path: root/src/functors/analytical/frameChangeF2D.hh
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authorAdrian Kummerlaender2019-06-24 14:43:36 +0200
committerAdrian Kummerlaender2019-06-24 14:43:36 +0200
commit94d3e79a8617f88dc0219cfdeedfa3147833719d (patch)
treec1a6894679563e271f5c6ea7a17fa3462f7212a3 /src/functors/analytical/frameChangeF2D.hh
Initialize at openlb-1-3
Diffstat (limited to 'src/functors/analytical/frameChangeF2D.hh')
1 files changed, 297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/functors/analytical/frameChangeF2D.hh b/src/functors/analytical/frameChangeF2D.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b9811d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/functors/analytical/frameChangeF2D.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+/* This file is part of the OpenLB library
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Mathias J. Krause, Marie-Luise Maier
+ * E-mail contact:
+ * The most recent release of OpenLB can be downloaded at
+ * <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "frameChangeF2D.h"
+#include "frameChangeF3D.h"
+#include "functors/genericF.h"
+#include "analyticalF.h"
+#include "functors/lattice/superBaseF2D.h"
+#include "geometry/superGeometry2D.h"
+#include "functors/lattice/superLatticeLocalF2D.h"
+#include "core/superLattice2D.h"
+#include "dynamics/lbHelpers.h" // for computation of lattice rho and velocity
+#include "utilities/vectorHelpers.h" // for normalize
+using namespace olb::util;
+namespace olb {
+template <typename T>
+PowerLaw2D<T>::PowerLaw2D(std::vector<T> axisPoint, std::vector<T> axisDirection, T maxVelocity, T radius, T exponent) : AnalyticalF2D<T,T>(2)
+ this->getName() = "PowerLaw2D";
+ _axisPoint.resize(2);
+ _axisDirection.resize(2);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ _axisDirection[i] = axisDirection[i];
+ _axisPoint[i] = axisPoint[i];
+ }
+ _maxVelocity = maxVelocity;
+ _radius = radius;
+ _exponent = exponent;
+template <typename T>
+PowerLaw2D<T>::PowerLaw2D(SuperGeometry2D<T>& superGeometry, int material, T maxVelocity, T distance2Wall, T exponent) : AnalyticalF2D<T,T>(2)
+ this->getName() = "PowerLaw2D";
+ _axisPoint.resize(2);
+ _axisDirection.resize(2);
+ _axisPoint = superGeometry.getStatistics().getCenterPhysR(material);
+ std::vector<int> discreteNormal = superGeometry.getStatistics().computeDiscreteNormal(material);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ _axisDirection[i] = discreteNormal[i];
+ }
+ _radius = T(distance2Wall);
+ for (int iD = 0; iD < 2; iD++) {
+ _radius += (superGeometry.getStatistics().getPhysRadius(material)[iD]);
+ }
+ _maxVelocity = maxVelocity;
+ _exponent = exponent;
+template <typename T>
+bool PowerLaw2D<T>::operator()(T output[], const T x[])
+ T d = fabs(_axisDirection[1]*(x[0] - _axisPoint[0]) - _axisDirection[0]*(x[1] - _axisPoint[1]));
+ output[0] = _maxVelocity*_axisDirection[0]*(1. - pow(d/_radius,_exponent));
+ output[1] = _maxVelocity*_axisDirection[1]*(1. - pow(d/_radius,_exponent));
+ if ( 1. - pow(d/_radius,_exponent) < 0.) {
+ output[0] = T();
+ output[1] = T();
+ }
+ return true;
+template <typename T>
+Poiseuille2D<T>::Poiseuille2D(std::vector<T> axisPoint, std::vector<T> axisDirection, T maxVelocity, T radius) : PowerLaw2D<T>(axisPoint, axisDirection, maxVelocity, radius, 2)
+ this->getName() = "Poiseuille2D";
+template <typename T>
+Poiseuille2D<T>::Poiseuille2D(SuperGeometry2D<T>& superGeometry, int material, T maxVelocity, T distance2Wall) : PowerLaw2D<T>(superGeometry, material, maxVelocity, distance2Wall, 2)
+ this->getName() = "Poiseuille2D";
+template <typename T, typename S, typename DESCRIPTOR>
+PoiseuilleStrainRate2D<T,S,DESCRIPTOR>::PoiseuilleStrainRate2D(UnitConverter<T,DESCRIPTOR> const& converter, T ly)
+ : AnalyticalF2D<T,S>(4), _lengthY(ly), _maxVelocity(converter.getCharPhysVelocity())
+ this->getName() = "PoiseuilleStrainRate2D";
+template <typename T, typename S, typename DESCRIPTOR>
+bool PoiseuilleStrainRate2D<T,S,DESCRIPTOR>::operator()(T output[], const S input[])
+ T y = input[1];
+ T DuDx = T();
+ T DuDy = (T) _maxVelocity*(-2.*(y-(_lengthY/2.))/((_lengthY/2.)*(_lengthY/2.)));
+ T DvDx = T();
+ T DvDy = T();
+ output[0] = (DuDx + DuDx)/2.;
+ output[1] = (DuDy + DvDx)/2.;
+ output[2] = (DvDx + DuDy)/2.;
+ output[3] = (DvDy + DvDy)/2.;
+ return true;
+template <typename T>
+AnalyticalPorousVelocity2D<T>::AnalyticalPorousVelocity2D(std::vector<T> axisDirection_, T K_, T mu_, T gradP_, T radius_, T eps_)
+ : AnalyticalF2D<T,T>(2), axisDirection(axisDirection_), K(K_), mu(mu_), gradP(gradP_),radius(radius_), eps(eps_)
+ this->getName() = "AnalyticalPorousVelocity2D";
+template <typename T>
+T AnalyticalPorousVelocity2D<T>::getPeakVelocity()
+ T uMax = K / mu*gradP*(1. - 1./(cosh((sqrt(1./K))*radius)));
+ return uMax/eps;
+template <typename T>
+bool AnalyticalPorousVelocity2D<T>::operator()(T output[], const T input[])
+ output[0] = K / mu*gradP*(1. - (cosh((sqrt(1./K))*(input[1] - radius)))/(cosh((sqrt(1./K))*radius)));
+ output[1] = K / mu*gradP*(1. - (cosh((sqrt(1./K))*(input[0] - radius)))/(cosh((sqrt(1./K))*radius)));
+ output[0] *= axisDirection[0]/eps;
+ output[1] *= axisDirection[1]/eps;
+ return true;
+////////// Polar & Cartesian ///////////////
+// constructor to obtain Cartesian coordinates of polar coordinates,
+// with _polarOrigin, in x-y-plane
+template<typename T, typename S>
+PolarToCartesian2D<T, S>::PolarToCartesian2D(std::vector<T> polarOrigin)
+ : AnalyticalF2D<T, S>(2),
+ _polarOrigin(polarOrigin)
+ this->getName() = "const";
+// operator returns Cartesian coordinates of polar coordinates,
+// input is x[0] = radius , x[1] = phi
+template<typename T, typename S>
+bool PolarToCartesian2D<T, S>::operator()(T output[], const S x[])
+ output[0] = x[0]*cos(x[1]) + _polarOrigin[0];
+ output[1] = x[0]*sin(x[1]) + _polarOrigin[1];
+ return true;
+// constructor to obtain polar coordinates of Cartesian coordinates
+template<typename T, typename S>
+CartesianToPolar2D<T, S>::CartesianToPolar2D(T cartesianOriginX,
+ T cartesianOriginY, T cartesianOriginZ,
+ T axisDirectionX, T axisDirectionY, T axisDirectionZ,
+ T orientationX, T orientationY, T orientationZ)
+ : AnalyticalF2D<T, S>(2)
+ _cartesianOrigin.push_back(cartesianOriginX);
+ _cartesianOrigin.push_back(cartesianOriginY);
+ _cartesianOrigin.push_back(cartesianOriginZ);
+ _axisDirection.push_back(axisDirectionX);
+ _axisDirection.push_back(axisDirectionY);
+ _axisDirection.push_back(axisDirectionZ);
+ _orientation.push_back(orientationX);
+ _orientation.push_back(orientationY);
+ _orientation.push_back(orientationZ);
+template<typename T, typename S>
+CartesianToPolar2D<T, S>::CartesianToPolar2D(std::vector<T> cartesianOrigin,
+ std::vector<T> axisDirection,
+ std::vector<T> orientation)
+ : AnalyticalF2D<T, S>(2),
+ _cartesianOrigin(cartesianOrigin),
+ _axisDirection(axisDirection),
+ _orientation(orientation)
+ this->getName() = "const";
+// operator returns polar coordinates, output[0] = radius(>= 0),
+// output[1] = phi in [0, 2Pi)
+template<typename T, typename S>
+bool CartesianToPolar2D<T, S>::operator()(T output[], const S x[])
+ //Vector<T, 3> x_rot(x[this->getSourceDim()]); //// CAUSES ERROR
+ int dim = this->getSourceDim();
+ //std::cout<<"Source dim return: "<<dim<<std::endl; //sourceDim = 2
+ Vector<T, 3> x_rot;
+ for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
+ x_rot[i] = x[i];
+ }
+ Vector<T, 3> e3(T(), T(), 1);
+ Vector<T, 3> axisDirection(_axisDirection);
+ Vector<T, 3> normal = crossProduct3D(axisDirection, e3);
+ Vector<T, 3> normalAxisDir(axisDirection);
+ normalAxisDir.normalize();
+ // if axis has to be rotated
+ if (!( util::nearZero(normalAxisDir[0]) && util::nearZero(normalAxisDir[1]) && util::nearZero(normalAxisDir[2]-1) ) ) {
+ if ( !util::nearZero(util::norm(_orientation)) ) {
+ normal = _orientation;
+ }
+ // normal is orientation direction
+ AngleBetweenVectors3D<T, S> angle(fromVector3(e3), fromVector3(normal));
+ T tmp[3] = {_axisDirection[0],_axisDirection[1],_axisDirection[2]};
+ T alpha[1] = {};
+ angle(alpha, tmp);
+ // cross is rotation axis
+ //Vector<T, 3> cross = crossProduct3D(e3, axisDirection);
+ // rotation with angle alpha to rotAxisDir
+ RotationRoundAxis3D<T, S> rotRAxis(_cartesianOrigin, fromVector3(normal), -alpha[0]);
+ T x_tmp[3] = {};
+ x_tmp[0] = x[0];
+ x_tmp[1] = x[1];
+ x_tmp[2] = x[2];
+ T tmp2[3] = {};
+ rotRAxis(tmp2,x_tmp);
+ x_rot[0] = tmp2[0];
+ x_rot[1] = tmp2[1];
+ x_rot[2] = tmp2[2];
+ }
+ // calculates r, phi related to cartesianAxisDirection and their origin
+ Vector<T, 2> difference;
+ difference[0] = x_rot[0] - _cartesianOrigin[0];
+ difference[1] = x_rot[1] - _cartesianOrigin[1];
+ T distance = T();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ distance += difference[i]*difference[i];
+ }
+ distance = sqrt(distance);
+ T phi[1] = {};
+ if (distance > T()) {
+ Vector<T, 3> e1(T(1), T(), T());
+ AngleBetweenVectors3D<T, S> angle(fromVector3(e1), fromVector3(e3));
+ T x_help[3] = {difference[0],difference[1],0.};
+ angle(phi, x_help);
+ }
+ output[0] = distance;
+ output[1] = phi[0];
+ return true;
+} // end namespace olb