path: root/ldc_2d
diff options
authorAdrian Kummerlaender2019-10-30 19:45:39 +0100
committerAdrian Kummerlaender2019-10-30 19:45:39 +0100
commitd540b701836dbcdef727947f52a0ca01430968a6 (patch)
treedc193069a4213d1b2c0778380bbf5d2fa63dec70 /ldc_2d
parentfc58dab96f27624435a1c08480234a7c03071e27 (diff)
Rename folder, add basic README.md
Diffstat (limited to 'ldc_2d')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 497 deletions
diff --git a/ldc_2d/cpp/CMakeLists.txt b/ldc_2d/cpp/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b5fb90..0000000
--- a/ldc_2d/cpp/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
-project(ldc LANGUAGES CXX)
- set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release)
- kernel.h
- ldc.cpp
- generate.py config.py ldc.cpp.mako
- ldc
- ldc
- cxx_std_17
- target_link_libraries(
- ldc
- OpenMP::OpenMP_CXX
- )
diff --git a/ldc_2d/cpp/README.md b/ldc_2d/cpp/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e84c83..0000000
--- a/ldc_2d/cpp/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Lid driven cavity
-This example models the common lid driven cavity example.
-Note that the actual optimized C++ implementation is generated using the _boltzgen_ library.
-See `config.py` for various configuration options. Both 2D and 3D are supported.
-## Build instructions
-mkdir build
-cd build
-cmake ..
-This should result in some summarizing CLI output in addition to a `test.vtk` file for visualization in Paraview.
diff --git a/ldc_2d/cpp/config.py b/ldc_2d/cpp/config.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ed8bd5..0000000
--- a/ldc_2d/cpp/config.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-from boltzgen.lbm.model import *
-from boltzgen import Geometry
-descriptor = D2Q9
-geometry = Geometry(512, 512)
-tau = 0.52
-precision = 'single'
-## 3D LDC
-#descriptor = D3Q19
-#geometry = Geometry(64, 64, 64)
-#tau = 0.52
-#precision = 'single'
diff --git a/ldc_2d/cpp/generate.py b/ldc_2d/cpp/generate.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 4222e98..0000000
--- a/ldc_2d/cpp/generate.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import argparse
-from boltzgen import LBM, Generator, Geometry
-from boltzgen.lbm.model import D2Q9
-import config
-argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description = 'Generate a C++ implementation of a lid driven cavity simulation using LBM')
- '--output', required = False, help = 'Target directory for the generated sources')
-args = argparser.parse_args()
-lbm = LBM(config.descriptor)
-generator = Generator(
- descriptor = config.descriptor,
- moments = lbm.moments(),
- collision = lbm.bgk(f_eq = lbm.equilibrium(), tau = config.tau),
- target = 'cpp',
- precision = config.precision,
- index = 'XYZ',
- layout = 'AOS')
-if args.output is None:
- args.output = '.'
-functions = ['collide_and_stream', 'equilibrilize', 'collect_moments', 'momenta_boundary']
-with open('%s/kernel.h' % args.output, 'w') as kernel:
- kernel.write(generator.kernel(config.geometry, functions))
-ldc_src = ''
-with open('ldc.cpp.mako', 'r') as template:
- ldc_src = template.read()
-with open('%s/ldc.cpp' % args.output, 'w') as app:
- app.write(generator.custom(config.geometry, ldc_src))
diff --git a/ldc_2d/cpp/ldc.cpp.mako b/ldc_2d/cpp/ldc.cpp.mako
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d480de..0000000
--- a/ldc_2d/cpp/ldc.cpp.mako
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <memory>
-#include <vector>
-#include <chrono>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include "kernel.h"
-void collect_moments_to_vtk(const std::string& path, ${float_type}* f) {
- std::ofstream fout;
- fout.open(path.c_str());
- fout << "# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\n";
- fout << "lbm_output\n";
- fout << "ASCII\n";
-% if descriptor.d == 2:
- fout << "DIMENSIONS " << ${geometry.size_x-2} << " " << ${geometry.size_y-2} << " 1" << "\n";
-% else:
- fout << "DIMENSIONS " << ${geometry.size_x-2} << " " << ${geometry.size_y-2} << " " << ${geometry.size_z-2} << "\n";
-% endif
- fout << "X_COORDINATES " << ${geometry.size_x-2} << " float\n";
- for( std::size_t x = 1; x < ${geometry.size_x-1}; ++x ) {
- fout << x << " ";
- }
- fout << "\nY_COORDINATES " << ${geometry.size_y-2} << " float\n";
- for( std::size_t y = 1; y < ${geometry.size_y-1}; ++y ) {
- fout << y << " ";
- }
-% if descriptor.d == 2:
- fout << "\nZ_COORDINATES " << 1 << " float\n";
- fout << 0 << "\n";
- fout << "POINT_DATA " << ${(geometry.size_x-2) * (geometry.size_y-2)} << "\n";
-% else:
- fout << "\nZ_COORDINATES " << ${geometry.size_z-2} << " float\n";
- for( std::size_t z = 1; z < ${geometry.size_z-1}; ++z ) {
- fout << z << " ";
- }
- fout << "\nPOINT_DATA " << ${(geometry.size_x-2) * (geometry.size_y-2) * (geometry.size_z-2)} << "\n";
-% endif
- ${float_type} rho;
- ${float_type} u[${descriptor.d}];
- fout << "VECTORS velocity float\n";
-% if descriptor.d == 2:
- for ( std::size_t y = 1; y < ${geometry.size_y-1}; ++y ) {
- for ( std::size_t x = 1; x < ${geometry.size_x-1}; ++x ) {
- collect_moments(f, x*${geometry.size_y}+y, rho, u);
- fout << u[0] << " " << u[1] << " 0\n";
- }
- }
-% else:
- for ( std::size_t z = 1; z < ${geometry.size_z-1}; ++z ) {
- for ( std::size_t y = 1; y < ${geometry.size_y-1}; ++y ) {
- for ( std::size_t x = 1; x < ${geometry.size_x-1}; ++x ) {
- collect_moments(f, x*${geometry.size_y*geometry.size_z}+y*${geometry.size_z}+z, rho, u);
- fout << u[0] << " " << u[1] << " " << u[2] << "\n";
- }
- }
- }
-% endif
- fout << "SCALARS density float 1\n";
- fout << "LOOKUP_TABLE default\n";
-% if descriptor.d == 2:
- for ( std::size_t y = 1; y < ${geometry.size_y-1}; ++y ) {
- for ( std::size_t x = 1; x < ${geometry.size_x-1}; ++x ) {
- collect_moments(f, x*${geometry.size_y}+y, rho, u);
- fout << rho << "\n";
- }
- }
-% else:
- for ( std::size_t z = 1; z < ${geometry.size_z-1}; ++z ) {
- for ( std::size_t y = 1; y < ${geometry.size_y-1}; ++y ) {
- for ( std::size_t x = 1; x < ${geometry.size_x-1}; ++x ) {
- collect_moments(f, x*${geometry.size_y*geometry.size_z}+y*${geometry.size_z}+z, rho, u);
- fout << rho << "\n";
- }
- }
- }
-% endif
- fout.close();
-void simulate(std::size_t nStep)
- auto f_a = std::make_unique<${float_type}[]>(${geometry.volume*descriptor.q});
- auto f_b = std::make_unique<${float_type}[]>(${geometry.volume*descriptor.q});
- ${float_type}* f_prev = f_a.get();
- ${float_type}* f_next = f_b.get();
- std::vector<std::size_t> bulk;
- std::vector<std::size_t> lid_bc;
- std::vector<std::size_t> box_bc;
- for (int iX = 1; iX < ${geometry.size_x-1}; ++iX) {
- for (int iY = 1; iY < ${geometry.size_y-1}; ++iY) {
-% if descriptor.d == 2:
- const std::size_t iCell = iX*${geometry.size_y} + iY;
- if (iY == ${geometry.size_y-2}) {
- lid_bc.emplace_back(iCell);
- } else if (iX == 1 || iX == ${geometry.size_x-2} || iY == 1) {
- box_bc.emplace_back(iCell);
- } else {
- bulk.emplace_back(iCell);
- }
-% elif descriptor.d == 3:
- for (int iZ = 0; iZ < ${geometry.size_z}; ++iZ) {
- const std::size_t iCell = iX*${geometry.size_y*geometry.size_z} + iY*${geometry.size_z} + iZ;
- if (iZ == ${geometry.size_z-2}) {
- lid_bc.emplace_back(iCell);
- } else if (iX == 1 || iX == ${geometry.size_x-2} || iY == 1 || iY == ${geometry.size_y-2} || iZ == 1) {
- box_bc.emplace_back(iCell);
- } else {
- bulk.emplace_back(iCell);
- }
- }
-% endif
- }
- }
- std::cout << "#bulk : " << bulk.size() << std::endl;
- std::cout << "#lid : " << lid_bc.size() << std::endl;
- std::cout << "#wall : " << box_bc.size() << std::endl;
- std::cout << "#steps : " << nStep << std::endl;
- std::cout << std::endl;
- for (std::size_t iCell = 0; iCell < ${geometry.volume}; ++iCell) {
- equilibrilize(f_prev, f_next, iCell);
- }
- const auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
- for (std::size_t iStep = 0; iStep < nStep; ++iStep) {
- if (iStep % 2 == 0) {
- f_next = f_a.get();
- f_prev = f_b.get();
- } else {
- f_next = f_b.get();
- f_prev = f_a.get();
- }
-#pragma omp parallel for
- for (std::size_t i = 0; i < bulk.size(); ++i) {
- collide_and_stream(f_next, f_prev, bulk[i]);
- }
- ${float_type} u[${descriptor.d}] { 0. };
-#pragma omp parallel for
- for (std::size_t i = 0; i < box_bc.size(); ++i) {
- velocity_momenta_boundary(f_next, f_prev, box_bc[i], u);
- }
- u[0] = 0.05;
-#pragma omp parallel for
- for (std::size_t i = 0; i < lid_bc.size(); ++i) {
- velocity_momenta_boundary(f_next, f_prev, lid_bc[i], u);
- }
- }
- auto duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(
- std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start);
- std::cout << "MLUPS : " << nStep*${geometry.volume}/(1e6*duration.count()) << std::endl;
- collect_moments_to_vtk("test.vtk", f_next);
-int main() {
- simulate(10000);
diff --git a/ldc_2d/opencl/ldc_2d.py b/ldc_2d/opencl/ldc_2d.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ca7252..0000000
--- a/ldc_2d/opencl/ldc_2d.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-import numpy
-import time
-import matplotlib
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-from boltzgen import LBM, Generator, Geometry
-from boltzgen.lbm.model import D2Q9
-from simulation import Lattice, CellList
-def MLUPS(cells, steps, time):
- return cells * steps / time * 1e-6
-def generate_moment_plots(lattice, moments):
- for i, m in enumerate(moments):
- print("Generating plot %d of %d." % (i+1, len(moments)))
- gid = lattice.memory.gid
- velocity = numpy.reshape(
- [ numpy.sqrt(m[gid(x,y)*3+1]**2 + m[gid(x,y)*3+2]**2) for x, y in lattice.geometry.inner_cells() ],
- lattice.geometry.inner_size())
- plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
- plt.imshow(velocity, origin='lower', cmap=plt.get_cmap('seismic'))
- plt.savefig("result/ldc_2d_%02d.png" % i, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
-nUpdates = 100000
-nStat = 10000
-geometry = Geometry(512, 512)
-print("Generating kernel using boltzgen...\n")
-functions = ['collide_and_stream', 'equilibrilize', 'collect_moments', 'momenta_boundary']
-extras = ['cell_list_dispatch']
-precision = 'single'
-lbm = LBM(D2Q9)
-generator = Generator(
- descriptor = D2Q9,
- moments = lbm.moments(),
- collision = lbm.bgk(f_eq = lbm.equilibrium(), tau = 0.6),
- target = 'cl',
- precision = precision,
- index = 'ZYX',
- layout = 'SOA')
-kernel_src = generator.kernel(geometry, functions, extras)
-kernel_src += generator.custom(geometry, """
-__kernel void equilibrilize(__global ${float_type}* f_next,
- __global ${float_type}* f_prev)
- const unsigned int gid = ${index.gid('get_global_id(0)', 'get_global_id(1)')};
- equilibrilize_gid(f_next, f_prev, gid);
-__kernel void collect_moments(__global ${float_type}* f,
- __global ${float_type}* moments)
- const unsigned int gid = ${index.gid('get_global_id(0)', 'get_global_id(1)')};
- collect_moments_gid(f, moments, gid);
-print("Initializing simulation...\n")
-lattice = Lattice(geometry, kernel_src, D2Q9, precision = precision)
-gid = lattice.memory.gid
-bulk_cells = CellList(lattice.context, lattice.queue, lattice.float_type,
- [ gid(x,y) for x, y in geometry.inner_cells() if x > 1 and x < geometry.size_x-2 and y > 1 and y < geometry.size_y-2 ])
-wall_cells = CellList(lattice.context, lattice.queue, lattice.float_type,
- [ gid(x,y) for x, y in geometry.inner_cells() if x == 1 or y == 1 or x == geometry.size_x-2 ])
-lid_cells = CellList(lattice.context, lattice.queue, lattice.float_type,
- [ gid(x,y) for x, y in geometry.inner_cells() if y == geometry.size_y-2 ])
-lattice.schedule('collide_and_stream_cells', bulk_cells)
-lattice.schedule('velocity_momenta_boundary_cells', wall_cells, numpy.array([0.0, 0.0], dtype=lattice.float_type[0]))
-lattice.schedule('velocity_momenta_boundary_cells', lid_cells, numpy.array([0.1, 0.0], dtype=lattice.float_type[0]))
-print("Starting simulation using %d cells...\n" % lattice.geometry.volume)
-moments = []
-lastStat = time.time()
-for i in range(1,nUpdates+1):
- lattice.evolve()
- if i % nStat == 0:
- lattice.sync()
- print("i = %4d; %3.0f MLUPS" % (i, MLUPS(lattice.geometry.volume, nStat, time.time() - lastStat)))
- moments.append(lattice.get_moments())
- lastStat = time.time()
-print("\nConcluded simulation.\n")
-generate_moment_plots(lattice, moments)
diff --git a/ldc_2d/opencl/simulation.py b/ldc_2d/opencl/simulation.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7625609..0000000
--- a/ldc_2d/opencl/simulation.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-import pyopencl as cl
-mf = cl.mem_flags
-import numpy
-class Memory:
- def __init__(self, descriptor, geometry, context, float_type):
- self.context = context
- self.float_type = float_type
- self.size_x = geometry.size_x
- self.size_y = geometry.size_y
- self.size_z = geometry.size_z
- self.volume = self.size_x * self.size_y * self.size_z
- self.pop_size = descriptor.q * self.volume * self.float_type(0).nbytes
- self.moments_size = 3 * self.volume * self.float_type(0).nbytes
- self.cl_pop_a = cl.Buffer(self.context, mf.READ_WRITE, size=self.pop_size)
- self.cl_pop_b = cl.Buffer(self.context, mf.READ_WRITE, size=self.pop_size)
- self.cl_moments = cl.Buffer(self.context, mf.WRITE_ONLY, size=self.moments_size)
- def gid(self, x, y, z = 0):
- return z * (self.size_x*self.size_y) + y * self.size_x + x;
-class CellList:
- def __init__(self, context, queue, float_type, cells):
- self.cl_cells = cl.Buffer(context, mf.READ_ONLY, size=len(cells) * numpy.uint32(0).nbytes)
- self.np_cells = numpy.ndarray(shape=(len(cells), 1), dtype=numpy.uint32)
- self.np_cells[:,0] = cells[:]
- cl.enqueue_copy(queue, self.cl_cells, self.np_cells).wait();
- def get(self):
- return self.cl_cells
- def size(self):
- return (len(self.np_cells), 1, 1)
-class Lattice:
- def __init__(self, geometry, kernel_src, descriptor, platform = 0, precision = 'single'):
- self.geometry = geometry
- self.descriptor = descriptor
- self.float_type = {
- 'single': (numpy.float32, 'float'),
- 'double': (numpy.float64, 'double'),
- }.get(precision, None)
- self.platform = cl.get_platforms()[platform]
- self.layout = None
- self.context = cl.Context(
- properties=[(cl.context_properties.PLATFORM, self.platform)])
- self.queue = cl.CommandQueue(self.context)
- self.memory = Memory(descriptor, self.geometry, self.context, self.float_type[0])
- self.tick = False
- self.compiler_args = {
- 'single': '-cl-single-precision-constant -cl-fast-relaxed-math',
- 'double': '-cl-fast-relaxed-math'
- }.get(precision, None)
- self.build_kernel(kernel_src)
- self.program.equilibrilize(
- self.queue, self.geometry.size(), self.layout, self.memory.cl_pop_a, self.memory.cl_pop_b).wait()
- self.tasks = []
- def build_kernel(self, src):
- self.program = cl.Program(self.context, src).build(self.compiler_args)
- def schedule(self, f, cells, *params):
- self.tasks += [ (eval("self.program.%s" % f), cells, params) ]
- def evolve(self):
- if self.tick:
- self.tick = False
- for f, cells, params in self.tasks:
- f(self.queue, cells.size(), self.layout, self.memory.cl_pop_a, self.memory.cl_pop_b, cells.get(), *params)
- else:
- self.tick = True
- for f, cells, params in self.tasks:
- f(self.queue, cells.size(), self.layout, self.memory.cl_pop_b, self.memory.cl_pop_a, cells.get(), *params)
- def sync(self):
- self.queue.finish()
- def get_moments(self):
- moments = numpy.ndarray(shape=(self.memory.volume*(self.descriptor.d+1),1), dtype=self.float_type[0])
- if self.tick:
- self.program.collect_moments(
- self.queue, self.geometry.size(), self.layout, self.memory.cl_pop_b, self.memory.cl_moments)
- else:
- self.program.collect_moments(
- self.queue, self.geometry.size(), self.layout, self.memory.cl_pop_a, self.memory.cl_moments)
- cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, moments, self.memory.cl_moments).wait();
- return moments