path: root/src/dynamics/stochasticSGSdynamics.hh
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1 files changed, 293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/dynamics/stochasticSGSdynamics.hh b/src/dynamics/stochasticSGSdynamics.hh
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index 0000000..b61958f
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+++ b/src/dynamics/stochasticSGSdynamics.hh
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+/* This file is part of the OpenLB library
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Mathias J. Krause, Jonas Latt
+ * E-mail contact:
+ * The most recent release of OpenLB can be downloaded at
+ * <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+/** \file
+ * MRT Dynamics with adjusted omega -- generic implementation.
+ */
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <limits>
+#include "stochasticSGSdynamics.h"
+#include "mrtDynamics.h"
+#include "mrtHelpers.h"
+#include "core/cell.h"
+#include "core/util.h"
+#include "math.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+using namespace std;
+namespace olb {
+/// Implementation of the Stochastic relaxation based on
+/// " A stochastic subgrid model with application to turbulent flow and scalar mixing"; Phys. of Fluids 19; 2007
+////////////////////// Class StochasticsSGSdynamics //////////////////////////
+/** \param vs2_ speed of sound
+ * \param momenta_ a Momenta object to know how to compute velocity momenta
+ * \param momenta_ a Momenta object to know how to compute velocity momenta
+ */
+template<typename T, typename DESCRIPTOR>
+StochasticSGSdynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>::StochasticSGSdynamics (
+ T omega_, Momenta<T,DESCRIPTOR>& momenta_, T turbulenceInt_, T charU_, T smagoConst_, T dx_, T dt_)
+ : MRTdynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>(omega_, momenta_),
+ turbulenceInt(turbulenceInt_),
+ smagoConst(smagoConst_),
+ charU(charU_),
+ preFactor(computePreFactor(omega_,smagoConst_) )
+ // T rtSGS[DESCRIPTOR::q]; // relaxation times vector for SGS approach.
+ // for (int iPop = 0; iPop < DESCRIPTOR::q; ++iPop)
+ // {
+ // rtSGS[iPop] = DESCRIPTOR::S[iPop];
+ // }
+ // for (int iPop = 0; iPop < DESCRIPTOR::shearIndexes; ++iPop)
+ // {
+ // rtSGS[DESCRIPTOR::shearViscIndexes[iPop]] = omega;
+ // }
+ // for (int iPop = 0; iPop < DESCRIPTOR::q; ++iPop)
+ // {
+ // for (int jPop = 0; jPop < DESCRIPTOR::q; ++jPop)
+ // {
+ // invM_S_SGS[iPop][jPop] = T();
+ // for (int kPop = 0; kPop < DESCRIPTOR::q; ++kPop)
+ // {
+ // if (kPop == jPop)
+ // {
+ // invM_S_SGS[iPop][jPop] += DESCRIPTOR::invM[iPop][kPop] *
+ // rtSGS[kPop];
+ // cout << "wert"<<iPop <<jPop << "= "<< invM_S_SGS[iPop][jPop]<< endl;
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ //
+template<typename T, typename DESCRIPTOR>
+void StochasticSGSdynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>::collide(
+ Cell<T,DESCRIPTOR>& cell,
+ LatticeStatistics<T>& statistics )
+ T rho, u[DESCRIPTOR::d], pi[util::TensorVal<DESCRIPTOR >::n];
+ T drift = computeTimeScale(preFactor, rho, pi, smagoConst, X_lang_n);
+ T result = getRandBMTrans(cell, turbulenceInt, charU);
+ // cout << "vor neu setzen: "<<X_lang_n<< endl;
+ X_lang_n = getRandomWalk(cell, drift, result);
+ // cout << "nach neu setzen: "<<X_lang_n<< endl;
+ //cout << X_lang_n<< endl;
+ // cout << drift<< endl;
+ // cout << result<< endl;
+ this->_momenta.computeAllMomenta(cell, rho, u, pi);
+ T newOmega = computeOmega(this->getOmega(), preFactor, rho, pi, X_lang_n);
+ T rtSGS[DESCRIPTOR::q]; // relaxation times vector for SGS approach.
+ for (int iPop = 0; iPop < DESCRIPTOR::q; ++iPop) {
+ rtSGS[iPop] = DESCRIPTOR::S[iPop];
+ }
+ for (int iPop = 0; iPop < DESCRIPTOR::shearIndexes; ++iPop) {
+ rtSGS[DESCRIPTOR::shearViscIndexes[iPop]] = newOmega;
+ }
+ for (int iPop = 0; iPop < DESCRIPTOR::q; ++iPop) {
+ for (int jPop = 0; jPop < DESCRIPTOR::q; ++jPop) {
+ invM_S_SGS[iPop][jPop] = T();
+ for (int kPop = 0; kPop < DESCRIPTOR::q; ++kPop) {
+ if (kPop == jPop) {
+ invM_S_SGS[iPop][jPop] += DESCRIPTOR::invM[iPop][kPop] *
+ rtSGS[kPop];
+ //cout << "wert"<<iPop <<jPop << "= "<< invM_S_SGS[iPop][jPop]<< endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ T uSqr = mrtHelpers<T,DESCRIPTOR>::mrtSGSCollision(cell, rho, u, newOmega, invM_S_SGS);
+ statistics.incrementStats(rho, uSqr);
+template<typename T, typename DESCRIPTOR>
+void StochasticSGSdynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>::setOmega(T omega)
+ this->setOmega(omega);
+ preFactor = computePreFactor(omega, smagoConst);
+template<typename T, typename DESCRIPTOR>
+T StochasticSGSdynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>::getSmagorinskyOmega(Cell<T,DESCRIPTOR>& cell, T X_lang_n )
+ T rho, uTemp[DESCRIPTOR::d], pi[util::TensorVal<DESCRIPTOR >::n];
+ this->_momenta.computeAllMomenta(cell, rho, uTemp, pi);
+ T newOmega = computeOmega(this->getOmega(), preFactor, rho, pi, X_lang_n);
+ return newOmega;
+template<typename T, typename DESCRIPTOR>
+T StochasticSGSdynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>::getRandBMTrans(
+ Cell<T,DESCRIPTOR>& cell,
+ T turbulenceInt, T CharU )
+ /// Random number generator based on Box Müller transform to produuce random normal
+ /// distributed numbers with zero mean and
+ T mean = 0.;
+ T TKE_ini = 1.5*turbulenceInt*turbulenceInt*charU*charU;
+ T velStDev = sqrt(2./3.*TKE_ini);
+ static double n2 = 0.0;
+ static int n2_cached = 0;
+ if (!n2_cached) {
+ double x, y, r;
+ do {
+ x = 2.0*rand()/RAND_MAX - 1;
+ y = 2.0*rand()/RAND_MAX - 1;
+ r = x*x + y*y;
+ } while ( util::nearZero(r) || r > 1.0);
+ {
+ double d = sqrt(-2.0*log(r)/r);
+ double n1 = x*d;
+ n2 = y*d;
+ double result = n1*velStDev + mean;
+ n2_cached = 1;
+ return result;
+ }
+ } else {
+ n2_cached = 0;
+ return n2*velStDev + mean;
+ }
+/// Create Random walk
+template<typename T, typename DESCRIPTOR>
+T StochasticSGSdynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>::getRandomWalk(
+ Cell<T,DESCRIPTOR>& cell,
+ T drift, T result)
+ /// initialisation of model standard variation, see Pope pp 484
+ T sigma = 2.3;
+ X_lang_n *=drift;
+ X_lang_n += sigma*sqrt(drift*2)*result;
+ return X_lang_n;
+/// set random walk
+// template<typename T, typename DESCRIPTOR>
+// void StochasticSGSdynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>::setRandomWalk(
+// Cell<T,DESCRIPTOR>& cell,
+// T CharU, T drift, T result )
+// {
+// /// initialisation of model standard variation, see Pope pp 484
+// T X_lang_n = getRandomWalk(cell, CharU, drift, result);
+// }
+// /// get time sclae
+template<typename T, typename DESCRIPTOR>
+T StochasticSGSdynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>::computeTimeScale(
+ T preFactor, T rho, T pi[util::TensorVal<DESCRIPTOR >::n], T smagoConst, T X_lang_n )
+ T Const = 0.2;
+ T PiNeqNormSqr = pi[0]*pi[0] + 2.0*pi[1]*pi[1] + pi[2]*pi[2];
+ if (util::TensorVal<DESCRIPTOR >::n == 6) {
+ PiNeqNormSqr += pi[2]*pi[2] + pi[3]*pi[3] + 2*pi[4]*pi[4] +pi[5]*pi[5];
+ }
+ T PiNeqNorm = sqrt(PiNeqNormSqr);
+ /// SGS dissipation is calcualted directly withou any filter size due to effeiciency in tau
+ // for post processing this has to be evaluated seperately with S_ij³
+ T diss_corr = smagoConst*smagoConst*PiNeqNorm*PiNeqNorm*PiNeqNorm*(1+ X_lang_n);
+ T tau= Const*pow(( 1. / diss_corr ), 1./3.);
+ T drift = 1./tau;
+ /// deterministic drift time scale T_L see Pope pp. 484
+ return drift;
+// // // /// set timescale
+// template<typename T, typename DESCRIPTOR>
+// void StochasticSGSdynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>::setTimeScale(
+// T preFactor, T rho, T pi[util::TensorVal<DESCRIPTOR >::n], T smagoConst, T X_lang_n)
+// {
+// T drift = computeTimeScale(preFactor, rho, pi, smagoConst, X_lang_n);
+// }
+template<typename T, typename DESCRIPTOR>
+T StochasticSGSdynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>::computePreFactor(T omega, T smagoConst)
+ return (T)smagoConst*smagoConst*descriptors::invCs2<T,DESCRIPTOR>()*descriptors::invCs2<T,DESCRIPTOR>()*2*sqrt(2);
+template<typename T, typename DESCRIPTOR>
+T StochasticSGSdynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>::computeOmega(T omega0, T preFactor, T rho, T pi[util::TensorVal<DESCRIPTOR >::n], T X_lang_n)
+ T PiNeqNormSqr = pi[0]*pi[0] + 2.0*pi[1]*pi[1] + pi[2]*pi[2];
+ if (util::TensorVal<DESCRIPTOR >::n == 6) {
+ PiNeqNormSqr += pi[2]*pi[2] + pi[3]*pi[3] + 2*pi[4]*pi[4] +pi[5]*pi[5];
+ }
+ T PiNeqNorm = sqrt(PiNeqNormSqr);
+ /// Molecular realaxation time
+ T tau_mol = 1. /omega0;
+ /// Turbulent realaxation time
+ T tau_turb = 0.5*(sqrt(tau_mol*tau_mol+(preFactor*tau_eff*PiNeqNorm*(1+X_lang_n)))-tau_mol);
+ /// Effective realaxation time
+ tau_eff = tau_mol+tau_turb;
+ T omega_new= 1./tau_eff;
+ return omega_new;