string import Template
+import numpy
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import time
+kernel = """
+unsigned int indexOfDirection(int i, int j) {
+ return (i+1) + 3*(1-j);
+unsigned int indexOfCell(int x, int y)
+ return y * $nX + x;
+unsigned int idx(int x, int y, int i, int j) {
+ return indexOfDirection(i,j)*$nCells + indexOfCell(x,y);
+__global float f_i(__global __read_only float* f, int x, int y, int i, int j) {
+ return f[idx(x,y,i,j)];
+__kernel void collide_and_stream(__global __write_only float* f_a,
+ __global __read_only float* f_b,
+ __global __write_only float* moments,
+ __global __read_only int* material)
+ const unsigned int gid = indexOfCell(get_global_id(0), get_global_id(1));
+ const uint2 cell = (uint2)(get_global_id(0), get_global_id(1));
+ const int m = material[gid];
+ if ( m == 0 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const float f_curr_0 = f_i(f_b, cell.x+1, cell.y-1, -1, 1);
+ const float f_curr_1 = f_i(f_b, cell.x , cell.y-1, 0, 1);
+ const float f_curr_2 = f_i(f_b, cell.x-1, cell.y-1, 1, 1);
+ const float f_curr_3 = f_i(f_b, cell.x+1, cell.y , -1, 0);
+ const float f_curr_4 = f_i(f_b, cell.x , cell.y , 0, 0);
+ const float f_curr_5 = f_i(f_b, cell.x-1, cell.y , 1, 0);
+ const float f_curr_6 = f_i(f_b, cell.x+1, cell.y+1, -1,-1);
+ const float f_curr_7 = f_i(f_b, cell.x , cell.y+1, 0,-1);
+ const float f_curr_8 = f_i(f_b, cell.x-1, cell.y+1, 1,-1);
+ const float x0 = f_curr_0 + f_curr_1 + f_curr_2 + f_curr_3 + f_curr_4 + f_curr_5 + f_curr_6 + f_curr_7 + f_curr_8;
+ const float x1 = 2*f_curr_0;
+ const float x2 = 2*f_curr_8;
+ const float x3 = -f_curr_3 + f_curr_5;
+ const float x4 = pow(x0, -2);
+ const float x5 = 9*x4;
+ const float x6 = f_curr_0 - f_curr_8;
+ const float x7 = f_curr_1 - f_curr_7;
+ const float x8 = f_curr_2 - f_curr_6;
+ const float x9 = x6 + x7 + x8;
+ const float x10 = 6/x0;
+ const float x11 = x10*x9;
+ const float x12 = f_curr_3 - f_curr_5;
+ const float x13 = -f_curr_2 + f_curr_6 + x12 + x6;
+ const float x14 = pow(x13, 2);
+ const float x15 = 3*x4;
+ const float x16 = -x14*x15 + 2;
+ const float x17 = x11 + x16;
+ const float x18 = pow(x9, 2);
+ const float x19 = x15*x18;
+ const float x20 = -x19;
+ const float x21 = x10*x13;
+ const float x22 = x20 + x21;
+ const float x23 = 1.0/$tau;
+ const float x24 = (1.0/72.0)*x23;
+ const float x25 = 6*x4;
+ const float x26 = x18*x25;
+ const float x27 = (1.0/18.0)*x23;
+ const float x28 = x5*pow(2*f_curr_2 - 2*f_curr_6 + x3 + x7, 2);
+ const float x29 = x20 - x21;
+ const float x30 = x14*x25 + 2;
+ const float x31 = -f_curr_0 + f_curr_8 + x3 + x8;
+ const float x32 = x15*pow(x31, 2) - 2;
+ const float x33 = x19 + x32;
+ f_a[0*$nCells + gid] = f_curr_0 - x24*(72*f_curr_0 - x0*(x17 + x22 + x5*pow(-f_curr_1 + f_curr_7 - x1 + x2 + x3, 2)));
+ f_a[1*$nCells + gid] = f_curr_1 - x27*(18*f_curr_1 - x0*(x17 + x26));
+ f_a[2*$nCells + gid] = f_curr_2 - x24*(72*f_curr_2 - x0*(x17 + x28 + x29));
+ f_a[3*$nCells + gid] = f_curr_3 - x27*(18*f_curr_3 - x0*(x22 + x30));
+ f_a[4*$nCells + gid] = f_curr_4 - 1.0/9.0*x23*(9*f_curr_4 + 2*x0*x33);
+ f_a[5*$nCells + gid] = f_curr_5 - x27*(18*f_curr_5 - x0*(x29 + x30));
+ f_a[6*$nCells + gid] = f_curr_6 - x24*(72*f_curr_6 + x0*(x10*x31 + x11 - x28 + x33));
+ f_a[7*$nCells + gid] = f_curr_7 - x27*(18*f_curr_7 + x0*(x11 - x26 + x32));
+ f_a[8*$nCells + gid] = f_curr_8 - x24*(72*f_curr_8 - x0*(-x11 + x16 + x29 + x5*pow(x1 + x12 - x2 + x7, 2)));
+ moments[gid] = x0;
+class D2Q9_BGK_Lattice:
+ def idx(self, x, y):
+ return y * self.nX + x;
+ def __init__(self, nX, nY):
+ self.nX = nX
+ self.nY = nY
+ self.nCells = nX * nY
+ self.tick = True
+ self.platform = cl.get_platforms()[0]
+ self.context = cl.Context(properties=[(cl.context_properties.PLATFORM, self.platform)])
+ self.queue = cl.CommandQueue(self.context)
+ self.np_pop_a = numpy.ndarray(shape=(9, self.nCells), dtype=numpy.float32)
+ self.np_pop_b = numpy.ndarray(shape=(9, self.nCells), dtype=numpy.float32)
+ self.np_moments = numpy.ndarray(shape=(3, self.nCells), dtype=numpy.float32)
+ self.np_material = numpy.ndarray(shape=(self.nCells, 1), dtype=numpy.int32)
+ self.setup_geometry()
+ self.equilibrilize()
+ self.setup_anomaly()
+ self.cl_pop_a = cl.Buffer(self.context, mf.READ_WRITE | mf.USE_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.np_pop_a)
+ self.cl_pop_b = cl.Buffer(self.context, mf.READ_WRITE | mf.USE_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.np_pop_b)
+ self.cl_material = cl.Buffer(self.context, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.USE_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.np_material)
+ self.cl_moments = cl.Buffer(self.context, mf.READ_WRITE | mf.USE_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.np_moments)
+ self.build_kernel()
+ def setup_geometry(self):
+ self.np_material[:] = 0
+ for x in range(1,self.nX-1):
+ for y in range(1,self.nY-1):
+ if x == 1 or y == 1 or x == self.nX-2 or y == self.nY-2:
+ self.np_material[self.idx(x,y)] = 2
+ else:
+ self.np_material[self.idx(x,y)] = 1
+ def equilibrilize(self):
+ self.np_pop_a[(0,2,6,8),:] = 1./36.
+ self.np_pop_a[(1,3,5,7),:] = 1./9.
+ self.np_pop_a[4,:] = 4./9.
+ self.np_pop_b[(0,2,6,8),:] = 1./36.
+ self.np_pop_b[(1,3,5,7),:] = 1./9.
+ self.np_pop_b[4,:] = 4./9.
+ def setup_anomaly(self):
+ bubbles = [ [ self.nX//4, self.nY//4],
+ [ self.nX//4,self.nY-self.nY//4],
+ [self.nX-self.nX//4, self.nY//4],
+ [self.nX-self.nX//4,self.nY-self.nY//4] ]
+ for x in range(0,self.nX-1):
+ for y in range(0,self.nY-1):
+ for [a,b] in bubbles:
+ if numpy.sqrt((x-a)*(x-a)+(y-b)*(y-b)) < self.nX//10:
+ self.np_pop_a[:,self.idx(x,y)] = 1./24.
+ self.np_pop_b[:,self.idx(x,y)] = 1./24.
+ def build_kernel(self):
+ self.program = cl.Program(self.context, Template(kernel).substitute({
+ 'nX' : self.nX,
+ 'nY' : self.nY,
+ 'nCells': self.nCells,
+ 'tau': '0.8f'
+ })).build() #'-cl-single-precision-constant -cl-fast-relaxed-math')
+ def evolve(self):
+ if self.tick:
+ self.tick = False
+ self.program.collide_and_stream(self.queue, (self.nX,self.nY), (64,1), self.cl_pop_a, self.cl_pop_b, self.cl_moments, self.cl_material)
+ else:
+ self.tick = True
+ self.program.collide_and_stream(self.queue, (self.nX,self.nY), (64,1), self.cl_pop_b, self.cl_pop_a, self.cl_moments, self.cl_material)
+ def sync(self):
+ self.queue.finish()
+ def show(self, i):
+ cl.enqueue_copy(LBM.queue, LBM.np_moments, LBM.cl_moments).wait();
+ density = numpy.ndarray(shape=(self.nX-2, self.nY-2))
+ for y in range(1,self.nY-1):
+ for x in range(1,self.nX-1):
+ density[y-1,x-1] = self.np_moments[0,self.idx(x,y)]
+ plt.imshow(density, vmin=0.2, vmax=2.0, cmap=plt.get_cmap("seismic"))
+ plt.savefig("result/density_" + str(i) + ".png")
+def MLUPS(cells, steps, time):
+ return cells * steps / time * 1e-6
+nUpdates = 1000
+nStat = 100
+print("Initializing simulation...\n")
+LBM = D2Q9_BGK_Lattice(1024, 1024)
+print("Starting simulation using %d cells...\n" % LBM.nCells)
+lastStat = time.time()
+for i in range(1,nUpdates+1):
+ if i % nStat == 0:
+ LBM.sync()
+ #LBM.show(i)
+ print("i = %4d; %3.0f MLUPS" % (i, MLUPS(LBM.nCells, nStat, time.time() - lastStat)))
+ lastStat = time.time()
+ LBM.evolve()