path: root/src/particles/forces/interpMagForceForMagP3D.hh
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authorAdrian Kummerlaender2019-06-24 14:43:36 +0200
committerAdrian Kummerlaender2019-06-24 14:43:36 +0200
commit94d3e79a8617f88dc0219cfdeedfa3147833719d (patch)
treec1a6894679563e271f5c6ea7a17fa3462f7212a3 /src/particles/forces/interpMagForceForMagP3D.hh
Initialize at openlb-1-3
Diffstat (limited to 'src/particles/forces/interpMagForceForMagP3D.hh')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/particles/forces/interpMagForceForMagP3D.hh b/src/particles/forces/interpMagForceForMagP3D.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a088bbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/particles/forces/interpMagForceForMagP3D.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+/* This file is part of the OpenLB library
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Marie-Luise Maier, Mathias J. Krause, Sascha Janz
+ * E-mail contact:
+ * The most recent release of OpenLB can be downloaded at
+ * <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+/// Magnetic field that creates magnetization in wire has to be orthogonal to the wire.
+/// to calculate the magnetic force on particles around a cylinder
+/// (J. Lindner et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 54 (2013) 111-121)
+#ifndef InterpMagForceForMagP3D_HH
+#define InterpMagForceForMagP3D_HH
+#include <cmath>
+#include <vector>
+#include "interpMagForceForMagP3D.h"
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
+namespace olb {
+template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE, typename DESCRIPTOR>
+InterpMagForceForMagP3D<T, PARTICLETYPE, DESCRIPTOR>::InterpMagForceForMagP3D(T scale, T scaleT)
+ : Force3D<T, PARTICLETYPE>(),
+ _scale(scale),
+ _scaleT(scaleT)
+// this->_name = "InterpMagForceForMagP3D";
+template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE, typename DESCRIPTOR>
+void InterpMagForceForMagP3D<T, PARTICLETYPE, DESCRIPTOR>::applyForce(
+ typename std::deque<PARTICLETYPE<T> >::iterator p, int pInt,
+ ParticleSystem3D<T, PARTICLETYPE>& pSys)
+ std::vector < std::pair<size_t, T> > ret_matches;
+ pSys.getDetection()->getMatches(pInt, ret_matches);
+ // std::random_shuffle ( ret_matches.begin(), ret_matches.end() );
+ /*const*/ PARTICLETYPE<T>* p2 = NULL;
+ typename std::vector<std::pair<size_t, T> >::iterator it =
+ ret_matches.begin();
+ Vector<T, 3> dMom_1 = Vector<T, 3>((p->getMoment()));
+ if (dMom_1.norm() > std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon()) {
+ T m_p1 = p->getMagnetisation();
+ for (; it != ret_matches.end(); it++) {
+ if (it->second >= std::numeric_limits < T > ::epsilon()) {
+ p2 = &pSys[it->first];
+ // No magnetic force between particles which are in physcal contact
+ // if ((p2->getRad() + p->getRad()) <= std::sqrt(it->second)) {
+ // get neighbour particle moment
+ Vector<T, 3> dMom_2((p2->getMoment()));
+ if (dMom_2.norm() > std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon()) {
+ T m_p2 = p2->getMagnetisation();
+ // given moment magnitudes as scale factors
+ T m_i_scaleFactor = dMom_1.norm();
+ T m_j_scaleFactor = dMom_2.norm();
+ // normalised moment directions
+ Vector<T, 3> n_i(dMom_1);
+ n_i.normalize();
+ Vector<T, 3> n_j(dMom_2);
+ n_j.normalize();
+ // constants
+ T mu_0 = 4 * M_PI * 1.e-7; // magnetic constant
+ T mu_i = 4. / 3 * M_PI * pow(p->getRad(), 3) * m_p1 * m_i_scaleFactor ; // magnetic moment of particle i
+ T mu_j = 4. / 3 * M_PI * pow(p2->getRad(), 3) * m_p2 * m_j_scaleFactor ; // of particle j
+ //vector from particle1 to particle2
+ Vector<T, 3> r_ij;
+ //S Das wäre der Richtungsvektor von p2 zu p und nicht von p zu p2, aber die Rechung unten berücksichtigt das wohl, da richtige Ergebnisse
+ r_ij[0] = p->getPos()[0] - p2->getPos()[0];
+ r_ij[1] = p->getPos()[1] - p2->getPos()[1];
+ r_ij[2] = p->getPos()[2] - p2->getPos()[2];
+ // distance from particle1 to particle2
+ T r = r_ij.norm();
+ // normalised direction vector
+ Vector<T, 3> t_ij(r_ij);
+ t_ij.normalize();
+ // FORCE of Dipole 1 on Dipole 2
+ Vector<T, 3> mi = {n_i};
+ mi *= mu_i;
+ Vector<T, 3> mj = {n_j};
+ mj *= mu_j;
+ Vector<T, 3> rn = {r_ij};
+ rn *= -1. ;
+ normalize(rn);
+ T scalar_termF = (3 * mu_0 ) / (4 * M_PI * std::pow(r, 4));
+ Vector<T, 3> force = mj * (mi * rn) + mi * (mj * rn) + rn * (mi * mj) - 5 * rn * (mi * rn) * (mj * rn) ;
+ force *= scalar_termF;
+ // TORQUE of Dipole 1 on Dipole 2
+ // T_ij = -[(mu_0*mu_i*mu_j)/(4*M_PI*r^3)][n_i x n_j - 3(n_j * t_ij)n_i x t_ij]
+ T scalar_termT = - (mu_0 * mu_i * mu_j) / (4 * M_PI * std::pow(r, 3));
+ Vector<T, 3> torque = crossProduct3D(n_i, n_j);
+ torque -= crossProduct3D( 3 * (n_j * t_ij) * n_i, t_ij);
+ torque *= scalar_termT;
+ // Force an torque for overlapping particles
+ if ((p2->getRad() + p->getRad()) >= std::sqrt(it->second)) {
+ normalize(force);
+ torque *= 0;
+ force *= mu_0 * pow((mu_i + mu_j) / 2., 2.) / (4 * M_PI * pow(r / 2, 4.)) ;
+ }
+ p->getTorque()[0] += 0.5 * torque[0] * _scaleT;
+ p->getTorque()[1] += 0.5 * torque[1] * _scaleT;
+ p->getTorque()[2] += 0.5 * torque[2] * _scaleT;
+ p->getForce()[0] -= 0.5 * force[0] * _scale ;
+ p->getForce()[1] -= 0.5 * force[1] * _scale ;
+ p->getForce()[2] -= 0.5 * force[2] * _scale ;
+ p2->getTorque()[0] -= 0.5 * torque[0] * _scaleT;
+ p2->getTorque()[1] -= 0.5 * torque[1] * _scaleT;
+ p2->getTorque()[2] -= 0.5 * torque[2] * _scaleT;
+ p2->getForce()[0] += 0.5 * force[0] * _scale ;
+ p2->getForce()[1] += 0.5 * force[1] * _scale ;
+ p2->getForce()[2] += 0.5 * force[2] * _scale ;
+ }
+ // }
+ }
+ }
+ }