path: root/boltzgen
diff options
authorAdrian Kummerlaender2019-11-10 21:14:07 +0100
committerAdrian Kummerlaender2019-11-10 21:18:57 +0100
commit4a2885ad3ae0396486d288df94339d0c45e6db8b (patch)
tree1a0b5aa000bbcde65fa020381a02b19bb452e284 /boltzgen
parentd136bb30bc8a9393372ec905aea500a0b61000e3 (diff)
Implement basic CUDA target
Currently only for the SSS streaming pattern. CudaCodePrinter in `utility/printer.py` is required to add a 'f' suffix to all single precision floating point literals. If this is not done (when targeting single precision) most calculations happen in double precision which destroys performance. (In OpenCL this is not necessary as we can simply set the `-cl-single-precision-constant` flag. Sadly such a flag doesn't seem to exist for nvcc.)
Diffstat (limited to 'boltzgen')
11 files changed, 223 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/boltzgen/kernel/memory/precision.py b/boltzgen/kernel/memory/precision.py
index d22e922..0c52fc0 100644
--- a/boltzgen/kernel/memory/precision.py
+++ b/boltzgen/kernel/memory/precision.py
@@ -14,3 +14,6 @@ class cpp(common):
class cl(common):
+class cuda(common):
+ pass
diff --git a/boltzgen/kernel/template/bounce_back_boundary.cuda.mako b/boltzgen/kernel/template/bounce_back_boundary.cuda.mako
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09499e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boltzgen/kernel/template/bounce_back_boundary.cuda.mako
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<%namespace name="pattern" file="${'/pattern/%s.cuda.mako' % context['streaming']}"/>
+from boltzgen.utility.printer import CudaCodePrinter
+ccode = CudaCodePrinter(float_type).doprint
+subexpr, assignment = model.collision(f_eq = model.equilibrium(resolve_moments = True))
+<%call expr="pattern.operator('bounce_back_boundary')">
+% for i, expr in enumerate(subexpr):
+ const ${float_type} ${expr[0]} = ${ccode(expr[1])};
+% endfor
+% for i, c_i in enumerate(descriptor.c):
+ const ${float_type} ${assignment[i].lhs} = ${ccode(assignment[descriptor.c.index(-c_i)].rhs)};
+% endfor
diff --git a/boltzgen/kernel/template/collect_moments.cuda.mako b/boltzgen/kernel/template/collect_moments.cuda.mako
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36f03b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boltzgen/kernel/template/collect_moments.cuda.mako
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<%namespace name="pattern" file="${'/pattern/%s.cuda.mako' % context['streaming']}"/>
+from boltzgen.utility.printer import CudaCodePrinter
+ccode = CudaCodePrinter(float_type).doprint
+moments_subexpr, moments_assignment = model.moments()
+<%call expr="pattern.functor('collect_moments', [('%s*' % float_type, 'rho'), ('%s*' % float_type, 'u')])">
+% for i, expr in enumerate(moments_subexpr):
+ const ${float_type} ${expr[0]} = ${ccode(expr[1])};
+% endfor
+% for i, expr in enumerate(moments_assignment):
+% if i == 0:
+ rho[gid] = ${ccode(expr.rhs)};
+% else:
+ u[gid*${descriptor.d} + ${i-1}] = ${ccode(expr.rhs)};
+% endif
+% endfor
diff --git a/boltzgen/kernel/template/collide_and_stream.cuda.mako b/boltzgen/kernel/template/collide_and_stream.cuda.mako
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b46cf0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boltzgen/kernel/template/collide_and_stream.cuda.mako
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<%namespace name="pattern" file="${'/pattern/%s.cuda.mako' % context['streaming']}"/>
+from boltzgen.utility.printer import CudaCodePrinter
+ccode = CudaCodePrinter(float_type).doprint
+subexpr, assignment = model.collision(f_eq = model.equilibrium(resolve_moments = True))
+<%call expr="pattern.operator('collide_and_stream')">
+% for i, expr in enumerate(subexpr):
+ const ${float_type} ${expr[0]} = ${ccode(expr[1])};
+% endfor
+% for i, expr in enumerate(assignment):
+ const ${float_type} ${ccode(expr)}
+% endfor
diff --git a/boltzgen/kernel/template/equilibrilize.cuda.mako b/boltzgen/kernel/template/equilibrilize.cuda.mako
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f4cdee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boltzgen/kernel/template/equilibrilize.cuda.mako
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<%namespace name="pattern" file="${'/pattern/%s.cuda.mako' % context['streaming']}"/>
+from boltzgen.utility.printer import CudaCodePrinter
+ccode = CudaCodePrinter(float_type).doprint
+<%call expr="pattern.operator('equilibrilize')">
+% for i, w_i in enumerate(descriptor.w):
+ const ${float_type} f_next_${i} = ${ccode(w_i.evalf())};
+% endfor
diff --git a/boltzgen/kernel/template/momenta_boundary.cuda.mako b/boltzgen/kernel/template/momenta_boundary.cuda.mako
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..408a12d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boltzgen/kernel/template/momenta_boundary.cuda.mako
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<%namespace name="pattern" file="${'/pattern/%s.cuda.mako' % context['streaming']}"/>
+from boltzgen.utility.printer import CudaCodePrinter
+ccode = CudaCodePrinter(float_type).doprint
+moments_subexpr, moments_assignment = model.moments()
+collision_subexpr, collision_assignment = model.collision(f_eq = model.equilibrium(resolve_moments = False))
+<%def name="momenta_boundary(name, params)">
+<%call expr="pattern.operator('%s_momenta_boundary' % name, params)">
+% for i, expr in enumerate(moments_subexpr):
+ const ${float_type} ${expr[0]} = ${ccode(expr[1])};
+% endfor
+ ${caller.body()}
+% for i, expr in enumerate(collision_subexpr):
+ const ${float_type} ${expr[0]} = ${ccode(expr[1])};
+% endfor
+% for i, expr in enumerate(collision_assignment):
+ const ${float_type} ${ccode(expr)}
+% endfor
+<%call expr="momenta_boundary('velocity', list(map(lambda i: (float_type, 'velocity_%d' % i), range(descriptor.d))))">
+ const ${float_type} ${ccode(moments_assignment[0])}
+% for i, expr in enumerate(moments_assignment[1:]):
+ const ${float_type} ${expr.lhs} = velocity_${i};
+% endfor
+<%call expr="momenta_boundary('density', [(float_type, 'density')])">
+ const ${float_type} ${moments_assignment[0].lhs} = density;
+% for i, expr in enumerate(moments_assignment[1:]):
+ const ${float_type} ${ccode(expr)}
+% endfor
diff --git a/boltzgen/kernel/template/pattern/SSS.cuda.mako b/boltzgen/kernel/template/pattern/SSS.cuda.mako
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f571c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boltzgen/kernel/template/pattern/SSS.cuda.mako
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+<%def name="operator(name, params = None)">
+if layout.__class__.__name__ != 'SOA':
+ raise Exception('SSS pattern only works for the AOS memory layout')
+__global__ void ${name}(
+ ${float_type}** f
+% if 'cell_list_dispatch' in extras:
+ , std::size_t* cells
+ , std::size_t cell_count
+% else:
+ , std::size_t gid
+% endif
+% if params is not None:
+% for param_type, param_name in params:
+ , ${param_type} ${param_name}
+% endfor
+% endif
+) {
+% if 'cell_list_dispatch' in extras:
+ const std::size_t index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
+ if (!(index < cell_count)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const std::size_t gid = cells[index];
+% endif
+% for i, c_i in enumerate(descriptor.c):
+ ${float_type}* preshifted_f_${i} = f[${i}] + ${layout.cell_preshift('gid')};
+% endfor
+% for i, c_i in enumerate(descriptor.c):
+ const ${float_type} f_curr_${i} = *preshifted_f_${i};
+% endfor
+ ${caller.body()}
+% for i, c_i in enumerate(descriptor.c):
+ *preshifted_f_${i} = f_next_${descriptor.c.index(-c_i)};
+% endfor
+<%def name="functor(name, params = None)">
+if layout.__class__.__name__ != 'SOA':
+ raise Exception('SSS pattern only works for the AOS memory layout')
+__global__ void ${name}(
+ ${float_type}** f
+% if 'cell_list_dispatch' in extras:
+ , std::size_t* cells
+ , std::size_t cell_count
+% else:
+ , std::size_t gid
+% endif
+% if params is not None:
+% for param_type, param_name in params:
+ , ${param_type} ${param_name}
+% endfor
+% endif
+) {
+% if 'cell_list_dispatch' in extras:
+ const std::size_t index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
+ if (!(index < cell_count)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const std::size_t gid = cells[index];
+% endif
+% for i, c_i in enumerate(descriptor.c):
+ const ${float_type}* preshifted_f_${i} = f[${i}] + ${layout.cell_preshift('gid')};
+% endfor
+% for i, c_i in enumerate(descriptor.c):
+ const ${float_type} f_curr_${i} = *preshifted_f_${descriptor.c.index(-c_i)};
+% endfor
+ ${caller.body()}
diff --git a/boltzgen/kernel/template/update_sss_control_structure.cpp.mako b/boltzgen/kernel/template/update_sss_control_structure.cpp.mako
index 9197022..b7661a3 100644
--- a/boltzgen/kernel/template/update_sss_control_structure.cpp.mako
+++ b/boltzgen/kernel/template/update_sss_control_structure.cpp.mako
@@ -7,9 +7,6 @@ void update_sss_control_structure(${float_type}** f) {
${float_type}* f_old_${i} = f[${i}];
% endfor
% for i, c_i in enumerate(descriptor.c):
- f[${i}] = f_old_${descriptor.c.index(-c_i)};
-% endfor
-% for i, c_i in enumerate(descriptor.c):
- f[${i}] += ${layout.neighbor_offset(-c_i)};
+ f[${i}] = f_old_${descriptor.c.index(-c_i)} + ${layout.neighbor_offset(-c_i)};
% endfor
diff --git a/boltzgen/kernel/template/update_sss_control_structure.cuda.mako b/boltzgen/kernel/template/update_sss_control_structure.cuda.mako
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a98b94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boltzgen/kernel/template/update_sss_control_structure.cuda.mako
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+if streaming != 'SSS':
+ raise Exception('"update_sss_control_structure" function only makes sense for the SSS pattern')
+padding = (max(geometry.size_x,geometry.size_y,geometry.size_z)+1)**(descriptor.d-1)
+__global__ void init_sss_control_structure(${float_type}* f, ${float_type}** control) {
+% for i, c_i in enumerate(descriptor.c):
+ control[${i}] = f + ${padding + layout.pop_offset(i, 2*padding)};
+% endfor
+__global__ void update_sss_control_structure(${float_type}** f) {
+% for i, c_i in enumerate(descriptor.c):
+ ${float_type}* f_old_${i} = f[${i}];
+% endfor
+% for i, c_i in enumerate(descriptor.c):
+ f[${i}] = f_old_${descriptor.c.index(-c_i)} + ${layout.neighbor_offset(-c_i)};
+% endfor
diff --git a/boltzgen/utility/__init__.py b/boltzgen/utility/__init__.py
index fa9c760..5905c36 100644
--- a/boltzgen/utility/__init__.py
+++ b/boltzgen/utility/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
from . import optimizations
from . import ndindex
+from . import printer
from sympy.codegen.ast import Assignment
diff --git a/boltzgen/utility/printer.py b/boltzgen/utility/printer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b52a5e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boltzgen/utility/printer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+from sympy.printing.ccode import C99CodePrinter
+from sympy.codegen.ast import float32, float64
+class CudaCodePrinter(C99CodePrinter):
+ pass
+ def __init__(self, float_type, **args):
+ super(CudaCodePrinter, self).__init__(**args)
+ if float_type == 'float':
+ self.type_func_suffixes[float32] = 'f'
+ self.type_func_suffixes[float64] = 'f'
+ self.type_literal_suffixes[float32] = 'f'
+ self.type_literal_suffixes[float64] = 'f'