path: root/src/core/superLattice2D.h
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authorAdrian Kummerlaender2019-06-24 14:43:36 +0200
committerAdrian Kummerlaender2019-06-24 14:43:36 +0200
commit94d3e79a8617f88dc0219cfdeedfa3147833719d (patch)
treec1a6894679563e271f5c6ea7a17fa3462f7212a3 /src/core/superLattice2D.h
Initialize at openlb-1-3
Diffstat (limited to 'src/core/superLattice2D.h')
1 files changed, 357 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/superLattice2D.h b/src/core/superLattice2D.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..514912e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/superLattice2D.h
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+/* This file is part of the OpenLB library
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Mathias J. Krause
+ * E-mail contact:
+ * The most recent release of OpenLB can be downloaded at
+ * <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+/** \file
+ * The description of a 2D super lattice -- header file.
+ */
+#include <vector>
+#include "blockLattice2D.h"
+#include "blockLatticeView2D.h"
+#include "communication/communicator2D.h"
+#include "postProcessing.h"
+#include "serializer.h"
+#include "communication/superStructure2D.h"
+#include "utilities/functorPtr.h"
+/// All OpenLB code is contained in this namespace.
+namespace olb {
+template<typename T> class Communicator2D;
+template<typename T> class CuboidGeometry2D;
+template<typename T, typename DESCRIPTOR> class BlockLattice2D;
+template<typename T, typename DESCRIPTOR> class BlockLatticeView2D;
+template<typename T> class LoadBalancer;
+template<typename T> class SuperGeometry2D;
+template<typename T, typename DESCRIPTOR> class SuperLatticeF2D;
+template<typename T> class SuperStructure2D;
+template<typename T> class SuperIndicatorF2D;
+/// A super lattice combines a number of block lattices that are ordered
+/// in a cuboid geometry.
+/** The communication between the block lattices is done by two
+ * communicators. One (_commStream) is responible to provide the data for
+ * the streaming the other (_commBC) for the non-local boundary conditions.
+ * To simplify the code structure ghost cells in an overlap of size
+ * (_overlap) is indrocuced. It depends on the non-locality of the
+ * boundary conditions but is at least one because of the streaming
+ *
+ * The algorithm is parallelized with mpi. The load balancer (_load)
+ * distributes the block lattices to processes.
+ *
+ * WARNING: For unstructured grids there is an iterpolation needed
+ * for the method buffer_outData in coboidNeighbourhood which is not
+ * yet implemented! Moreover this class needs to be chanced
+ * that the number of times steps for the collision and streaming is
+ * is dependent of the refinement level.
+ *
+ * This class is not intended to be derived from.
+ */
+template<typename T, typename DESCRIPTOR>
+class SuperLattice2D : public SuperStructure2D<T>, public BufferSerializable {
+ /// Lattices with ghost cell layer of size overlap
+ std::vector<BlockLattice2D<T,DESCRIPTOR> > _extendedBlockLattices;
+ /// View of the lattices without overlap
+ std::vector<BlockLatticeView2D<T,DESCRIPTOR> > _blockLattices;
+ /// Size of the refinement overlap
+ int _overlapRefinement;
+ /// This communicator handels the communication for the streaming
+ Communicator2D<T> _commStream;
+ /// This communicator handels the communication for the postprocessors
+ Communicator2D<T> _commBC;
+ /// Specifies if there is communication for non local boundary conditions
+ /// needed. It is automatically swichted on if overlapBC >= 1 by the
+ /// calling the constructer. (default =false)
+ bool _commBC_on;
+ /// Statistic of the super structure
+ LatticeStatistics<T> *_statistics;
+ /// Specifies if there is statistic calculated. It is always
+ /// needed for the ConstRhoBGK dynamics. (default =true)
+ bool _statistics_on;
+ /// Construction of a super lattice
+ SuperLattice2D(SuperGeometry2D<T>& superGeometry, int overlapRefinement=0);
+ SuperLattice2D(const SuperLattice2D&) = delete;
+ ~SuperLattice2D();
+ /// Read and write access to a block lattice
+ BlockLattice2D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& getExtendedBlockLattice(int locIC)
+ {
+ return _extendedBlockLattices[locIC];
+ };
+ /// Read only access to a block lattice
+ BlockLattice2D<T,DESCRIPTOR> const& getExtendedBlockLattice(int locIC) const
+ {
+ return _extendedBlockLattices[locIC];
+ };
+ /// Read and write access to a lattice (block lattice view, one
+ /// without overlap).
+ BlockLatticeView2D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& getBlockLattice(int locIC)
+ {
+ return _blockLattices[locIC];
+ };
+ /// Read only access to a lattice
+ BlockLatticeView2D<T,DESCRIPTOR> const& getBlockLattice(int locIC) const
+ {
+ return _blockLattices[locIC];
+ };
+ /// Read and write access to the streaming communicator
+ Communicator2D<T>& get_commStream()
+ {
+ return _commStream;
+ };
+ /// Read only access to the streaming communicator
+ Communicator2D<T> const& get_commStream() const
+ {
+ return _commStream;
+ };
+ /// Read and write access to the boundary communicator
+ Communicator2D<T>& get_commBC()
+ {
+ return _commBC;
+ };
+ /// Read only access to the boundary communicator
+ Communicator2D<T> const& get_commBC() const
+ {
+ return _commBC;
+ };
+ /// Return a handle to the LatticeStatistics object
+ LatticeStatistics<T>& getStatistics();
+ /// Return a constant handle to the LatticeStatistics object
+ LatticeStatistics<T> const& getStatistics() const;
+ /// Write access to lattice cells that returns false if
+ /// iX/iY is not in any of the cuboids
+ bool set(T iX, T iY, Cell<T,DESCRIPTOR> const& cell);
+ void set(Vector<int,3> pos, const Cell<T,DESCRIPTOR>& cell);
+ void get(Vector<int,3> pos, Cell<T,DESCRIPTOR>& cell) const;
+ /// Read only access to lattice cells that returns false if
+ /// iX/iY is not in any of the cuboids
+ bool get(T iX, T iY, Cell<T,DESCRIPTOR>& cell) const;
+ /// Read only access to lattice cells over the cuboid number
+ /// and local coordinates WARNING!!! NO ERROR HANDLING IMPLEMENTED!!!
+ Cell<T,DESCRIPTOR> get(int iC, int locX, int locY) const;
+ /// Write access to the memory of the data of the super structure
+ bool* operator() (int iCloc, int iX, int iY, int iData) override
+ {
+ return (bool*)&getExtendedBlockLattice(iCloc).get(iX+this->_overlap, iY+this->_overlap)[iData];
+ };
+ /// Read only access to the dim of the data of the super structure
+ int getDataSize() const override
+ {
+ return DESCRIPTOR::q;
+ };
+ /// Read only access to the data type dim of the data of the super structure
+ int getDataTypeSize() const override
+ {
+ return sizeof(T);
+ };
+ /// Initialize all lattice cells to become ready for simulation
+ void initialize();
+ /// Defines the dynamics on a domain described by an indicator
+ void defineDynamics(FunctorPtr<SuperIndicatorF2D<T>>&& indicator, Dynamics<T, DESCRIPTOR>* dynamics);
+ /// Defines the dynamics by material number
+ void defineDynamics(SuperGeometry2D<T>& superGeometry, int material, Dynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>* dynamics);
+ /// Defines rho on a rectangular domain
+ void defineRhoU (T x0, T x1, T y0, T y1, T rho, const T u[DESCRIPTOR::d] );
+ /// Defines rho and u on a domain described by an indicator
+ void defineRhoU(FunctorPtr<SuperIndicatorF2D<T>>&& indicator,
+ AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& rho, AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& u);
+ /// Defines rho and u on a domain with a particular material number
+ void defineRhoU(SuperGeometry2D<T>& sGeometry, int material,
+ AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& rho, AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& u);
+ /// Defines rho on a rectangular domain
+ void defineRho (T x0, T x1, T y0, T y1, T rho );
+ /// Defines rho on a domain described by an indicator
+ void defineRho(FunctorPtr<SuperIndicatorF2D<T>>&& indicator, AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& rho);
+ /// Defines rho on a domain with a particular material number
+ void defineRho(SuperGeometry2D<T>& sGeometry, int material, AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& rho);
+ /// Defines u on a rectangular domain
+ void defineU (T x0, T x1, T y0, T y1, const T u[DESCRIPTOR::d] );
+ /// Defines u on a domain described by an indicator
+ void defineU(FunctorPtr<SuperIndicatorF2D<T>>&& indicator, AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& u);
+ /// Defines u on a domain with a particular material number
+ void defineU(SuperGeometry2D<T>& sGeometry, int material, AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& u);
+ // Defines a population on a domain described by an indicator
+ void definePopulations(FunctorPtr<SuperIndicatorF2D<T>>&& indicator, AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& Pop);
+ // Defines a population on a domain with a particular material number
+ void definePopulations(SuperGeometry2D<T>& sGeometry, int material, AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& Pop);
+ /// Defines a field on a rectangular domain
+ template <typename FIELD>
+ void defineField (T x0, T x1, T y0, T y1, T* field );
+ /// Defines a field on a domain described by an indicator
+ template <typename FIELD>
+ void defineField(FunctorPtr<SuperIndicatorF2D<T>>&& indicator,
+ SuperLatticeF2D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& field);
+ /// Defines a field on a domain with a particular material number
+ template <typename FIELD>
+ void defineField(SuperGeometry2D<T>& sGeometry, int material,
+ SuperLatticeF2D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& field);
+ /// Defines a field on a domain described by an indicator
+ template <typename FIELD>
+ void defineField(FunctorPtr<SuperIndicatorF2D<T>>&& indicator,
+ AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& field)
+ {
+ for (int iC = 0; iC < this->_loadBalancer.size(); ++iC) {
+ _extendedBlockLattices[iC].template defineField<FIELD>(
+ indicator->getExtendedBlockIndicatorF(iC), field);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Defines a field on a domain with a particular material number
+ template <typename FIELD>
+ void defineField(SuperGeometry2D<T>& sGeometry, int material,
+ AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& field)
+ {
+ defineField<FIELD>(sGeometry.getMaterialIndicator(material), field);
+ }
+ /// Defines a field on a indicated domain
+ template <typename FIELD>
+ void defineField(SuperGeometry2D<T>& sGeometry, IndicatorF2D<T>& indicator,
+ AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& field);
+ void setExternalParticleField(SuperGeometry2D<T>& sGeometry, AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& velocity,
+ SmoothIndicatorF2D<T,T,true>& sIndicator);
+ void setExternalParticleField(SuperGeometry2D<T>& sGeometry, AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& velocity,
+ SmoothIndicatorF2D<T,T,true>& sIndicator) {};
+ template <typename FIELD>
+ void addField(SuperGeometry2D<T>& sGeometry, IndicatorF2D<T>& indicator,
+ AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& field);
+ template <typename FIELD>
+ void addField(SuperGeometry2D<T>& sGeometry, IndicatorF2D<T>& indicator,
+ AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& field,
+ AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& porous);
+ template <typename FIELD>
+ void multiplyField(SuperGeometry2D<T>& sGeometry, IndicatorF2D<T>& indicator,
+ AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& field);
+ /// Initializes the equilibrium
+ void iniEquilibrium (T x0, T x1, T y0, T y1, T rho, const T u[DESCRIPTOR::d] );
+ /// Initializes the equilibrium on a domain described by an indicator
+ void iniEquilibrium(FunctorPtr<SuperIndicatorF2D<T>>&& indicator,
+ AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& rho, AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& u);
+ /// Initializes the equilibrium on a domain with a particular material number
+ void iniEquilibrium(SuperGeometry2D<T>& sGeometry, int material,
+ AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& rho, AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& u);
+ /// Apply collision step to a rectangular domain
+ void collide(T x0, T x1, T y0, T y1);
+ /// Apply collision step to the whole domain
+ void collide();
+ /// Apply streaming step to a rectangular domain
+ void stream(T x0, T x1, T y0, T y1);
+ /// Apply streaming step to the whole domain
+ void stream();
+ /// TO BE DONE: Apply first collision, then streaming step
+ /// to a rectangular domain
+ // void collideAndStream(T x0, T x1, T y0, T y1);
+ /// Apply first collision, then streaming step
+ /// to the whole domain
+ void collideAndStream();
+ /// Subtract a constant offset from the density within the whole domain
+ void stripeOffDensityOffset (int x0_, int x1_, int y0_, int y1_, T offset );
+ /// Subtract a constant offset from the density within a rect. domain
+ void stripeOffDensityOffset(T offset);
+ /// Switches Statistics on (default on)
+ void statisticsOn()
+ {
+ _statistics_on = true;
+ };
+ /// Switches Statistics off (default on). That speeds up
+ /// the execution time.
+ void statisticsOff()
+ {
+ _statistics_on = false;
+ };
+ /// Adds a coupling generator for one partner superLattice
+ template<typename Slattice>
+ void addLatticeCoupling(LatticeCouplingGenerator2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> const& lcGen,
+ SuperLattice2D<T,Slattice>& partnerLattice );
+ /// Adds a coupling generator for one partner superLattice
+ template<typename Slattice>
+ void addLatticeCoupling(FunctorPtr<SuperIndicatorF2D<T>>&& indicator,
+ LatticeCouplingGenerator2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> const& lcGen,
+ SuperLattice2D<T,Slattice>& partnerLattice );
+ /// Adds a coupling generator for one partner superLattice
+ template<typename Slattice>
+ void addLatticeCoupling(SuperGeometry2D<T>& sGeometry, int material,
+ LatticeCouplingGenerator2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> const& lcGen,
+ SuperLattice2D<T,Slattice>& partnerLattice );
+ /// Adds a coupling generator for a multiple partner superLattice
+ template<typename Slattice>
+ void addLatticeCoupling(LatticeCouplingGenerator2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> const& lcGen,
+ std::vector<SuperLattice2D<T,Slattice>*> partnerLattices );
+ /// Adds a coupling generator for a multiple partner superLattice
+ template<typename Slattice>
+ void addLatticeCoupling(FunctorPtr<SuperIndicatorF2D<T>>&& indicator,
+ LatticeCouplingGenerator2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> const& lcGen,
+ std::vector<SuperLattice2D<T,Slattice>*> partnerLattices );
+ /// Adds a coupling generator for a multiple partner superLattice
+ template<typename Slattice>
+ void addLatticeCoupling(SuperGeometry2D<T>& sGeometry, int material,
+ LatticeCouplingGenerator2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> const& lcGen,
+ std::vector<SuperLattice2D<T,Slattice>*> partnerLattices );
+ /// Executes coupling generator for one partner superLattice
+ void executeCoupling();
+ //void communicate(bool verbose=true);
+ /// Number of data blocks for the serializable interface
+ std::size_t getNblock() const override;
+ /// Binary size for the serializer
+ std::size_t getSerializableSize() const override;
+ /// Return a pointer to the memory of the current block and its size for the serializable interface
+ bool* getBlock(std::size_t iBlock, std::size_t& sizeBlock, bool loadingMode) override;
+ /// Resets and reduce the statistics
+ void reset_statistics();
+} // namespace olb