path: root/src/shader/wrap/graphic_shader.h
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-12-18Purify collide shaderAdrian Kummerlaender
i.e. move fluid vertex placement to appropriate vertex shader. Do not amplify or shift fluid moments in any way prior to passing it to the display pipeline.
2018-12-16Generate fluid display using geometry shadersAdrian Kummerlaender
This should provide much more flexibility. For our purpose it would be useful if the vertex shader was executed after the geometry shader (to apply the projection matrix) but alas this is not the case. Thus the MVP matrix is applied during geometry construction and the vertex shader only provides density extraction.
2018-12-15Hacky D2Q9 BGK LBM on GPU using GLSL compute shadersAdrian Kummerlaender
Improvised on top of computicles's scaffolding. Works in a world where _works_ is defined as "displays stuff on screen that invokes thoughts of fluid movement".