path: root/apps/adrian/cylinder2d/cylinder2d.cpp
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1 files changed, 286 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/adrian/cylinder2d/cylinder2d.cpp b/apps/adrian/cylinder2d/cylinder2d.cpp
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index 0000000..0cdfa7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/adrian/cylinder2d/cylinder2d.cpp
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+/* Lattice Boltzmann sample, written in C++, using the OpenLB
+ * library
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007, 2012 Jonas Latt, Mathias J. Krause
+ * Vojtech Cvrcek, Peter Weisbrod
+ * E-mail contact:
+ * The most recent release of OpenLB can be downloaded at
+ * <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include "olb2D.h"
+#include "olb2D.hh"
+#include <vector>
+using namespace olb;
+using namespace olb::descriptors;
+typedef double T;
+#define DESCRIPTOR D2Q9Descriptor
+const T lx = 8.0; // length of the channel
+const T ly = 2.0; // height of the channel
+const int N = 50; // resolution of the model
+const T Re = 200.; // Reynolds number
+const T baseTau = 0.8; // Relaxation time of coarsest grid
+const T maxPhysT = 60.; // max. simulation time in s, SI unit
+const T physInterval = 0.25; // interval for the convergence check in s
+const T residuum = 1e-5; // residuum for the convergence check
+void prepareGeometry(Grid2D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& grid)
+ OstreamManager clout(std::cout,"prepareGeometry");
+ clout << "Prepare Geometry ..." << std::endl;
+ auto& converter = grid.getConverter();
+ auto& sGeometry = grid.getSuperGeometry();
+ sGeometry.rename(0,1);
+ const T physSpacing = converter.getPhysDeltaX();
+ // Set material number for bounce back boundaries
+ {
+ const Vector<T,2> wallExtend {lx+physSpacing, physSpacing/2};
+ const Vector<T,2> wallOrigin {-physSpacing/4, -physSpacing/4};
+ IndicatorCuboid2D<T> lowerWall(wallExtend, wallOrigin);
+ sGeometry.rename(1,2,lowerWall);
+ IndicatorCuboid2D<T> upperWall(wallExtend, wallOrigin + Vector<T,2> {0,ly});
+ sGeometry.rename(1,2,upperWall);
+ }
+ // Set material number for inflow and outflow
+ {
+ const Vector<T,2> extend { physSpacing/2, ly};
+ const Vector<T,2> origin {-physSpacing/4, -physSpacing/4};
+ IndicatorCuboid2D<T> inflow(extend, origin);
+ sGeometry.rename(1,3,inflow);
+ IndicatorCuboid2D<T> outflow(extend, origin + Vector<T,2> {lx,0});
+ sGeometry.rename(1,4,outflow);
+ }
+ // Set material number for vertically centered obstacle
+ {
+ const Vector<T,2> origin {1.25, ly/2};
+ IndicatorCircle2D<T> obstacle(origin, 0.1);
+ sGeometry.rename(1,2,obstacle);
+ }
+ sGeometry.clean();
+ sGeometry.innerClean();
+ sGeometry.checkForErrors();
+ sGeometry.print();
+ clout << "Prepare Geometry ... OK" << std::endl;
+void prepareLattice(Grid2D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& grid,
+ Dynamics<T, DESCRIPTOR>& bulkDynamics,
+ sOnLatticeBoundaryCondition2D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& sBoundaryCondition)
+ OstreamManager clout(std::cout,"prepareLattice");
+ clout << "Prepare lattice ..." << std::endl;
+ auto& converter = grid.getConverter();
+ auto& sGeometry = grid.getSuperGeometry();
+ auto& sLattice = grid.getSuperLattice();
+ const T omega = converter.getLatticeRelaxationFrequency();
+ sLattice.defineDynamics(sGeometry, 0, &instances::getNoDynamics<T, DESCRIPTOR>());
+ sLattice.defineDynamics(sGeometry, 1, &bulkDynamics); // bulk
+ sLattice.defineDynamics(sGeometry, 2, &instances::getBounceBack<T, DESCRIPTOR>());
+ sLattice.defineDynamics(sGeometry, 3, &bulkDynamics); // inflow
+ sLattice.defineDynamics(sGeometry, 4, &bulkDynamics); // outflow
+ sBoundaryCondition.addVelocityBoundary(sGeometry, 3, omega);
+ sBoundaryCondition.addVelocityBoundary(sGeometry, 4, omega);
+ const T Lx = converter.getLatticeLength(lx);
+ const T Ly = converter.getLatticeLength(ly);
+ const T p0 = 8.*converter.getLatticeViscosity()*converter.getCharLatticeVelocity()*Lx/(Ly*Ly);
+ AnalyticalLinear2D<T,T> rho(-p0/lx*DESCRIPTOR<T>::invCs2, 0, p0*DESCRIPTOR<T>::invCs2+1);
+ const T maxVelocity = converter.getCharLatticeVelocity();
+ const T radius = ly/2;
+ std::vector<T> axisPoint{0, ly/2};
+ std::vector<T> axisDirection{1, 0};
+ Poiseuille2D<T> u(axisPoint, axisDirection, maxVelocity, radius);
+ sLattice.defineRhoU(sGeometry, 1, rho, u);
+ sLattice.iniEquilibrium(sGeometry, 1, rho, u);
+ sLattice.defineRhoU(sGeometry, 2, rho, u);
+ sLattice.iniEquilibrium(sGeometry, 2, rho, u);
+ sLattice.defineRhoU(sGeometry, 3, rho, u);
+ sLattice.iniEquilibrium(sGeometry, 3, rho, u);
+ sLattice.defineRhoU(sGeometry, 4, rho, u);
+ sLattice.iniEquilibrium(sGeometry, 4, rho, u);
+ sLattice.initialize();
+ clout << "Prepare lattice ... OK" << std::endl;
+void getResults(const std::string& prefix,
+ Grid2D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& grid,
+ int iT, Timer<T>& timer, bool hasConverged)
+ OstreamManager clout(std::cout,"getResults");
+ auto& converter = grid.getConverter();
+ auto& sLattice = grid.getSuperLattice();
+ auto& sGeometry = grid.getSuperGeometry();
+ SuperVTMwriter2D<T> vtmWriter(prefix + "cylinder2d");
+ SuperLatticePhysVelocity2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> velocity(sLattice, converter);
+ SuperLatticePhysPressure2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> pressure(sLattice, converter);
+ SuperLatticeGeometry2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> geometry(sLattice, sGeometry);
+ vtmWriter.addFunctor(geometry);
+ vtmWriter.addFunctor(velocity);
+ vtmWriter.addFunctor(pressure);
+ const int statIter = converter.getLatticeTime(maxPhysT/10.);
+ if (iT==0) {
+ vtmWriter.createMasterFile();
+ }
+ if (iT%20==0) {
+ vtmWriter.write(iT);
+ }
+ if (iT%statIter==0 || hasConverged) {
+ timer.update(iT);
+ timer.printStep();
+ sLattice.getStatistics().print(iT,converter.getPhysTime(iT));
+ }
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ olbInit(&argc, &argv);
+ singleton::directories().setOutputDir("./tmp/");
+ OstreamManager clout(std::cout,"main");
+ const Vector<T,2> coarseOrigin {0.0, 0.0};
+ const Vector<T,2> coarseExtend {lx, ly};
+ IndicatorCuboid2D<T> coarseCuboid(coarseExtend, coarseOrigin);
+ Grid2D<T,DESCRIPTOR> coarseGrid(coarseCuboid, N, baseTau, Re);
+ prepareGeometry(coarseGrid);
+ const Vector<T,2> fineExtend {3.0, 1.5};
+ const Vector<T,2> fineOrigin {0.8, (ly-fineExtend[1])/2};
+ auto& fineGrid = coarseGrid.refine(fineOrigin, fineExtend);
+ prepareGeometry(fineGrid);
+ auto refinedOverlap = fineGrid.getRefinedOverlap();
+ coarseGrid.getSuperGeometry().rename(1,0,*refinedOverlap);
+ coarseGrid.getSuperGeometry().rename(2,0,*refinedOverlap);
+ BGKdynamics<T, DESCRIPTOR> coarseBulkDynamics(
+ coarseGrid.getConverter().getLatticeRelaxationFrequency(),
+ instances::getBulkMomenta<T, DESCRIPTOR>());
+ sOnLatticeBoundaryCondition2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> coarseSBoundaryCondition(coarseGrid.getSuperLattice());
+ createLocalBoundaryCondition2D<T, DESCRIPTOR>(coarseSBoundaryCondition);
+ prepareLattice(coarseGrid, coarseBulkDynamics, coarseSBoundaryCondition);
+ BGKdynamics<T, DESCRIPTOR> fineBulkDynamics(
+ fineGrid.getConverter().getLatticeRelaxationFrequency(),
+ instances::getBulkMomenta<T, DESCRIPTOR>());
+ sOnLatticeBoundaryCondition2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> fineSBoundaryCondition(fineGrid.getSuperLattice());
+ createLocalBoundaryCondition2D<T, DESCRIPTOR>(fineSBoundaryCondition);
+ const Vector<T,2> fineExtend2 {0.6, 0.4};
+ const Vector<T,2> fineOrigin2 {1.05, (ly-fineExtend2[1])/2};
+ auto& fineGrid2 = fineGrid.refine(fineOrigin2, fineExtend2);
+ prepareGeometry(fineGrid2);
+ auto refinedOverlap2 = fineGrid2.getRefinedOverlap();
+ fineGrid.getSuperGeometry().rename(1,0,*refinedOverlap2);
+ fineGrid.getSuperGeometry().rename(2,0,*refinedOverlap2);
+ prepareLattice(fineGrid, fineBulkDynamics, fineSBoundaryCondition);
+ BGKdynamics<T, DESCRIPTOR> fineBulkDynamics2(
+ fineGrid2.getConverter().getLatticeRelaxationFrequency(),
+ instances::getBulkMomenta<T, DESCRIPTOR>());
+ sOnLatticeBoundaryCondition2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> fineSBoundaryCondition2(fineGrid2.getSuperLattice());
+ createLocalBoundaryCondition2D<T, DESCRIPTOR>(fineSBoundaryCondition2);
+ prepareLattice(fineGrid2, fineBulkDynamics2, fineSBoundaryCondition2);
+ clout << "starting simulation..." << endl;
+ Timer<T> timer(
+ coarseGrid.getConverter().getLatticeTime(maxPhysT),
+ coarseGrid.getSuperGeometry().getStatistics().getNvoxel());
+ util::ValueTracer<T> converge(
+ fineGrid2.getConverter().getLatticeTime(physInterval),
+ residuum);
+ timer.start();
+ for (int iT = 0; iT < coarseGrid.getConverter().getLatticeTime(maxPhysT); ++iT) {
+ if (converge.hasConverged()) {
+ clout << "Simulation converged." << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ coarseGrid.collideAndStream();
+ getResults(
+ "coarse_",
+ coarseGrid,
+ iT,
+ timer,
+ converge.hasConverged());
+ getResults(
+ "fine_",
+ fineGrid,
+ iT,
+ timer,
+ converge.hasConverged());
+ getResults(
+ "fine2_",
+ fineGrid2,
+ iT,
+ timer,
+ converge.hasConverged());
+ converge.takeValue(fineGrid2.getSuperLattice().getStatistics().getAverageEnergy(), true);
+ }
+ timer.stop();
+ timer.printSummary();