path: root/src/core/unitConverter.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/core/unitConverter.h')
1 files changed, 428 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/unitConverter.h b/src/core/unitConverter.h
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index 0000000..e628dd4
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+++ b/src/core/unitConverter.h
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+/* This file is part of the OpenLB library
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Max Gaedtke, Albert Mink
+ * E-mail contact:
+ * The most recent release of OpenLB can be downloaded at
+ * <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+/** \file
+ * Unit conversion handling -- header file.
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include "io/ostreamManager.h"
+#include "core/util.h"
+#include "io/xmlReader.h"
+// known design issues
+// 1. How can we prevent abuse of constructur by mixing up parameters?
+// 2. physical problems may have different names for viscosity, e.g. diffusity, temperature conductivity
+// 4. Feedback about stability or comment the chosen discretization
+// 5. Explain why Desctiptor as template
+// 6. Is it worth to introduce invConversionDensity to avoid division
+/// All OpenLB code is contained in this namespace.
+namespace olb {
+/** Conversion between physical and lattice units, as well as discretization.
+* Be aware of the nomenclature:
+* We distingish between physical (dimensioned) and lattice (dimensionless) values.
+* A specific conversion factor maps the two different scopes,
+* e.g. __physLength = conversionLength * latticeLength__
+* For pressure and temperature we first shift the physical values by a characteristic value to asure a lattice pressure and lattice temperature between 0 and 1, e.g. __physPressure - charPhysPressure = conversionPressure * latticePressure__
+* \param latticeRelaxationTime relaxation time, have to be greater than 0.5!
+* - - -
+* \param physViscosity physical kinematic viscosity in __m^2 / s__
+* \param physDensity physical density in __kg / m^3__
+* - - -
+* \param conversionLength conversion factor for length __m__
+* \param conversionTime conversion factor for time __s__
+* \param conversionMass conversion factor for mass __kg__
+* - - -
+* \param conversionVelocity conversion velocity __m / s__
+* \param conversionViscosity conversion kinematic viscosity __m^2 / s__
+* \param conversionDensity conversion density __kg / m^3__
+* \param conversionForce conversion force __kg m / s^2__
+* \param conversionPressure conversion pressure __kg / m s^2__
+* - - -
+* \param resolution number of grid points per charPhysLength
+* - - -
+* \param charLatticeVelocity
+template <typename T, typename DESCRIPTOR>
+class UnitConverter {
+ /** Documentation of constructor:
+ * \param physDeltaX spacing between two lattice cells in __m__
+ * \param physDeltaT time step in __s__
+ * \param charPhysLength reference/characteristic length of simulation geometry in __m__
+ * \param charPhysVelocity maximal or highest expected velocity during simulation in __m / s__
+ * \param physViscosity physical kinematic viscosity in __m^2 / s__
+ * \param physDensity physical density in __kg / m^3__
+ * \param charPhysPressure reference/characteristic physical pressure in Pa = kg / m s^2
+ */
+ constexpr UnitConverter( T physDeltaX, T physDeltaT, T charPhysLength, T charPhysVelocity,
+ T physViscosity, T physDensity, T charPhysPressure = 0 )
+ : _conversionLength(physDeltaX),
+ _conversionTime(physDeltaT),
+ _conversionVelocity(_conversionLength / _conversionTime),
+ _conversionDensity(physDensity),
+ _conversionMass( _conversionDensity * pow(_conversionLength, 3) ),
+ _conversionViscosity(_conversionLength * _conversionLength / _conversionTime),
+ _conversionForce( _conversionMass * _conversionLength / (_conversionTime * _conversionTime) ),
+ _conversionPressure( _conversionForce / pow(_conversionLength, 2) ),
+ _charPhysLength(charPhysLength),
+ _charPhysVelocity(charPhysVelocity),
+ _physViscosity(physViscosity),
+ _physDensity(physDensity),
+ _charPhysPressure(charPhysPressure),
+ _resolution((int)(_charPhysLength / _conversionLength + 0.5)),
+ _latticeRelaxationTime( (_physViscosity / _conversionViscosity * descriptors::invCs2<T,DESCRIPTOR>()) + 0.5 ),
+ _charLatticeVelocity( _charPhysVelocity / _conversionVelocity ),
+ clout(std::cout,"UnitConverter")
+ {
+ }
+ virtual ~UnitConverter() = default;
+ /// return resolution
+ constexpr int getResolution( ) const
+ {
+ return _resolution;
+ }
+ /// return relaxation time in lattice units
+ constexpr T getLatticeRelaxationTime( ) const
+ {
+ return _latticeRelaxationTime;
+ }
+ /// return relaxation frequency in lattice units
+ constexpr T getLatticeRelaxationFrequency( ) const
+ {
+ return 1./_latticeRelaxationTime;
+ }
+ /// return relaxation frequency in lattice units computed from given physical diffusivity in __m^2 / s__
+ template <typename DESCRIPTOR_>
+ constexpr T getLatticeRelaxationFrequencyFromDiffusivity( const T physDiffusivity ) const
+ {
+ T latticeDiffusivity = physDiffusivity / _conversionViscosity;
+ return 1.0 / ( latticeDiffusivity * descriptors::invCs2<T,DESCRIPTOR_>() + 0.5 );
+ }
+ /// return characteristic length in physical units
+ constexpr T getCharPhysLength( ) const
+ {
+ return _charPhysLength;
+ }
+ /// return characteristic velocity in physical units
+ constexpr T getCharPhysVelocity( ) const
+ {
+ return _charPhysVelocity;
+ }
+ /// return characteristic velocity in lattice units
+ constexpr T getCharLatticeVelocity( ) const
+ {
+ return _charLatticeVelocity;
+ }
+ /// return viscosity in physical units
+ constexpr T getPhysViscosity( ) const
+ {
+ return _physViscosity;
+ }
+ /// return density in physical units
+ constexpr T getPhysDensity( ) const
+ {
+ return _physDensity;
+ }
+ /// return characteristic pressure in physical units
+ constexpr T getCharPhysPressure( ) const
+ {
+ return _charPhysPressure;
+ }
+ /// return Reynolds number
+ constexpr T getReynoldsNumber( ) const
+ {
+ return _charPhysVelocity * _charPhysLength / _physViscosity;
+ }
+ /// return Mach number
+ constexpr T getMachNumber( ) const
+ {
+ return getCharLatticeVelocity() * std::sqrt(descriptors::invCs2<T,DESCRIPTOR>());
+ }
+ /// return Knudsen number
+ constexpr T getKnudsenNumber( ) const
+ {
+ // This calculates the lattice Knudsen number.
+ // See e.g. (7.22) in "The Lattice Boltzmann Method: Principles and Practice" [kruger2017lattice].
+ return getMachNumber() / getReynoldsNumber();
+ }
+ /// conversion from lattice to physical length
+ constexpr T getPhysLength( int latticeLength ) const
+ {
+ return _conversionLength * latticeLength;
+ }
+ /// conversion from physical to lattice length, returns number of voxels for given physical length
+ constexpr int getLatticeLength( T physLength ) const
+ {
+ return int( physLength / _conversionLength + 0.5 );
+ }
+ /// access (read-only) to private member variable
+ constexpr T getConversionFactorLength() const
+ {
+ return _conversionLength;
+ }
+ /// returns grid spacing (voxel length) in __m__
+ constexpr T getPhysDeltaX() const
+ {
+ return _conversionLength;
+ }
+ /// conversion from lattice to physical time
+ constexpr T getPhysTime( int latticeTime ) const
+ {
+ return _conversionTime * latticeTime;
+ }
+ /// conversion from physical to lattice time
+ constexpr int getLatticeTime( T physTime ) const
+ {
+ return int(physTime / _conversionTime + 0.5);
+ }
+ /// access (read-only) to private member variable
+ constexpr T getConversionFactorTime() const
+ {
+ return _conversionTime;
+ }
+ /// returns time spacing (timestep length) in __s__
+ constexpr T getPhysDeltaT() const
+ {
+ return _conversionTime;
+ }
+ /// conversion from lattice to physical velocity
+ constexpr T getPhysVelocity( T latticeVelocity ) const
+ {
+ return _conversionVelocity * latticeVelocity;
+ }
+ /// conversion from physical to lattice velocity
+ constexpr T getLatticeVelocity( T physVelocity ) const
+ {
+ return physVelocity / _conversionVelocity;
+ }
+ /// access (read-only) to private member variable
+ constexpr T getConversionFactorVelocity() const
+ {
+ return _conversionVelocity;
+ }
+ /// conversion from lattice to physical density
+ constexpr T getPhysDensity( T latticeDensity ) const
+ {
+ return _conversionDensity * latticeDensity;
+ }
+ /// conversion from physical to lattice density
+ constexpr T getLatticeDensity( T physDensity ) const
+ {
+ return physDensity / _conversionDensity;
+ }
+ constexpr T getLatticeDensityFromPhysPressure( T physPressure ) const
+ {
+ T latticePressure = getLatticePressure( physPressure );
+ return util::densityFromPressure<T,DESCRIPTOR>( latticePressure);
+ }
+ /// access (read-only) to private member variable
+ constexpr T getConversionFactorDensity() const
+ {
+ return _conversionDensity;
+ }
+ /// conversion from lattice to physical mass
+ constexpr T getPhysMass( T latticeMass ) const
+ {
+ return _conversionMass * latticeMass;
+ }
+ /// conversion from physical to lattice mass
+ constexpr T getLatticeMass( T physMass ) const
+ {
+ return physMass / _conversionMass;
+ }
+ /// access (read-only) to private member variable
+ constexpr T getConversionFactorMass() const
+ {
+ return _conversionMass;
+ }
+ /// conversion from lattice to physical viscosity
+ constexpr T getPhysViscosity( T latticeViscosity ) const
+ {
+ return _conversionViscosity * latticeViscosity;
+ }
+ /// conversion from physical to lattice viscosity
+ constexpr T getLatticeViscosity( ) const
+ {
+ return _physViscosity / _conversionViscosity;
+ }
+ /// access (read-only) to private member variable
+ constexpr T getConversionFactorViscosity() const
+ {
+ return _conversionViscosity;
+ }
+ /// conversion from lattice to physical force
+ constexpr T getPhysForce( T latticeForce ) const
+ {
+ return _conversionForce * latticeForce;
+ }
+ /// conversion from physical to lattice force
+ constexpr T getLatticeForce( T physForce ) const
+ {
+ return physForce / _conversionForce;
+ }
+ /// access (read-only) to private member variable
+ constexpr T getConversionFactorForce() const
+ {
+ return _conversionForce;
+ }
+ /// conversion from lattice to physical pressure
+ constexpr T getPhysPressure( T latticePressure ) const
+ {
+ return _conversionPressure * latticePressure + _charPhysPressure;
+ }
+ /// conversion from physical to lattice pressure
+ constexpr T getLatticePressure( T physPressure ) const
+ {
+ return ( physPressure - _charPhysPressure ) / _conversionPressure;
+ }
+ /// access (read-only) to private member variable
+ constexpr T getConversionFactorPressure() const
+ {
+ return _conversionPressure;
+ }
+ /// nice terminal output for conversion factors, characteristical and physical data
+ virtual void print() const;
+ void write(std::string const& fileName = "unitConverter") const;
+ // conversion factors
+ const T _conversionLength; // m
+ const T _conversionTime; // s
+ const T _conversionVelocity; // m / s
+ const T _conversionDensity; // kg / m^3
+ const T _conversionMass; // kg
+ const T _conversionViscosity; // m^2 / s
+ const T _conversionForce; // kg m / s^2
+ const T _conversionPressure; // kg / m s^2
+ // physical units, e.g characteristic or reference values
+ const T _charPhysLength; // m
+ const T _charPhysVelocity; // m / s
+ const T _physViscosity; // m^2 / s
+ const T _physDensity; // kg / m^3
+ const T _charPhysPressure; // kg / m s^2
+ // lattice units, discretization parameters
+ const int _resolution;
+ const T _latticeRelaxationTime;
+ const T _charLatticeVelocity; //
+ mutable OstreamManager clout;
+/// creator function with data given by a XML file
+template <typename T, typename DESCRIPTOR>
+UnitConverter<T, DESCRIPTOR>* createUnitConverter(XMLreader const& params);
+template <typename T, typename DESCRIPTOR>
+class UnitConverterFromResolutionAndRelaxationTime : public UnitConverter<T, DESCRIPTOR> {
+ constexpr UnitConverterFromResolutionAndRelaxationTime(
+ int resolution,
+ T latticeRelaxationTime,
+ T charPhysLength,
+ T charPhysVelocity,
+ T physViscosity,
+ T physDensity,
+ T charPhysPressure = 0) : UnitConverter<T, DESCRIPTOR>(
+ (charPhysLength/resolution),
+ (latticeRelaxationTime - 0.5) / descriptors::invCs2<T,DESCRIPTOR>() * pow((charPhysLength/resolution),2) / physViscosity,
+ charPhysLength,
+ charPhysVelocity,
+ physViscosity,
+ physDensity,
+ charPhysPressure)
+ {
+ }
+template <typename T, typename DESCRIPTOR>
+class UnitConverterFromResolutionAndLatticeVelocity : public UnitConverter<T, DESCRIPTOR> {
+ constexpr UnitConverterFromResolutionAndLatticeVelocity(
+ int resolution,
+ T charLatticeVelocity,
+ T charPhysLength,
+ T charPhysVelocity,
+ T physViscosity,
+ T physDensity,
+ T charPhysPressure = 0) : UnitConverter<T, DESCRIPTOR>(
+ (charPhysLength/resolution),
+ (charLatticeVelocity / charPhysVelocity * charPhysLength / resolution),
+ charPhysLength,
+ charPhysVelocity,
+ physViscosity,
+ physDensity,
+ charPhysPressure)
+ {
+ }
+template <typename T, typename DESCRIPTOR>
+class UnitConverterFromRelaxationTimeAndLatticeVelocity : public UnitConverter<T, DESCRIPTOR> {
+ constexpr UnitConverterFromRelaxationTimeAndLatticeVelocity(
+ T latticeRelaxationTime,
+ T charLatticeVelocity,
+ T charPhysLength,
+ T charPhysVelocity,
+ T physViscosity,
+ T physDensity,
+ T charPhysPressure = 0) : UnitConverter<T, DESCRIPTOR>(
+ (physViscosity * charLatticeVelocity / charPhysVelocity * descriptors::invCs2<T,DESCRIPTOR>() / (latticeRelaxationTime - 0.5)),
+ (physViscosity * charLatticeVelocity * charLatticeVelocity / charPhysVelocity / charPhysVelocity * descriptors::invCs2<T,DESCRIPTOR>() / (latticeRelaxationTime - 0.5)),
+ charPhysLength,
+ charPhysVelocity,
+ physViscosity,
+ physDensity,
+ charPhysPressure)
+ {
+ }
+} // namespace olb
+#include "thermalUnitConverter.h"